Friday, September 18, 2009

Bay Area's LL Young secret to scoring on the first date; 'Hellllllo Burlingame'

So, its a Friday--you just scored another six-figure account and the boss has already left the office and it's time for a cold one at Perry's. You've been dying to meet Gretchen for a drink and after four dates, you feel ready to conquer. She's given you that, "what the hell; are you gonna make a move or not-- kind of look lately?"
According to Stella Dora, a certified cougar, (she's 47, professional, and seeing many qualified men), forget the stiff martini and red roses. Try Lloyd Lindsay Young. Yes THAT LL Young, KGO radio's yodelling weatherman. Uh, she tells me its the voice. Huh?

"He's just king of cute too!" Really? Like, I was thinking maybe Mike Mibach, but Lloyd Lindsay Young? "Hellllllllllo Brisbane!"

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