Thursday, March 14, 2024

Lieberman Doctrine Explained


  1. Sorry cant agree about Doggie Diner and my upset tummy if I ate there

  2. Rich,
    I’m flabbergasted. On a recent Instagram post, the luscious beauty with the best pedicure on local tv aka Olivia Horton announced that her last show will be at the end of April. It sounded as though she was let go. Is this the start of mass layoffs at KRON?

    1. I can tell you that the station has gone into a shit tailspin. It is run by horrible leadership, the entire staff has lost faith in its upper management, the general manager, Jim Rose, is not only a slimy bigot, but hates the Bay Area and is a closeted log cabin trump supporting snake. it goes without saying that he needs to go before the station can really change and get better. And now word on the street is that he’s breaking commitments with the unions during negotiations.

    2. When has KRON been run by anyone good?

      Stacy Owen is the last time I can think of. And they axed her while she was on maternity leave. I was there.

  3. The Quarter Pound in downtown is no more, but the Dimond location is still open. You probably got burgers there during your Skyline days. BTW, did you and Tom Hanks ever overlap? He's 67 now.

    1. I went to Skyline, graduated with Hanks, class of '74, I think Rich was a few years after...I remember leaving at lunch my senior year and going to the Quarter Pound on MacArthur Blvd. Great burgers, at least back then. I think a cheeseburger was 65-75 cents...

    2. @7:34 that's cool. Hanks once worked at the Coliseum during A's games. Now he's one of the most famous actors.

  4. Rich, I'm surprised we haven't heard your ire yet at the stupid KPIX promos...for their stupid weather system, for March Madness, etc. As one of the few news people there who's serious about his work says, promos where the anchors act never make the station look good. It's the sort of marketing that used to be done in Peoria, but I think even they have more class now.

    1. Local news is more about light bubbly personalities rather than serious newscasters. It’s the world of going for the social media world. That’s why KPIX is drooling for Betty Yu to come back in the fold.

  5. Looks like Amanda Hari is now with KPIX.

  6. Dear Former KTVU Reporter:

    I thought we had a really good friendship. You brought out the best qualities in me. So for you to end the friendship because you don’t like my political beliefs, it hurt and made me really sad and still does. I thought friendships were unconditional. With you, apparently not.
    Friends usually tolerate things because you enjoy their company. I never liked that environmental bullshit you work for, but being friends was more important. Since we’re not friends anymore, I wanted to clear the table. I supported you during that pissing match you had with Rosemary. Now, I think she had the stronger argument.
    Oh, telling me that I’ll harm your Husband and your Friends because of my political beliefs, what a load of shit that is. There was always something off about you. Glad that’s out of the picture.
    I wish you well.

    1. 12:20 AM, if your comment is about the same former KTVU reporter who had the same widely known spat with Rosemary that I’m also thinking of, then yes, Rosemary had the stronger argument and stronger ground to stand on by orders of magnitude. The problem is Rosemary didn’t have the right people in her corner. Those whom she needed to align with her chose not to, purely for political reasons and out of fear of how it would look if they sided with Rosemary, even though they all felt otherwise inside.

    2. 1:40 PM, yep, it’s her, same person. As a dear friend, I trusted everything she said. I see things differently now. The Rosemary affair was a big part of her leaving KTVU, despite what she might say otherwise.
      I will always support her regarding a few things, but that’s it. But there’s things about her I’m glad to be away from. Very paranoid about her husband’s exposure, especially on social media. Blots him out on pictures, tells me if I speak with him, don’t bring up or talk about this or that. That always unnerved me.

    3. You must be a Trumpanzee. KTVU and all other local media is nothing but progressive woketards.

    4. @12:20 AM
      pure kook-talk. Not sure why you would bother writing such nonsense at 12:20am but my guess is you need psychiatric help. Get thee to a Head Shrinker !!

    5. 2:17 PM - I meant every word of it. I had no one to vent to, so I posted it here hoping word gets to her. She’s fair game now, after telling me the friendship is over and that I would harm her husband and her friends because of my political beliefs.

  7. Olivia Horton leaving! NOOOOOOOOO000!!!!

    1. It’s extremely sad news. I truly enjoy her show. Live and local. Bad decision by the idiots running KRON.

  8. Amanda Hari is with KTVU now!

    1. I think you meant KPIX. She started this week.

  9. False predictions, unkept promises, begging for money every blog, old stories about Van Amburg and others that you somehow remember that are simply repeated every year or 2, DIRTY UNDERWEAR on the dresser, annoying always looking to the left (what is over there the media police??), irrelevant or non existing news, Brian Hackney returning to work is NOT Breaking News, FOUL MOUTH broadcasts, you must be on welfare to sit around all day and watch TV, why don't you get a job at McDonalds or Taco Bell or better yet with all you profess to know go be the general manager of a radio or TV station they wouldn't even let you in the building. Go get a real job, who pays your rent??

  10. I notice all those things too. The only difference is I never, ever have watched a single video (I used to come here for written stuff), so I cannot confirm the glancing to the left or whatever. Just what I see in the thumbnail. Which is a squalid one-bedroom SRO in the Tenderloin, hosted by a homeless guy in a dirty hoodie. I, too, wonder why he doesn't get a real job. Target is hiring. (He could never work at a real TV or radio station, as they would likely blackball him).
