Wednesday, August 21, 2024

KNBR Papa/Lund Tacky on Attles Tribute; Promos OMG


  1. Since Papa started working from home, he started having a IDGAD attitude. Everything from his looks to what he wears says "I'll do whatever I want"

    I like that he's open and honest about everything, but he's also a huge self-promoter.

  2. Rich, do you have opinions about Carolyn McCardle, the new Giants PA? Her career mirrors Renel's. Both were popular BA DJs with a passion for BA sports.

    1. When I lived in Pleasanton, Carolyn worked at KKIQ and did the 6-10am shift, so she was part of my morning drive. It's interesting that Carolyn and Renel both worked at 98.1 The Breeze. It's a small world.

  3. Tolbert and Copes on Al Attles. Two classless guys talking about someone who was all class. The giggling by Copey Copes.

  4. Copey Copes needs to be fired! How disrespectful to laugh and joke around during the honoring of Al Attles life. Shame on you KNBR for contiuing to have this giggling ass hat on the air.

  5. Listening to Tokes & Culbert on KNBR is an exercise in masochism. Do they ever say anything that is of importance? I think not. They are lame.

  6. Mr. Al Attles, Thank you for the 1975 season, couldn't have done it without you as the Brain, Barry as the Skill and rest of the team as the Muscle, RIP, Sir, God Bless

  7. Rest in Peace to Al Attles ❤️🙏

  8. Lieberman’s criticism of everything isn’t clever or discriminating, it’s pathological.

  9. Not a huge fan of yours Rich, but here, you nailed it! Can’t think of many people in BA sports who deserved more respect and admiration than Alvin Attles. The manner in which KNBR “handled” his passing, was just plain and simply embarrassing. This speaks volumes to their management, both locally and from a Corporate level. KNBR was so great, for so many years. It is now a decaying house that needs to be torn down.

  10. Sorry to change the subject, but MURPHY on KNBR this Morning FRI Aug 23 cannot be any worse. Pure crap. He is an idiot of the first order.
    Kids, pay attention - a degree from UCLA is useless. Murphy is no smarter than my kid’s hamster.
