Friday, May 31, 2024

Sleeping with the Anchor: Rich Lieberman Friday First Person


  1. Geez Rich. That’s the first time that ever happened.
    Anyone who hasn’t made a mistake in the throes of “love”?
    What I’d like to know is are you and the Lucky guy still in touch, or does pride stop any further correspondence?

    1. Lucky guy, lol! He did mention a lady though.

  2. Wow. First the multi-episode Copeland rant, then the hostage video, and now this. What a roller coaster ride. Can’t imagine what might be next.

  3. Why would she stoop so low? I hope she has recovered and is working on her self esteem.

  4. Okay? So we're taking literary license from Joseph Conrad's "Heart of Darkness". Thank you Col. Walter Kurtz.

    1. Okay, I’m not the only one who thought so!

  5. I think I just threw up in my mouth.

    1. Yep, I think I'm talking a break from this site.

    2. It was Jan Wahl wasn't it? Bleh! Alcohol is one helluva drug. You've lost all credibility! How are you in love with someone from a one night stand?

  6. Rich, this is a story better kept to yourself.

  7. What is the point of this story?

  8. I don't get this holier than thou journalistic integrity needs bullshit diatribe. She told you the facts I assume about what you were researching. This was not sex for her untrue story to you or was it? What does love between you two have to do with the input she gave you which you could still fact check independently? Why not tell us precisely what you did wrong in spin or whatever you posted about the topic or her specifically? In general terms not revealing who she is. Sounds like nothing was misrepresented but you are just wanting to brag about getting laid under this must have journalistic independence guise. Who do you think you are among famous journalists who committed sexual misconduct? Is that what you are thinking? Well I am guessing she is black and around the age of the intern Somerville had some inappropriate conduct with. Now we need to go back in your blogs a few years back to figure out who she is.

  9. Rich, Did you take your meds today?

  10. I honestly didn't get this video! I mean, ok, you crossed the journalistic line when you went past just an interview and slept with her, but hey, as long as you got the interview, who cares if you banged her! Wait a minute, I think I do care, because I would love to know who it was, so I guess I care a little bit! But in this day and time, with everyone banging everyone else, this is pretty much just a normal thing for you to have done. Congratulations on banging an anchor!

  11. good god, your life is such a smelly mess

  12. This man needs help.

  13. Was it the weather girl they call Stormy?

  14. This is Otis: Let’s leave Somerville out of this. What happens in Oakland stays in Oakland. Frank has “no comment” except “nice cologne Rich!”

  15. Rebecca "Elvira" Gonzales, no doubt. In her day, quite a beaut, but today, there's not enough CGI in the world to patch up that hot mess.

    1. This is Rigo Chacon: i do not believe Rich nailed Rebecca Gonzales. I got there first.

  16. Come on. He dropped a hint with Mahogany and occasionally would mention his interest in this lady. Maybe a recent "retirement" from NBC? Although I think Rich HURD differently on the retirement and needed to get to the facts. Rich, I think in life I regret more the paths I didn't take rather than the ones I did. News integrity was lost by many years ago. Cut yourself a break. Enjoy the beautiful memory.
