Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Ailing Chronicle and KNBR--Revenue Downer--Wednesday Happy Hour


  1. No wonder Murph and Copes are now shilling for Antioch East with probably larger mosquitos and eventually more crime. I thought that was Marty’s gig. Guess Moskowitz wants some ad discount now. Love the way he pre-records his spiels and the KNBR hosts pretend to be part of it at the beginning and end making it corny at best and as if real-time. Are any of the Bay Area teams competitive anymore? Maybe soccer I don’t follow? Well, better for my physical and mental to play sports instead of watch overpaid athletes who can’t even make the playoffs for entertainment.

  2. KNBR is turning into a college radio station run by frat boys.

  3. The Chronicle is still a decent paper, but the online version is much more convenient. Plus it's hit/miss if someone will steal my Sunday paper. In order to survive, the major papers will need to steer away from physical papers.

  4. The way KNBR is currently constituted does not bode well for its continued existence.

  5. It’s so weird how giggles copey dopey copes sounds exactly like his dad. I had never heard him until today thanks to this blog. I tuned to today’s archived first hour and could only take 20 minutes. Never again!

  6. Today's "major story" on SF Gate makes the burrito reviews seem like masterpieces. How low can they possibly go?

    I used San Francisco's $625,000 bathroom. It was a crappy experience.
