Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Wong's Promotion to 10 PM is Typical KTVU Move; Domino Effect


  1. The fortress is crumbling for all. The pace will only accelerate. It's palpable and their scared.

  2. Of all the possible moves they could choose from this ranks near the very bottom. What a disaster.

  3. Anyone who seriously believes that Claudine Wong is more competent and qualified than Heather Holmes and better suited to become the face of the station needs to be fired immediately.

  4. It's too bad Heather Holmes didn't get the 10pm slot, but I don't mind. I end up watching the 4 and 7:30 news anyway, more often than the 10pm news. So, I still get to see Heather!

    1. when she is on the four and the seven thirty I watch the recording and if she is not I erase it and move on. heather is always worth watching.

    2. I don’t think you will for long. I think she’s gone with the wind.

  5. Major screw job for Heather Holmes.

  6. I guess this gives Heather Holmes a clear message. To bad, she should have been given a shot.

  7. No Heather, no watch. Heather was the best interviewer and hardest worker at KTVU. Men love her too. Die, Channel Two.

  8. Replies
    1. Give the Gong to Wong. That’s my song.

  9. Claudine is so blahhhh. I'd rather have Gasia, but Heather deserved it the most.

  10. No offense, but watch the ratings plummet even further.

  11. Just vacate the time slot. Rotate between Dialing for Dollars, Creature Feature and Charley & Humphrey.

    1. KTVU go into the archives and pull up I Love Lucy, Room 222, Prisoner Cell Block H and air them at that time.

    2. Sure. Throw in Roller Derby. Bay Bombers!

    3. “ Rotate between Dialing for Dollars, Creature Feature and Charley & Humphrey.”

      You forgot Like It Or Not.

    4. 9:31. Oh, No I didn't. Insert Captain Satellite.

  12. I expected nasty comments on Claudine Wong, nothing but Whites would satisfied Asian haters

    1. 9:54. Oh. Puhleeze fortune cookie! Shove the race card. It's 2025 and they have all been invalidated. It's not hate. It's presence and she doesn't have it.

    2. I'm Asian and I don't think Claudine was the best choice. Heather, Jana, Allie, or Cristina would've been a better choice.

    3. @ 8:34 "Oh. Puhleeze fortune cookie! " Don't have to be a physiologist to see you are prejudice and hates Asians, nuff said, bet you're white as "rice"

    4. @ 8:34 "Oh. Puhleeze fortune cookie! " Don't have to be a physiologist to see you are prejudice and hates Asians, nuff said, bet you're white as "rice"

    5. @ 8:34 "Oh. Puhleeze fortune cookie! " Don't have to be a physiologist to see you are prejudice and hates Asians, nuff said, bet you're white as "rice"

    6. @ 12:14 I take it you're a "banana?"

    7. @2:18 Don't make assumptions. I literally named another Asian in my response. Claudine simply doesn't have it, as many people have already commented here.

    8. 1:16. Multiple postings and of course you took the bait. Can't differentiate between Psychologist & Physiologist eh? Prejudice? Not in this instance. It is the refuge of a weak mind, to lash out like a petulant child that doesn't get their way. Hate Asians? Not if you knew Wah Ching or Joe Boys. White as rice? Nope. My rice goes with frijoles. Adios pendejo!

    9. @ 8:34 We Chinese had endured Chinese hate from 1849 onward to present times, yes, I've/we've been subjected to Asian hate as much as hate towards Jewish people if not more, keep it up

    10. Wow Rich, I'm all for public criticism but you let these racist comments slide like it was nothing. Do better and mod your comments section better. We would never see racist comments about Black or Jewish people even get published. This is just sad.

    11. @ 8:40 Hey fuk face, ya never notice RL stupid spell check?

    12. @ 8:40 Hey fuk face, ya never notice RL stupid spell check?

  13. ILooks like many of your replies come
    From old viewers, keep in mind most of you aren’t in the right demographic. No one cares.

    1. 2:14. Its called Sarcasm and Facetiousness. REM: "Old age and treachery will always beat youth and exuberance". We care and have long memories unlike you digital babies.

  14. On Monday, ktvu proudly proclaimed Claudine Wong is Mibach’s new, permanent prime time co-anchor. So on Tuesday, Claudine anchored at 10, right? Wrong. It was Jana Katsuyama as they keep doing their weird musical anchors thing.

  15. Mibach and Wong is a laughable pairing. Heather Holmes should be the top choice with Cristina Rendon as the next option. Regardless of the female anchor the dead weight that is constipation man will sink any pairing.

    1. Constipation Mon Is grimacing and straining more than ever. Anyone who denies this hasn’t been watching or is a Mibach kissass apologist. Or is Mibach himself.

  16. Heather would be my TOP choice, but I do like Wong, and as for your Mich hatters, why? He is about the best. Sorry, Rich
