Friday, February 16, 2024

KTVU Turmoil Reaches Fever Pitch


  1. If they want to be number one again they need to bring Summerville back. Mike is not a main anchor. Period. They should also have Summerville be interviewed by Julie to talk about his mental health issues. And his addiction issues. I believe he’s now eight months clean. People love comeback stories. Plus he’s a damn good anchor. Not that’s something I would watch!!!!

    1. LGBT Bay Area Media is well represented on TV.

      James Torrez
      Andre Senior
      Mary Hughes
      Dave Detling (now in Seattle)

      Thank you all for what you do to represent your community.

    2. He was an ok guy, but addiction is very strong and he really should have gotten cleaned up if he understood he had a problem. Also that issue he had with reporting an issue w/out expressing his own opinion...hey in SF media they are and have always been talking heads. If you want opinions that are thoughtful and somewhat objective bring back kqed news

  2. I agree that Haener seems like she's hanging on. Anyone with eyeballs can see it.

    But why should she owe anyone an explanation about her future plans or retirement timeline? Despite clearly being a shadow of her former self, she remains an active and competent employee, effectively fulfilling her role as an anchor. It's not akin to a Dianne Feinstein scenario where she's barely functional, needing assistance to even enter the studio. Nor is it like a Frank Somerville situation where she exhibits behavior warranting dismissal.

    And why does this affect others at the station? If others at ktvu, aka Heather Holmes or Cristina Rendon, are annoyed because they think they can't move up until Haener's gone, well, tough luck. That's just how it goes in the working world. I can't get a better job until the guy above me leaves, and even then, it's not guaranteed. So, they can either wait it out and hope they get Haener's job whenever she retires, gets pushed out, or gets canned, or they can float their resumes and try their luck elsewhere.

  3. Rich, speaking of KTVU, do you know if anchors have clauses in their contracts that allow the station to take action if there are significant, material changes to their physical appearance? Greg Lee's astonishing, borderline cartoonish weight gain makes me wonder if he's planning to abandon his TV career for a sumo wrestling job. And Andrea Senior's weight gain, while not as extreme as Lee's, is still notable and something to keep an eye on.

    If a female anchor gained weight the way these two are, I feel like there'd be much more hullabaloo and commentary about it. Definitely a double-standard that men can balloon out like Augustus Gloop in Willy Wonka and no one really bats an eye.

    1. It’s become a workplace safety issue because if Lee gains any more weight he’s liable to physically explode, causing injury to those around him. OSHA should investigate.

    2. I haven’t seen Greg Lee but you make a good point about the double standards with male and female anchors.

    3. Rich looking the way he does, can’t say anything about anyone’s looks. Maybe that’s why he hasn’t said anything.

    4. Lee reminds me of when Cartman ate the Weight Gain 4000.
      “Check this out, I am totally ripped.”

    5. Senior got away with the weight gain for a while because he’d wear the extra tight blazers to make it look like the fat was muscle mass. Greg Lee is so heavy that when they show full body shots his dress shoes show the classic fat guy deformity: they bulge to the sides and resemble Aladin shoes on the front. Which brings another issue. Are these guys so broke that they can’t buy new shoes? Lee amd constipation man have been wearing the same horrendous brown shoes for YEARS!!

    6. 11:25…”Aladdin shoes” literally made me laugh out loud. You’ve described the visual perfectly. Also odd is that both Lee and the Constipation Man wear pants about 3-4” too short. It’s such a strange look.i know tv jobs don’t pay as much as they once did but the fact neither can afford a single pair of properly-tailored trousers is ridiculous.

  4. Your missing the real story here Rich. The only drama at KTVU is over the reporter they hired Tori Gaines with nada experience. She always is flubbing on air all well arrogantly telling colleagues she got here with her acting chops. Not joking. The lady has now said ceasefart instead of ceasefire and Shitting instead of shooting on TV. The suits at fox corporate gave the managers a ring but apparently somebody really wants to protect this bafoon. RIP TV news.

    1. Is Gaines still there? For a while it seemed like ktvu wanted to to make her one of the faces of the stations. I seldom see her any more and her profile seems to have been diminished significantly, likely after the highly-publicized flubs that she had on air last month.

    2. They are trying to hide her in less watched show slots. tune that dial to early saturdays or times like that and you will find her bumbling away in those frumpy sweaters. please send her ego and acting back to whatever sketch comedy club you found her. love, everyone at KTVU

    3. Tori doesn't belong

    4. I didn’t hear her say ceasefart or shitting but I heard when she referred to Frank Mallicoot as Fred when tossing back to him. Perhaps she was trying to conjure up the spirit of the late, great Fred Zendher? Anyway, basically each time I’ve seen Gaines she’s been stumbling and fumbling through the most basic live report.

  5. As a long time ktvu viewer here’s my take. I literally stopped watching after their fired Frank for speaking up about the insane coverage about gabby petito. After pretty every news organization agreed with but ktvu FIRED him for doing his job. I would also suggest they fire Dave Clark and gasia. It’s SO obvious that both of them are fake and just want to be on tv. They don’t have clue about covering actual news. I would take Sal off the nine. He’s not quayas an anchor. But he’s freakin great at traffic. That’s where he belongs. Who do I like. Jaba katsuyama. Amber Lee. Tom Bacar. They are experienced. They provide context and depth. Isn’t that what we all want???! They have no flash. But who cares. If you want flash go watch Fox News. Or msnbc. I just want information. And they are all excellent. And stop hiring young kids who are cheap. The Bay Area deserves better. There used to be “only one two”. Now sadly what was once a legacy station is nothing more than a middle of the pact follower. Or and freaking dump Mike from the ten. Are you kidding me. Either bring back Frank. Or replace him with Alex. These are all just no brainers.

  6. Give Haener her choice of slots, then give Savidge and Holmes their choices. Let the rest grovel for spots.
    This ain’t rocket surgery.

  7. Why would Haener even think about retiring? She likely makes 400-500k per year to work a 25% shift, showing up to work if and when she feels like it leaving others to have to adjust their schedules to accomodate hers. Anyone who'd walk away from that gig is the dictionary definition of insane.

  8. There is an endless list of reasons ktvu has plummeted into a spiral of patheticness, too numerous to detail here. Documenting them all would require months; the list would rival "War and Peace" in length, if not surpass it. For those who recall their days as news leaders, witnessing their downfall has been nothing short of astonishing. And it's not over yet. Just when you think they've hit rock bottom, they manage to find new, more inventive ways to debase and embarrass themselves. The latest example is their "Like it or Not" show, where a random assortment of anchors and reporters take to their soapboxes to rant about nonsense. Instead of investing in real reporting and impactful storytelling, they prefer to showcase their incompetent staff as even more buffoonish than they already are.

    1. Would love to hear Rich's take on Like it or Not.

      Rich do you even watch any of these local stations? I'm beginning to notice you very seldom talk about the actual things we see when we turn on the tv. You should spend a few days watching the various newscasts and programming (e.g. Like it or Not) so you can give more specific an meangingul critiques.

    2. I have watched Like it or Not since it premiered. I have not seen either Julie Haener or Mike Mibach on the show.

  9. Heather is doing great at 7:30. It is her own show, she does great interviews. And gets to go home early, perfect situation.

  10. KTVU has a lot of problems but Mike Mibach isn’t one of them. He’s a very nice, charming guy, and just seems like your average anchor. I was curious about the title of this video, but after 6 minutes of you whining about the past I just had to turn it off. If you’re going to speak on them, at least do something of substance and not your same talking points. It’s getting boring and desperate.

  11. Mibach is a massive dud.

    1. Don’t talk crap about Mibach. He’s mister big, bad ass anchorman now. Remember? The baddest mother fucker in the newsroom.

    2. Agreed, Mibach is a nothing burger on Wonderbread.
