Alan Colmes is a Fox News contributor, but has now devoted most of his time to his nationally syndicated radio show, (airing locally here in SF on Green 960 AM) The show airs from 9 PM to 12 and is beginning to get a lot of listener buzz. Myself included, and I'm no pushover.
Alan, OK, first question, everyone but Rahm Emanuel is ripping Obama. Your assessment of his first year?
Most presidents get a short honeymoon period and then a tough first year. Reagan’s numbers were down to 35% in year two and he’s regarded as a conservative icon. This president inherited a much worse-off country than Reagan did, his subject to a level of vilification, the likes of which we’ve never seen before. Listening to his critics, you’d think he’s an anti-American, Kenyan-born Muslim Marxist who is out to destroy our country.
I know you did radio in NY and that you were once a stand-up comic. Does that blend itself well in your new national radio gig?
It never hurts to remember that there is joke inside almost every issue, and having done stand-up helps me know when to lighten a moment. Key to any hosts success is entertainment value. No matter how good your message is, you can’t do a listenable show without it.
Give me a good joke.
Sarah Palin…that’s a political joke.
Ok, so what was the deal with the Hannity break-up? Were you just tired and ready to go solo, or did he throw his football at you?
After 12 years of battling conservatives, we elected a Democratic House, Senate, and president. My work was done.
When you coming to SF? And will you buy dinner?
I was going to go to SF until the second part of your question. Now I’m not coming.
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