Thursday, June 6, 2024

Decision on Mibach Looming; He Isn't Somerville; KTVU-Fox News Blues


  1. Making half a mil, it's not surprising Julie is part of MAGA. The orange cult leader promises no tax hikes for the rich, while sticking it to the middle class yet again.

    1. So True !! Last time he gave tax breaks for the Rich, my taxes went up, my write-offs got eliminated.
      But for several years running I paid more taxes than he did, even though my hard earned income was less than $100K.
      This is exactly why we should not allow rich bastards to influence/re-write the tax code.
      And for those woefully deficient red-hats, “let’s go back to the Reagan years’ tax brackets !!” (Look ‘em up)

    2. @ 12:13 Another jackass remark, lowering taxes for rich businesses results in more hiring, expanding and trickle down wealth, I'm middle class, got more money with
      trump than with braindead, come to think of it braindead costs me thousands!

    3. @6:02, for the orange cult leader, he simply stiffs his employees and pockets the money.

    4. @6:02
      Guess again Einstein. Less taxation does not, and never has, increased hiring. But keep on dreaming whatever the billionaire class tells you to think. Brains are not your strength.

    5. @4:24 80 of the top 100 richest people in America are Democrats? The argument that the Republicans are the party of the rich is stale.

    6. @6:02 if you benefited from Trump you ain't middle class. My taxes went up under Trump. I had less money in my pockets because of Trump. And I was middle class.

    7. @12:13 How is he sticking it to the middle class? Dementia Joe is destroying the middle class with his inflationary policies.

    8. @2:50 The middle class represents the largest class, about 50%. Together with the low class, both represent 80% of the population, with 20% representing the rich.

      It's been reported that the orange cult leader didn't pay federal taxes in at least 10 of the past 15 years. All these non-payment of taxes from the rich trickles down to the point where services are reduced or eliminated, causing more money out-of-pocket for the other 80%.

      To be clear, I think both political parties have un-fit candidates for the office of President.

    9. @6:02 sounds good in theory, but show me definitive proof of your claim ==>> (lowering taxes for rich businesses results in more hiring, expanding and trickle down wealth)

    10. @6:29 the last Republican President admitted to not paying federal taxes for years. I guess that's one way to be rich.

    11. @ 2:50 You nailed it, plenty of morons here that don't see it

    12. Hey @ 7:48 & @ 12:46 Hey fuknuts, ask yourself this: Are you better off 4 years ago than now? Din't think so, damn snowflakes

  2. Sorry Mibach, the numbers say “you got to move!”. Of course this is about money, and Mibach isn’t helping his own cause. It is just like “sales” you either generate so many sales or you get shown the door. Mibach’s tenure was longer than many of us expected.
    I still say he has a future in Fort Worth, or Topeka. Bone up on your oil and wheat futures Mike !!

    1. The Dallas/Ft. Worth TV market is bigger than the Bay Area TV market.

  3. coldhandswarmheartJune 6, 2024 at 7:52 PM

    Mibach needs a MAJOR image makeover if he wants to stay at KTVU. 1) Wipe off that smug shit eating grin off his face and work on not acting like he's better than everybody else.
    2) Actually shut up and listen to fellow newscasters instead of thinking of what he will say next.
    3) You can take the guy out of Saint Ignatius but can't take SI out of guy? Entitled rich 🍒 ! It's not he went to Riordan 🐰

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Would The Firm ever consider making Mibach the lead sports anchor, aka “Mark Ibaño’s replacement”?

  5. Mibach looks like a total doofus putz in that picture you used.

    1. Mibach is a family man you idiot.

    2. coldhandswarmheartJune 8, 2024 at 2:04 AM

      He always looks like that DUH! 🤓

  6. off subject...KCBS Eric Thomas: not mentioned as being off this last two weeks.

  7. Chevy Chase is reported to be an asshole with anger management issues, fyi. Apparently everyone at SNL hated working with him.

  8. Very simple if FOX "the firm" KTVU were smart: put Alex Savidge and Heather Holmes @ 10pm newscasts and putting Mike Mibach @ Noon newscasts...
