Tuesday, December 10, 2024

The Richmond KTVU Situation Brings Forth Dilemma


  1. When you throw bloodied, fresh meat on the table and the hyenas and vultures descend to feast...consumption is an individual process. Remember: You provided the meal.

  2. He looks like he is dying in poor condition from the video curtesy of Julie.

  3. Why was the video or post even shown ? Seems a little self serving ? Not respectful at all . Does anyone else agree ? Julie wouldn’t want that of her !

    1. I agree with you 100000%. Even if she got his permission to post his photos and share his private medical information, it was still 100% self serving to get viral likes and social media attention. Shameful.

    2. One whiff of riches dung and your dick will get hard as a rock and shoot up like a fucking rocket.

    3. Narcissists are devoid of empathy. Put any moron on TV and eventually they will believe that they are the second coming of Christ.

    4. Haener could have just mentioned his hospitalization in a post with photos of him with her in the past better times. Totally classless to show that bedside charade with just a white underwear t-shirted Martin (what a strange dude), Ibanez, and others including someone photo/video-opting her of course) and not worthy of the “Housewives of Danville/BlackHawk”. by tge way, is 5:38AM really Will the Thrill? Usually he has great takes like Otis III. WTF is his of whoever's point about what the commenter said and why so crude? Talk about classless.

    5. 3:27, while I agree it’s crude and classless, fwiw, I’ve seen Will post similar comments occasionally in the past. But yes, by in large his/her commentary is typically insightful and relevant to the subject at hand.

    6. @3:27 and @1:18, nothing to be alarmed about. I usually keep it on the straight and narrow but I also like to post comments about dung, dookie, smelly asses and other crude and crass topics. You hardly ever see those comments though since Rich censors virtually all of them but every once in a blue moon he'll publish one. Happy Holidays!

  4. Julie did the right thing, there is no invasion of privacy. Her actions means more support from long time viewers and supporter of Dennis Richmond. He was the first Black anchor on Prime Time working until his retirement, well respected as well. I don’t see how Frank and Mike Mibach will get the same respect like Dennis

    1. @ 9:12 Couldn't agree more, not much coverage by other medias on Mr. Richmond; it's like Family, letting people know will bring prayers and prayers are powerful

    2. You're conflating two unrelated things. No one is talking about the "coverage." They were talking about how she did it.

    3. Coverage? That's just it, what coverage? I didn't find out about it until I saw Media 415's blog? Nothing wrong with JH's pics of Mr. Richmond

  5. Not sure if Julie gains anything other than derision for posting about DR. She can promote herself all she wants on “FacePlant” but I think DR would prefer to keep it all on the low-key. The poor guy is sick.
    I think Rich gave it the proper reporting: respectful, not intrusive, zero self promoting.

  6. Poor guy is in bad shape and obviously in distress, poor taste to post this video from the hospital.

  7. I don’t understand the mindset that once people become seriously ill near end of life or after death we can no longer bring up how they treated others if factual to the person stating such. Maybe the person needs an end of life mea culpa, especially if it was a routine trait per some commenters. None of us are perfect obviously but some flaws are worse than others and perhaps should not be overlooked. Some commenter mentioned Richmond seemingly apologized for nothing specifically at Haener’s farewell and recently…so who knows maybe he is having a mea culpa.

  8. Haener was so self serving. It’s called Cringe Julie. Miss getting attention? So you take fake pics of what a saint you are? Weak stuff Haener, weak.

    1. When I worked with her I found her a soulless empty suit that got by on her middle America looks. She has no empathy, no personality, and the IQ of a croissant.

  9. Tonite @ 5 on KTVU - We will show you what KARMA brings you.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. KTVU proves yet again it’s nothing but media manure. While the National Weather Service issued a tornado warning for San Francisco and San Mateo County at 5:50 AM, KPIX, KGO, and NBC11 jumped into action with crucial coverage. KTVU? They were busy airing religious infomercials and gave it a half-hearted mention two hours later on Mornings on 2. Absolutely disgraceful.

    1. There was no tornado in San Francisco. That was a false alarm.
      They did the right thing. Nothing.
      They have their own staff to determine weather hazards.
      Just like last weeks false alarm on the tsunami.

      Seems like alot of false alarms & fake news lately. Plus the over dramatizations of never happening weather events.

  12. Julie Haener made the stupid mistake of posting a visit to DR. She need not have posted anything but what do you expect from a rich BlackHawk bimbo? Remember it is ALL ABOUT HER.
    Now that Baby Snake Jake played his way out of the NFL, we can celebrate the removal of Julie from close ups in the seats.
    I beg you Julie Haener stop the tireless self promotion. We got it, you were somebody - now you’re just another schmuck.

    1. 8:26AM, you're spot on. If Dennis proactively asked Julie to share such personal photos and his private medical information on her personal social media account then fine, it's all good. But there's a 99.999% chance Dennis didn't make such a request. It's more likely that Julie asked him if she could post photos and his medical information to which he said yes. Two problems: 1. Dennis is clearly not in good shape and may have hard a time saying no to Julie. 2. Dennis is a private person and Julie is selfish. Any desire to share his 'update' with her followers was 100% self-serving for viral likes.

    2. 12/16, 11:24 Yup, all about the “likes” from “followers” she would blow off if they ever even looked her way to say hi unless from a fellow socialite. She can’t be bothered just like her friend (or is it boyfriend?), Mr. Ticket to Ride. Some commenter said he is a real jerk if you glance at him in Sonoma. Someone mentioned about Tolbert’s charming personality in Alameda too. These social media platforms are so surreal in appearance versus reality.
