Friday, August 27, 2010

CBS5 deceased

Jeffrey Schaub sent me a list of the prime talent that have left or were removed from KPIX these past two years--

Manny Ramos

Tony Russomanno

Bill Schechner

John Lobertini

Rick Quan

Barbara Rodgers

Jeffrey Schaub

Hank Plante

Anna Werner

Lisa Chan

Sue Quan

Ana Duckworth

John Kessler

Sydnie Kohara?

Wendy Tokuda as anchor


  1. It's become clear GM's now realize their is always younger and eager who really can do the same job at a lower price. Especially to be on TV. I see many young Wendy Tokuda's at the DMV..who would love to look up from an anchor desk and just read,instead of the DMV desk. Smart too.
    What those named are learning is that their parents were right-Journalism doesn't pay. "You should have been a lawyer or Doctor for what I spent to put you through college"...

  2. Dear Anonymous,

    1. Journalism pays very well to the few who are good a it.

    2. I paid my own way through college by working summers and holiday breaks as a journalist.

    3. Dad wanted me to be an accountant. He was a great guy, but my way was a lot more fun.

  3. lol,ok Tony, I might be wrong..hey, good luck.

  4. I'm LOVIN' Anna Duckworth on KCBS! Can't wait for her to start anchoring.

  5. It is rough out there. I notice some out of work paper writers now working for AOL's network. And while it is nice to see someone hiring, all graphics, from what I heard, and upper management are still back in Manhattan. Only the reporters and sales staff are local. I don't know how much those gigs pay either but I'm guessing not much.
