Friday, May 3, 2024

Real Time


  1. Rich, thank you for calling your shot.

    I am not a Jewish American, so I cannot speak of how you might feel, no more than I could speak for a black guy living in the bay area.

    Israel was brutally attacked on OCT 7, that is not in dispute. The “why” behind it is subject to many opinions, surely folks better educated than I can give reasonable explanations for the “why”. Still the horrendous bloodshed is not in dispute.
    Israel is a sovereign nation, and as such does whatever it deems necessary to protect its citizens. The US may be supportive of Israel but it cannot tell Israel what to do.
    I have Jewish friends, and they are unified (to some degree) that an atrocity happened and needed to be addressed. Since I am not Jewish I will not tell them how they should think.
    Similarly, I am not Palestinian, so I will not be presumptuous and tell them how they should feel.

    My concern is that nothing good can possibly result from all this bloodshed. Hate begets hate, retribution begets further retribution. The killing must stop, but I fear that the hatred boiling up now will last a lifetime.
    This is a time for civil discourse, not time for screaming and beating and harassing and castigating one another. I hope cooler minds will prevail, and someone will stand tall and develop a lasting peace. As Benjamin Franklin wrote over 200 years ago, “There never is a good war, nor a bad peace.”

    Rich, I am proud of you sticking your neck out - it isn’t easy to do. I like to think of the Bay Area as a community united for peace Everywhere - when people are disruptive, violent, and acting brutally, it shows how far we have yet to go to improve as a species.

    1. @ 5:03 Well said, I couldn't said it better, if those knuckleheads so called "students" and outside agitators have your intelligence we wouldn't be in the pickle we're in now

  2. Rich, I'm totally with you. Israel is a sovereign nation and has every right and obligation to protect it's sovereignty and defend it's people. No if's, ands, or buts. What we're seeing play out in Palesine is sad and tragic and so is what happened to over 1,000 Israelis on 10/7. Consequences have actions. When you carry out an attack on the scale of 10/7 you better believe the response is going to swift and powerful. To be frank, I'm impressed by the level of restraint Israel has shown and their very concerted efforts to avoid innocent loss of life.

    I see a lot of people saying things like "what happened on October 7 was evil and horrific BUT we have to understand the history that led up to it." That's like saying a husband beating his wife is inexcusable and indefensible but we have to consider the things the wife did that triggered him. No we don't. And no, we don't have to consider anything before 10/7.

    Keep standing up for what's right, Rich. Tune out all the screamers and noise. There's a silent majority who sides with you.

  3. Of course Israel had a right to defend themselves after Oct. 7th. The question is how much is too much? I noticed my other posts have been removed, asking if it's anti-Semitic to criticize the policies of Israel. This probably won't be allowed also. Not good.

  4. Moving on to "lighter" news, if I may. Once again, KTVU news is off the air this weekend. Yes, the entire weekend. What a joke. The KTVU apologists and ass-kissers can make excuses and shoot the messenger until the cows come home, but no sane person can call them a serious news station anymore.

  5. Hey 8:19 KTVU had a power issue. Now go away asshat.

    1. Calling someone an asshat simply because you don’t agree with their opinion? About Ktvu? lol

      It’s not normal to get so triggered 11:12 :)

  6. All this bloodshed over religion.
