Friday, March 29, 2024

Bay Area Media Lack of Passion and Heart


  1. This is what happens in liberal controlled areas. They suck the life out or everything.

    1. 11:13. True. Except you left out the most important fact: They never hold themselves accountable for their actions. It's always someone else fault.

    2. @1:16 “They never hold themselves accountable for their actions. It's always someone else fault” my god I guess the biggest liberal is Donald J Drumpf. He’s the biggest whiner who only blames everyone else for his failures.

    3. Looks like Lush Rimbaugh has risen from the grave. How imaginative !!

    4. So completely true. What do Chicago, New York, SF have in common? Hmmm

    5. I'm sure glad conservatives rush to take responsibility or we'd really be screwed!

    6. Looks like the "light-in-the-loafer" brigade is getting their panties in a bunch?

    7. Liberal utopia. Give me free shit as long as someone else pays for it. Yes, it is a mental disorder.

    8. I love how Leonard Leo, Jeff bezos, elon much, and Chuck Koch have convinced the morons in the USA that Billionaires know what is best for the morons. Their billions buy the thoughts and votes of idiots.

    9. More Boomer MAGA tears.

  2. As a long-time resident of the Bay Area, it's incredibly frustrating to watch local reporters consistently flub basic names, streets, and pronunciations. It's evident that they lack a fundamental understanding of the communities they serve. How can we trust reporters who can't even get the basics right?

    Whether it's referring to San Anselmo as "San Ass-lee-mo,” San Jose State University as "Cal State-San Jose,” Mission Street in San Francisco as “Mission Blvd,” Daly City as "Dally" City, or stumbling over the names of well-known local landmarks (e.g., “Merritt Lake” or referring to the Bay Bridge as the "Oakland Bridge"), these mistakes highlight a deeper issue of disconnect between reporters and the people they're supposed to inform. It's disheartening to see our local news outlets failing to invest in reporters who are rooted in and understand the diverse tapestry of the Bay Area.

    We deserve accurate and reliable reporting from journalists who aren't only familiar with the area but are also actively engaged in its communities. Even though budgets may be tight, there's no excuse for not hiring young and competent individuals who know the area and are passionate about delivering accurate and impactful reporting. Until local news stations prioritize hiring such reporters who truly know and understand the Bay Area, it's impossible to put our trust in their reporting.

    1. "How can we trust reporters who can't even get the basics right?"

      Most of the "reporters" and anchors get their information from the assignment desk and the writers in the newsroom. Then they stand in front of some landmark vaguely relevant to their story and parrot what they were told. That's what TV "reporting" is—mostly theater.

    2. I heard a reporter say "they took a circus route to get here".
      Still scratching my head on that one.

    3. 5:04: "they took a circus route to get here" circuitous

    4. Tori Gaines from ktvu did a live report from San Francisco’s North Beach neighborhood and throughout the report referred to it as the ‘North End,’ the name of Boston’s historically Italian neighborhood.

    5. It’s pure economics not news…….hire in experienced reporters from out of town, pay them less that a native Bay Area News talent and incompetence is what you get…..

    6. Thought it was California State University at wherever always called cal state Hayward ect

  3. Rich your reference to DooDoo news is spot on. But it's not just KCBS. It extends to all Bay Area local news, tv and radio. I hope you'll use this phrase more often in your broadcasts.

  4. In the end, all jobs are merely jobs. Passion only shows when one is invested in what they're doing, both physically and financially. One wish is for all on-air personnel to learn about pronounciations with names and places. When there's mispronounciations, it becomes obvious they're just going through the motions.

    1. Yep, unless you own stock in the company you work for or you're an owner, a job is a job, and hoping for someone to show more passion is just a pipe dream.

  5. I’m frustrated that the luscious Olivia Horton has been off air all week. Since announcing her departure from KRON at the end of April she has been off air more than on air. Perhaps looking for another gig? Any word on whether Live in the Bay! Is done or will Jessica Wills be the new host?

    1. On her Instagram, she was having some health issues of late.

    2. Darn, really enjoy her show especially when Kyla Grogan and her made my day........

  6. I know it's difficult to impossible to watch local news these days, but I have an idea for you, Rich:

    As the Bay Area's preeminent and most renowned media observer, you should dedicate a week to watching a different local channel each day and then providing your report the following day. For instance, on Monday, you could focus on KTVU. You would watch an hour or two in the morning, the midday news, and then the primetime 10pm broadcast, watching the full newscasts. Then, you would report your findings the next day. On Tuesday, you would watch NBC Bay Area, Wednesday is reserved for KRON, Thursday for KPIX, and Friday for ABC7.

    1. Sounds like self flagellation? Nobody has that much self-hatred.

    2. this is actually a good idea. would be interesting to see him compare and contrast, plus might give him new material

    3. No one has time for all that. I'd rather watch paint dry or water boil than watch these self-aggrandizing asshats and clowns

  7. I’m starting to wonder if giggles aka copey aka copes just giggles a lot because his dad is an alleged comedian? I recall years ago when the disingenuous black man was at ktvu, he was hired to do a corporate gig at the company I worked for……his “show” left everyone unimpressed and wondering who the hell thought bringing him in was a good idea. Terrible!

  8. According to wait staff at Rolatti in downtown San Jose, Raj Mathai and Audrey Asistio enjoyed a lovely dinner and drinks at the bar recently

    1. Just looked up that restaurant. It looks good. Raj sure knows how to wine and dine his ladies.

    2. What happens in San Jose should stay in San Ho.
