Monday, March 25, 2024

Michael Finney Contract Gets Notice at KGO/ABC7; KNBR Mystery; Chronicle ...


  1. Copes takes a lot of days off. He was away after the Super Bowl, then he shows up late a few days. How the heck did he become a PM?

    1. @5:18- Copes was sick after the Super Bowl. He said he caught covid. I think he tried to give it a go a few times, but sadly wasn't able to

    2. Don't forget the whole station for some reason got MLK day off. It's getting ridiculous.

  2. KNBR mystery? Clicked to watch. Does it have to do with Copeland and Tolbert being MIA? Seemed to happen after "Copes" was badmouthing Giants ownership and throwing out the word racism after they let go of Renel. He was fighting with many on Twitter as well. Not a good look.

    1. Copes has to opine on everything, as babbling is his strength. That he would bite the Giant’s feeding hand looks bad from any perspective. Talk about not reading the room! But Copes mistakenly thinks the world revolves around him.
      Copey, here’s a suggestion: don’t opine on contract negotiations, unless they are yours. Generally speaking, negotiations are done in good faith, and are kept confidential until an offer is on the table.

    2. Badmouthing the Giants on the Giants flagship station. His days has to be numbered.....

    3. @11:36 we can only hope.

  3. This is not Otis,
    Today on KNBR When I heard the transition from Lund + Papa to another set of pipes - NOT Tolbert and Copes - I listened in. IF it was the Beer and Laugh nuts, I would have turned off my radio. There is literally NOTHING that can be learned from T&C.
    I hope Cumulus sends em both packing - they give KNBR a bad name.

  4. Hopefully nothing happened to Copes because of his tweet. I'm hoping he just took a few days off to watch the NCAA Tournament and/or to get ready for the Giants season coming up.

    This is bizarre though... Watch Tolbert and Copes be back on tomorrow, and it will be like they didn't take a few days off. LOL

  5. Apparently Marty Lurie's schedule has been diminished to just two pre-game shows per month during the regular season. It's sad to see this but it's clear KNBR is going in a different direction.

    1. He seems to be slowing down with his age. Can't do marathons anymore.

  6. MFin is a bully with an ego. Worst consumer person in the market. Trapped in the 1900s.

  7. Back again,Rod Brooks can ths station get rid of that guy for good? How he lasted so long at KNBR amazed me.Guess he works cheap.

  8. Copey Copes' GiggleMarch 26, 2024 at 11:48 AM

    Yes, I can confirm there are major cuts coming to KNBR. They just can't "float the ship" anymore when they and Cumulus are hemorrhaging money. Word on the street is Murph & Markus GONE! soon and they will go with syndicated morning sports during drive time, Lund GONZO! Thank goodness... His boy Papa can't save him. Tolbert ADIOS! Makes too much money and has been mailing it in for years. Also Glen Kuiper will get more air time. What a trainwreck! Choo choo..... giggle giggle giggle

    1. @11:48
      I wish it was so - clean house at KNBR! The talent is stale and cheesy. “Old shoes” wear out, their usefulness long gone, eventually they get painful. So it is with the loafers at KNBR.
      G Kuiper sealed his fate a few years back, no need to give him further employment. 18 years of babbling about the A’s buys a lot of Cheese.

  9. I looked up Copeland's Varsity Baseball stats and he got one hit his Sr. year.

    1. @12:03, If you check his current average he has struck out as PD on every AB. Relegate him to rookie ball.

  10. I admit I didn't watch Rich's vlog, so sorry if this was mentioned: Tolbert takes off and goes to Vegas every year for the first couple rounds of the NCAA tourney. Likes to sit in the sports book and bet the games.

  11. Copes is back on today, so I'm guessing everything is fine? No Tolbert though... Kind of strange things happening on both stations where some of the main hosts take random days off. Yes, everyone is entitled to vacations and all that, but it's weird when there's no consistency and everyone takes time off on different days.

  12. Tolbert will be back on Thursday Copes just said.... So I guess nothing to see here and that's good

  13. who gives a shit? Not me.

  14. Wow, so KNBR? is the talk of the radio market? My how the SF Bay Area media landscape has become a desert full-o-tumbleweeds. I'm tuning to KFAX-1100 to hear how Jeebus can save us when the stone is rolled away in a day and a half. Now THAT's entertainment.
