I'm gonna borrow a Bill O'Reilly line and tell you, America, that yous' all are a bunch of pinheads. Twittering, facebooking, selfish yokels who wouldn't know a real problem if you're life depended on it.
Yeah, big news...NBC sucks and why the hell are we seeing tape-delayed Olympics, hockey being put on a neanderthal cable channel, cauldron malfunctions, lousy weather, Dick Ebersol's neurosis, blah, blah, blah...ain't life a frickin' bitch? Question... How much you paying to see all this? Hell, you were comped and have the best seats and all the food you could stuff down your fat ass and you're still complaining. About what? Spare me the crap. Really. Get a life. This putrid, BORING, annual flip-a-thon at NBC is about as relevant as both of my armpits. Like I said, get a damn life.
Far be it from me to defend NBC; I'm not. But it gets to the point where the complainers and their enablers, (Like a Facebook page or mass tweets and the like) don't realize it, but their disgust and anger is hollow. It actually is, again, BORING.
You want to know misery? Ask 53 million people in this country without a job what they think about tape-frickin' delayed Olympics. You want misery? Talk to Ed and Cindy in anytown, USA who just lost their house and health insurance and have 4 kids to worry about and see if they care if the Team USA hockey's win over Canada really matters in their life. Ed and Cindy don't have cable, don't know Bob Costas from Bob's big boy and right now have other things on their mind. "Do you believe in miracles?" YES!, honey, I just paid the bills and we have just enough left over to buy the kids dinner on the dollar menu at Mickey D's.
We've become a country of miscreants. We don't get it. Seriously. every business, save the funeral and mortuary assoc. is being downsized, people being out-sourced, out-screwed, their lifes' being turned to the -hits and we're concerned about Al Michaels' hairpiece and tape-delayed images from an obscure, albeit beautiful, Canadian city where a bunch of millionaire TV execs and their mistresses are blowing benjamins' at cocktail hosts' after hours in the local strip clubs. I mean, damn, are we nuts or what?
Who really gives a rat's ass about Bob Costas? Ditto Brian Williams, who just left the mountain and is on his way to part the Red sea. Brian Williams is to relevance what Mel Gibson is to emceeing a bar-mitzvah. Please people, know your priority.
In the big picture, all this crap means NOTHING. Medal counts, TV ratings, 'we're losing $248 million' memos; sorry, NBC, my heart bleeds for you; it could have been worse: you could have bought a million shares of Enron stock...Point being, we all need to get a firm grip. NBC doesn't give a -hit about you, me and the others. They're all about the bottom line and this and that; they could care less about your incessant 24/7 bitching, crapping, 'kvetching about what they should and shouldn't be doing. You can kvetch and bitch and moan, and have a mass forcackta pissed-off Woodstock and they don't care. CONCENTRATE on what matters.
Get off your couch and bitch about things that count. Don't worry about curlers and skaters and who wins American Idol. You know its always the hot chick who can sing like Aretha Franklin, but weighs about 14 pounds and looks like a Carrie Underwood cutout, so please, be real, save your anxiety for the 'stuff that matters.
While you're trolling on Facebook, (like me) do something constructive. Volunteer. Go give a buck or two to the ex-TV anchors out of work, so corporate can fly their overpaid execs to Vegas. Be nice. Be angry, do whatever the hell you wanna do, but PLEASE, stop the chronic effing bitch-a-thon at NBC and their effed-up Olympics show.
It don't matter.
Really. Smell the roses, baby. Be lucky every time you get that last paycheck and buy 12 boxes of cheetos at Costo, which you need like a hole in the head.
Think about it.
**Follow me on Twitter and Facebook.
Bread and Circuses, man!
ReplyDeleteOn one level, you are right. There are more important things to worry about. Certainly the economy is much more important than whining about NBC, a sports franchise, Gary in the Morning, or Gigglers.
But we humans are a funny lot. We got to vent and critique. Maybe we feel by voicing our opinion on a blog, Facebook, or our cyber spot of choice, we can actually affect things and have a voice while we can't always do that with the economy. We wonder why in the hell NBC didn't show the US Hockey game sunday on the big boy channel while we wait in line with 1,700 other applications for 12 work positions (yes, my current situation!). Perhaps the "false" drama gives us a distraction from the REAL drama? Maybe.
"Do you believe in miracles?" YES!, honey, I just paid the bills and we have just enough left over to buy the kids dinner on the dollar menu at Mickey D's."
....Great stuff! LOVE IT!!
And despite my "critiquing" of NBC and the Olympics, that doesn't overshadow my love of watching.
It's 2am and I'm watching Curling!!!
I think I must be enjoying it.
Or Sleep-watching!!!
But what about the children?
ReplyDeleteThere for a while, Rich, you were channeling Howard Beale.