Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Bay Area Media is Deadsville


  1. This country is on fumes. Oh, how I miss Wall Street w/ Louis Rukeyser and William F. Buckley's "Firing Line" and many other great minds.

    1. Nobody is watching. If you had a choice of getting lousy news or no news or only great news, what option would you choose?
      I heard some bullshit bias on the news this morning - quickly muted the billionaire mouthpiece. Nowadays we get beaten over the head with what the .00001% want, and little else. I’ll pass. My library card is a better use of time.

  2. TV, Radio, Newspapers - all going the way of the Dodo.
    Time stands still for no one.
    Eventually we will all be able to tune out the Nitwits (the folks you do not respect) and live in our own insulated little world. Kind of like how we hop in a car and drive to and from work - alone and oblivious to all those around us.
    I think isolation is under-rated, so I like escaping from the loud noisy babbling folks who are so common these days.

  3. Rich this is Lesley sabrocco agvain. on most day I have to walk arond wiht toilet paper wedged in betwene my ass track to try to keeps my underwares from gettin all brown and keep shit from squirtign out my ass

  4. When performance takes a back seat to DEI what do you expect? This country has accepted mediocrity. It's all down hill from now on!

    1. I get all the wisdom I need from Man-Bun-Man Aaron Rodgers. A media savvy savant of pigskin.

    2. Danica Patrick was smart enough to dump the Pigskin chucker, just as his family had done. Having Rodgers speak is like interpreting Dog Shit for a possible typhoon: a fool’s errand.

  5. Bay Area media “ serving the best interests of the community.?” Seriously? The only interests they serve are those of mega-media moguls who know squat about the media. One of the reasons Americans are so misinformed today is that the quality of broadcasteing has gone into the toilet since these mega companies were allowed to buy numerous outlets and downsize the product. So we get syndicated radio and TV shows as opposed to local shows. And we get hate mongers such as Hannity , and theater mevrakky unbalanced egotist Michael Savage Telling us what is real and what isn’t. No wonder we have a bunch of nitwits in this country who voted for Donald Trump.

    1. @6:35 unlike the party of “science” that believes there are 100 genders and the hate mongers like Rachel Maddow ?

    2. No. The reason most Americans are so misinformed is because many are functional illiterates. They lack the critical thinking skills and are basically lazy. They rely on fake regurgitated information from the media, clutch their electronic pacifiers for life support and revere Google like the Genesis rock of information. Keep politics out of this argument. Laziness and acceptance of blind manipulation is the culprit here.

  6. They don’t serve the public Rich! They don’t! These outlets used to have credibility and gravitas. Now they are a joke. I stopped subscribing to the SF Chronicle when they refused, ( after my 40 years of being a subscriber,) to give me a discount for a thin, mostly wire-copy filled daily edition. And local TV news? Seriously? Their reporters look mostly like a have ZERO credibility. And don’t get me started about local radio. Rich is absolutely right about local radio with exception of KQED. That’s the one station that actually gives you an insight as to what’s going on in the Bay Area because they’re not constantly having their programming interrupted by annoying commercials touring make, sexual enhancement products or the incessant droning of repetitive spots such as “ Kars for Kids.” The idiot who wrote that absurd jingle ought to be tarred and feathered! But what else can we expect from
    fat cat, insincere, back slapping chortling salesmen who unfortunately run these stations today.

  7. Preach brother Rich! PREACH!!

  8. Who actually is Raquel Maria Dylan?

    1. She's been married to 99.7 NOW's St. John for 96 years.

  9. The media today is simply a tool for making $$ for these fat cat corporations. It’s all about
    Rush Limbaugh once told me when I asked him if he actually believed in the tripe he was spewing out daily.
    “Hey!” he told me astonishingly,
    “ I’m an entertainer! I bring in ratings which being in $$$ that pay our salaries.. You should be thanking me!”

  10. Rich I understand KZST in Santa Rosa had significantly talent layoffs. You may want to check it out

    1. Only if you think KZST had significant talent.

    2. Only if you think KZST is significant.
