Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Special Report: KTVU Now Officially 'The Firm; Wong Pushback; Newsroom F...


  1. heather is so much better than wong. wong comes across on tv like she is playing anchor. she comes across as self conscious. and her smikes always look forced.
    i can only think that they wanted a minority in that position as opposed to the most qualified… and trust me ive worked with both of them so i know. just another reason why i NO LONGER watch KTVU. i used to be so proud to say i worked there. sadly i dont feel that way anymore. a once great station is no longer great. makes me sad.

    1. Are you blaming DEI? Thought so

  2. Heather's smart. Pack it in, reinvent yourself and embark on a new venture. Tell everyone to take flying fuck at a rolling donut and don't look back.

    1. Sadly, Heather is now, in the eyes of this business, a grandma. I like her, but I don’t think she has much of a future left.

    2. 9:28. When I said "embark on a new venture" I meant out of the industry. Interesting, how many others have done very well outside of the newsroom? PR reps, etc. She'll rebound and being under constant scrutiny isn't worth it.

  3. I cannot stand Claudine Wong grinning her teeth when reporting. Betty Yu cost cheaper for Prime Time vs Wong

  4. All them blow. Appoint Tory Gaines chief anchor. Light the place ON FIRE. Be done with it. Ch. 2 is a joke.

    1. Grl! We just happy she’s not at KRON no more. Josh P. was like fuck no we ain’t putting your dumb ass on air.

    2. 2:36 LOL agree her presentation is awful but it doesn't help that she dresses like a teenage boy on air

  5. I worked on the street with Claudine. Treated her with respect, dignity, class and professionalism She treated me the same way and with her beautiful smile.

    1. I don't doubt that at all, but as an anchor, she's bland and lacks the 'it' factor. Over the years, she smiles less and less, so she comes across as a disgruntled person on tv.

    2. Lots of people are respectful and have nice smiles. Did that mean the prime anchor material? Not necessarily.

  6. Any chance of bringing back Ask Rich? We miss it!

  7. Never thought it was a good fit for Pat Thurston, from the moment I learned she was on KCBS. Wasn't the proper format for this exceptional broadcaster, who by the way is 69, not in her 70's. Pat is a great talk show host, and interviewer. KCBS loss will be another station's gain. AL ROSSI. SAN ANSELMO, CA.

  8. Congrats to Claudine Wong, deserved the position but be prepared for Asian haters

  9. And just like that, Jana Kasuyama is anchoring tonight with Mibach. It’s so obnoxiois. Has any station done musical chairs with their anchors as much as ktvu does at 10? I’ve never seen anything like it.

    1. No, and it’s because no station is as big a clusterfuck as ktvu.

  10. Jana is anchoring tonight. So let me get this straight: Claudine Wong called in sick the day after her big promotion was announced?

    1. I noticed the same. Thought it was odd after the big announcement on all their newscasts.

  11. A lot of people think there's Sum Ting Wong with this.

  12. One more thing, how did KTVU decide to put her as the main anchor? There are better anchor or veteran anchors but why Claudine! She has been a long time field anchor promoted to weekends, still don’t get it.

  13. How did Fox screw with KTVU? Salaries go down when revenue goes down, this a FACT. Sure, a few bad personnel decisions along the way, but what "rock star" in waiting would have moved the needle for them? Heather Holmes (there is a reason she's not promoted - polling unfavorables ..comes off as though she drives to work from a trailer park in Modesto and shops at Wal Mart). Alex Savage not being picked over Mike Mibach is my only bitch. That moves the needle a tad. STILL REVENUE HAS FALLEN DRASTICLY and with that, the ability to pay big bucks!

    1. Times change, Rich should embrace them.

  14. Savage and Heather were the best duo by far, now neither of them will be picked. KTVU is a second rate news station and Heather should get a big severance check, then get a job in LA. She is LA/Fox material. Beautiful, hard-working, smart. Everyone else I have no interest in. That is it for me in the Bay Area. Google news is my go-to.

    1. Bullshit, Heather is closer to a trailer park than a gig like that!

  15. 2:32 Thanks for chiming in, Heather!

    1. > Bullshit, Heather is closer to a trailer park...

      RIGHT! LA/Fox material...

  16. ktvu anchors are a bunch of dorks

  17. Heather is ready for the networks.
