Thursday, June 13, 2024

Haener's KTVU Exit Gets Heated With MAGA in Mix; Mibach Aloof; Martin Ne...


  1. They should put Alex Savage or Andre instead of Mike Mibach. The departure of Julie with rumor Heather Holmes as the new replacement will not help their ratings overall. And KRON new set of reporters getting difficult to watch after Ken Wayne departure.

  2. coldhandswarmheart@gmail.comJune 13, 2024 at 12:39 PM

    Elvira 'histronics' 🤣 I love it!
    She's just happy to have steady paycheck and feel relevant again. But enough with the puffy botoxed face, bloodshot eyes and wigs. Embrace your age and marketing yourself as sexy MILF meteorologist, time has passed a while ago. Sorry but NOT sorry...🙈🙉🙊

    1. Father Time can be cruel and none of us are exempt from aging. Some of us can maneuver it a tad bit better than others, but it still sucks! I do fondly remember cycling with a hot, sexy latina whose ass you could have bounced a quarter off of though?

  3. Hey Julie
    Congrats. A great career. Sorry you were outed as being MAGA. Actually you should be celebrated for standing up for the truth which is being demonized by the insane left destroying our life as we know it in the once great bay area.

    1. Keep guzzling that MAGA Kool-Aid.

    2. @ 12:50 Yes, she's beautiful and smart to boot, as far as I'm concerned MAGA is the ones with common sense, look at the insane left especially in NY subway, telling "Zionists" to get off the train, no, I'm not Jewish but I truly love all the Jewish people I've came across, enough already!

    3. Amen 12:50. Seek detox 2:26.

    4. 5:51. No amount of “detox” or anything else will ever brainwash me enough to get me on the MAGA train, but enjoy your ride.

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  4. Julie is as beautiful as ever. I'm sure she'll have plenty of company in Danville.

  5. Do Julie Haener's political leanings ("MAGA") have anything whatsoever to do with her departure? Has it caused an issue in the newsroom? I guess I'm trying to trying to figure out if this is newsworthy or just a red herring.

    1. "Do Julie Haener's political leanings ("MAGA") have anything whatsoever to do with her departure? Has it caused an issue in the newsroom?"

      The mere fact she is not just a republican but a MAGA republican is problematic in and of itself. Even if her beliefs haven't led to shouting matches or overt conflicts that one can point to, simply working alongside someone who supports racist, homophobic and xenophobic politicians can be very uncomfortable and unsettling and can make going to work very distressing.

    2. 3:45 "At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child — miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats." Thank you P.J.O'Rourke. If you find this offensive? GOOD!

    3. Julie being a Republican has nothing to do with her departure. FOX is offering buyouts company wide to cut costs. Julie is the highest paid anchor at the station. Who do you think they went to first with an offer? Julie also doesn’t need this job. Her husband is the CEO of a successful medical supplies company. Yeah her salary is nice to have but not necessary to maintain their lifestyle. Julie could have left KTVU anytime she wanted. Honestly, she was probably waiting for FOX to offer her a check. Who wouldn’t? She paid her dues and deserves to be compensated. The woman sat next to a drunk for years and handled it with dignity and grace. Julie is several grades above Heather Holmes. She will be sorely missed.

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  6. Personally, I don't care if she votes Republican, Democrat, or something else. She's been a damn good, very professional anchor for nearly three decades. That's all I care about.

    1. Politics and the office don’t mix. There’s a lot of MAGA heads in the Bay Area but they can’t wear the MAGA hat to work.

    2. @ 5:29 Ya, when I grew up 60 years ago I remembered my Father and some his friends having political discussion with opposing views and nobody excluded anybody but respected each other with respect, in liberal SF or some parts of Ca do not I repeat DO NOT say you're MAGA or you'll be fired, shun or your auto will meet an untimely death

  7. Would Julie be a MAGA supporter if her son stuttered? Or if he had cerebral palsy? Or any of the other "failings" her hero mocks? Or, does she identify with Hunter Biden's drug use because he's like her own son

    1. The quickest way to get yourself labeled as a whacko and banished to the kiddie table is to do exactly what you did: compare Julie's son, a highly respected and successful NFL quarterback, who once allegedly used a performance-enhancing substance, to Hunter Biden, an admitted recovering full-fledged drug addict.

    2. Since when is a fourth string quarterback in the NFL considered a “successful quarterback”? MAGA’s sure have low standards all around.

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  8. MAGA baloney is why I will avoid reading the commentaries in the future. Fewer eyes mean fewer contributions. The morons win again !

    1. @ 7:24 Deekhead (Arnold Swaza accent) who gives a shit

  9. Did Haener fly an upside down flag after the insurrection failed? Was she cheerleading in the newsroom when the MAGA lunatics were looking for Mike Pence to hang him on January 6th? When Trump loses the election I guess we can expect MAGA Julie at the overpass near Lafayette protesting huh?

  10. Not surprised about Martin.

    From Bay Area television whose next? Spencer Christian? Brian Hackney? Catherine Heenan?

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  11. Liberalism is a mental disorder. This blog proves it. I don't give a shit if she's a Republican or Democrat. She's good at her JOB, period. If people are offended or scared to work with someone who is "MAGA" because it's uncomfortable perhaps they should seek help because in this life there will ALWAYS be situations that are uncomfortable. You learn from it and hopefully grow, you don't run screaming and crying like a little baby. She doesn't involve her political leanings in her newscasts, which is more than you can say for Fox and MSDNC. I wish her a happy retirement.

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  12. I can respect republicans. Even as a democrat some topics I agree republicans with. But being a republican is different from being a MAGA republican. There’s no respect for that. Shameful but not surprising

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  13. This is Frank Somerville. There is NOTHING wrong with Julie supporting Trump. I’m a berkeley liberal. I loved that we had different opinions. It was so crucial for our interviews. We would both ask questions based on our perspectives. Not biased. Just coming at things fr a different perspective. That’s one of the reasons why I loved working with her. She’s conservative I’m liberal. That’s a great balance.

    1. @ 8:17 yes, she's a remarkable Woman, has the courage to say She supports MAGA in super ultra thick Dems and liberals around the Bay Area, tells you She's very intelligent, typical libbes giving her pushback instead of respecting Her as an individual and her choices

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