Thursday, December 19, 2024

WCBS Anchor Comes to SF But KCBS Needs More Reform


  1. WOW, WOW, WOW...
    Rich, I was going to write you about KCBS and now I don't have to. You mentioned 99.9% of the subjects that need fixing at KCBS. I hope someone at KCBS listens to your concerns. Better days ahead in 2025 for KCBS.
    Keep up the Great Blog!!!

  2. The sports fruit is back to work at KCBS, apparently his "husband" let him off all fours to resume his dooties.

  3. I see WCBS New York changed from a news station to a sports radio station relaunching ESPN New York it seems. I guess we get one of their news anchors for KCBS. Maybe we could return the favor by giving them for their new format our acclaimed talent of KNBR’s Murph (he should shut up about Boston though), Papa (especially given Buffalo roots) and silly Copey Copes with his love for SNL comedy in NY. They could also have a bunch of low cost nauseating young former frat guys, at least two who got their jobs from their daddies, with the most annoying voices and sound byte / board crap. Then, Cumulus can shut down KNBR which loses money big-time daily or go with syndicated shows the hosts pay for. Win-win.

  4. KCBS 5:03am Margie, Good Morning Early Birds then Eric's mic was off and between 5:43am to 5:58am 9 Minutes of commercials.

  5. KCBS is irredeemable, no longer listen to them for a few years already, get more information in my unlimited data smart phone

  6. This shows the greatness of MS Jennifer Seelig bringing an exceptional talent to KCBS. The Greatness of her.

    The Peter Felch

    Gainfully employed at KCBS.

    Shouout to a loyal listners.

  7. Steve Scott actually first came in on Thanksgiving Day this year. He was filling in for Patti Reising and he really sounds to be a great experienced anchor.

    Bear in mind he is a Bay Area native who grew up in San Jose
