Friday, February 9, 2024

The Biden Press Conference --Predictable Pundit Orgy


  1. Biden is not fit to be president, but neither is Trump. Politics these days isn't about what a candidate can do for the country - it's about who can expose the most dirt on the opposing candidates. Politicians should be subjected to the same vetting and screening process that most US employees go through. In addition to term limits, they should also have regular psychological and mental evaluations. Lastly, there should be an age limit for politicians. Nobody should be leading a country at 80+ years old.

    1. Even that horse’s ass Michael Savage had it right one time when he said politicians should be drug tested. Watching both old farts Trump and Biden it’s obvious they have them hopped up on drugs.

  2. Nice video! Crazy glare is gone and you are sitting more back from your camera, as opposed to your head consuming most of the screen. Much better video here, keep up the good work!

  3. I wish neither was running and we had other choices, but I'll vote for the guy who at least believes in democracy...and that isn't Trump.

  4. All politicians these days it seems to me are only concerned about themselves and staying in power..... forget party affiliations and policy issues, if you care about this country you would not want Joe Biden in charge given his obvious mental competency or lack thereof.

  5. dear 6:59..see constitution.

  6. Dem leadership’s fault for thinking short term in 2020. And failure to pick a more dynamic VP just to check a couple of boxes hurting them now. Trump demonstrably more mentally fit than Biden at the moment. I sense a surprise around the corner and it’s not going to include a Biden.

    1. Hopefully, that surprise is some other Democratic nominee not named Biden.

  7. Trump is demonstrably more mentally fit than Biden, eh? Here’s yesterday’s Trump “fitness” comment. You’re sure right!

    Former President Donald Trump delivered an alarming message to U.S. allies during a Saturday rally where he outlined a scenario in which he would “encourage” Russia to “do whatever the hell they want” to other NATO members.

    1. @4:20. Lighten up Francis, Putin is not a Globalist.

  8. Yep, Don Trump is mentally fit as a fiddle as he demonstrated, just yesterday.

    Former President Donald Trump delivered an alarming message to U.S. allies during a Saturday rally where he outlined a scenario in which he would “encourage” Russia to “do whatever the hell they want” to other NATO members.

  9. Biden reminds me of filthy San Francisco. Joe Biden said he won the Bay to Breakers last year by 2 miles.

  10. Both of these guys are too old, what I find interesting is how Trumpers beat up Biden for mental fitness, but not Trump. If you've paid any attention at all, it's obvious that Trump makes more mental gaffes than Biden. Either way, we can do better than these 2 guys.

    1. Trump has a rotten brain. He should scare the shit out of everyone in this country. How he can become the GOP frontrunner completely boggles my mind. I never knew republicans were so fucking self destructively stupid.

  11. Trump/Putin vs America/NATO, choose wisely...

  12. the great white hope that dems have in the stable isn't the oleaginous grandstander Newsom...but a popular democratic governor of a red state..Andy Beshear..see Kentucky

  13. Your comments are predictable pablum from the left. Excusing Bidens terribly regular confusion and loss of conscious awareness more and more is concerning and the fact that his handlers can keep him upright and pointed at the camera is a testament to them. He is a walking shell of a man. It is you that has become predictable

    1. 1:47--your boy the Dumpster has completely lost his marbles, and you should be COWERING in fear over what he would be capable of, should he once again take over the White House. Our nation, already becoming a laughing stock in the world, will completely fall from platinum status to something closer to bronze. If we're lucky and don't become a dictatorship.
