Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The Great KNBR/Cumulus Charade: PD Job Search That Wasn't


  1. The old “pretend we are hiring” trick, which gives Cumulus various options as far as employment law is concerned.
    Since we are familiar with Mike Holer’s work, obviously nothing will change. Same old shit, now twice baked to Carbonara.
    Am I surprised? Not in the least. KNBR needs a complete overhaul, with the old stodgy has beens getting the “heave ho !!”
    Only then will it be listenable again.

  2. Cumulus isn't alone in this unprofessional "hiring" routine. More than 15 years ago another local conglomerate owner (rhymes with "MyFart") flew me across the country to interview for a SF job that they, in their minds, had already filled. (Nowadays it'd be called a DEI hire, but I digress) I was interviewed, although the Big Kahuna market-manager-o-the-week at the time couldn't be bothered to show up, then I was sent off to the airport to fly home and wait for their answer.

    No one at the MyFart company bothered to email or call to let me know I had not gotten the gig - I had to read about their great hire in the trades. These low level corporate management types don't have the cojones to tell a person "no," because all they do is say "yes" to the idiots who rank just above them.

    Like I said, this was more than 15 years ago, and by now karma has taken care of the individuals I obliquely mentioned. It was glorious. Thank you, karma.

    And thanks for allowing me to retire comfortably without having had to submit to working for a company like (rhymes with) MyFart. I did just fine without succumbing to their charade.

    Attention Cumulus managers: karma has your number.

  3. Rich, would you consider running for mayor of Oakland? If Shung Thoo is recalled in November, it’ll be your opportunity to step up to the plate and go for glory. I’m not saying you’d win, but you’d certainly give any other candidate a very good run for their money. And, with rank-choice voting, you might just pull off the upset of all upsets.

    1. Lieberman for Mayor! I don’t live in Oakland anymore but if I did Rich would absolutely get my vote.

  4. "After a nationwide talent search, we discovered that the cheapest option was somebody already in-house!"

  5. Does it really matter who the PD is as you say? KNBR is cutting back people so what difference does it make who is running it? Even that Felch schtick guy maybe a pay raise for his janitor job.

  6. The segment begins with,
    “A couple of weeks ago, boy did I nail it. I was right.”

    Rich was right? Umm, Rich named three people that could possibly get the PD job at KNBR. Hammer, Kollins, and Bob Sargent. None of them got the job. Rich states that it is the lack of money. That has not changed from two weeks ago. Yet “he is right”. Regarding Bob Sargent: no way he takes the job with the sinking ship. He is the Director of Broadcasting and Corporate Sales for the SF 49ers. He has been with the 49ers since 2006.

  7. I'd be very interested in knowing what you think of Vin Catrone leaving the Oakland A's. Pls. regale us.

  8. “After an exhaustive, leaving no stone unturned, and expensive search for the next Program Director, we found the right guy right under our noses! Can you believe it?!”
    The sincerity comes through like frozen peanut butter through a straw.
    I strongly urge the new guy to keep shopping his resumé, this may turn into a temporary job assignment.
