Friday, June 14, 2024

Useless Bay Area Radio


  1. You are correct Rich
    Nobody listens to KNBR, except when they have a Niners Giants game on. Even then, I gave up on the Giants - Ritzo and Santangelo? No thank you. Brian Murphy “this date in Giants history”? Again no thanks. So, because of KNBR baloney I now tune out the Giants games.
    I listen to KCBS when driving just for the traffic report - which is generally 20 min behind the snafus.
    The state of bay area radio is weak, and getting weaker.
    At one time Horse Racing was huge, now it is gone. Baseball is losing fans by the droves. Football’s incessant commercials will kill that fatted calf.
    We have all these billionaires among us, but most of them are simply interested in making more money, loosening regulations (like clean air and water, and tax breaks so they can earn $46 Billion/year without paying taxes. Whatever happened to generosity and giving for the greater good?
    KNBR, KGO, KSFO, KCBS will follow Horse Racing out of the public imagination - their heyday has passed. So shall baseball.
    So will mindless TV, thank God

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  2. Speaking of useless radio, let’s talk about tonight’s Giants broadcast on KNBR with Dave Fleming (play-by-play) and FP SanCrapelo as the "analyst." FP barely spoke, leaving Fleming to do double duty for most of the game. Why is FP even there? He adds no value. My guess is that when he’s paired with Fleming, he gets intimidated and scared, like a deer in headlights. When he’s paired with Joe Rizzo, on the other hand, FP blabbers on and on about nonsense.

  3. Because FP is a womanizer and Dave is a family man. Very awkward.

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