Friday, September 18, 2009

Time puts Beck on cover; 'madman' gets more pub

Glenn Beck adorns the new cover of Time magazine. How lovely. Like Beck needs more publicity. Sort of like those pictures of Lindsey Lohan in the National Enquirer. Why bother?

Beck is a sordid, twisted, highly-paid purveyor of sensational hate and fear. Maybe borderline nuts to boot. We all sort of know that, don't we? What's Time's point? And isn't it just convenient and sweet that Time is owned by AOL/Time Warner, which owns CNN, which could only mean the right-wing echo machine will no doubt spin this Becks'-capade into another "them versus us" vendetta, right? Beck is a Fox News hound and CNN is utilizing one of its media tenets to go after Beck You just know that's how Beck's going to spin it, but hell, I bet he's also having a huge orgasm: I frickin' made the cover of Time!

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