Thursday, June 13, 2024

Another Blow to KTVU: Evan Sernoffsky :eaves to become SFPD Spokes Guy


  1. Harsh reality. Local and MSM is in free fall. The public is no longer watching, knowing that they are complicit in supporting false narratives. Pick your flavor. The public trust is lost, so why not go into the private sector? Public Relations/Spokesperson pays very well and you are less inclined to become eventual cannon fodder. Many on-air personalities have done so quite successfully.

    1. Nailed it. They don’t even cover much news anymore. It’s just running from one press release event to another. And of course there is certain news they just won’t report, period.

  2. Not only did Evan Sernofsky leave KTVU his wife excellent GA reporter Alisa Harrington also left KTVU late last year. Since the beginning of 2024 KTVU Channel 2 is the only Bay Area TV News Station Still WITHOUT an Investigative Reporter on their entire News Staff. In terms of Local TV News Quality KTVU Channel 2 has now Sunk to the Bottom of the Abyss.

    1. He’s a lucky son of a gun. How did he score such a hottie? I recall when he started at KTVU he would literally wear an inspector gadget trench coat. He just needed a magnifying glass and a pipe to round out the look. The ‘stache was cool too.

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  3. John Sasaki is a good example.

  4. He left the Chronicle to go to KTVU.

  5. Cheryl Hurd at Alameda County Fire, Alicia Trost, Chris Filipi along with Anna at BART, Karl Sonkin at Kaiser,

  6. Maria Medina went to Alaska Airlines PR

  7. Will the last person out of KTVU please turn out the lights? (That will probably be Betty Yu. What she thought she would gain by going there is beyond me.)

    1. Probably a boat load of more money

  8. This is Frank Somerville. Evan left for the same reason Eric Rasmussen left. They both hated Simone aponte who at that time was their executive producer. I felt the same way in the limited interactions I had with her. She is now the news director and in my opinion is completely unqualified. All you need to know about Simone is that during the pandemic where everyone had to work from home she started a cookie delivery business. The producers were so angry because they couldn’t get ahold of her. To me she should have been fired. But at ktvu you had women running the show. I have nothing against women. But incompetence is incompetence. But all these women stick together. From the gm Melinda’s hartnel to amber eikrl. To kdlkd Roman snd especially Amy wentworth. They are all incompetent. I know because I saw it first hand. I didn’t care about politics. I only cared about one thing. Are our scripts accurate. And they unbiased. And are they fair. Sadly all of them were more interested in going shopping at target or smoking cigarettes in the parking lot. Everyone at ktvu knows I’m speaking the truth. They just don’t have the guts to say it. Mark my words ktvu will NEVER be thd same. And thsg breaks my heart.

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  9. Brooks Jarosz is with Santa Clara County Sheriff's Department and John Sasaki is the spokeperson for the Oakland Unfiied School District but that seems more like a punishment then a "good job".

  10. Here is a list of various on-air personalities who left their tv gig for a career in PR/communications/etc in the past few years-ish:

    Janine De la Vega
    Brooks Jarosz
    Maria Medina
    Erica Kato
    Maureen Naylor
    Terisa Estacio
    Amy Hollyfield
    Sara Zendehnam
    Maureen Kelly
    Priya Clemens
    Jon Sasaki
    Tara Moriarty
    Elisa Harrington
    Evan Sernofsky
    Azenith Smith
    Alicia Trost
    Susan Siravo
    Jessica Flores
    Susie Hall
    Joe Vasquez
    Andria Borba
    Thuy Vu
    Patti Lee

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  19. Speaking of KTVU what happened to Joe Fonzi? Last time I saw him on the air was after the Superbowl. Did he retire, let go or something else?

    1. I noticed the same thing, that Fonzi was a total no-show for their coverage of Willie Mays passing and the Rickwood game. Jason Applebaum and Bailey O'Carroll did in studio coverage and Greg Lee was in Alabama. It was painful to watch Bailey struggle through coverage of the Rickwood game, including referring to the Birmingham Black Barons as the "Blackhawks" and not knowing how to correctly pronounce the names of Giants who were in the starting line up on that day. And during her "coverage" of Willie Mays passing, she said Willie played for the Giants for 2 years (instead of 21).
