Monday, February 26, 2024

Haener Tells KTVU Staffers She'd Love Frank Somerville Back; KQED Somerv...


  1. This is Frank. I’m guessing ktvu will never hire me again. But I can guarantee that if they do they will be number 1 again. I love Julie. I love the people who work there. I let them all down. If I was to be rehired they could write into the contact that I could be tested anytime without any warning. If I fail. I’m fired. Period. I would also be willing to let bygones be bygones. I love ktvu. I always will.

    1. This sounds like a fair contract, but I think there's also financial constraints at KTVU. Would you be willing to take a cut in salary? They wouldn't pony up $600K again.

    2. Frank, this is one of your loyal viewers here. I’d be happy if they did hire you again.

      One thing I wish I could see new segments of at some poiint if not on TV, maybe you can do your own segment in YouTube is “Let’s Be Frank”. To be honest, I’ve enjoyed those segments very much and it inspired a lot of us to think differently. Maybe you can also relate to your struggles.

    3. As a viewer, Somerville should be there. I am still mad at KTVU for those Asiana Airlines pilot names joke and that stupid morning anchor that read them like a robot.
      1 Captain Sum Ting Wong
      2 Captain We Too Low
      3 Captain Ho Le Fook
      4 Captain Bang Ding Oww
      They made Frank read a apology on that. THEN THEY FIRE FRANK!
      What a RACIST station reading those pilot names.
      Now I watch KPYX channel 44-1
      10' O'Clock News.
      KTVU you suck.!
      Sum ting Wong st KTVU

    4. "I am still mad at KTVU for those Asiana Airlines pilot names..."

      There are still stains in my carpet where I spit up my lunch laughing that day.

    5. The real sum ting wong is their new reporter Tory Ganes. The woman was reporting on a pedestrian death with no police confirmation based on sum ting from Walk SF and then bumbled every other sentence including pronouncing Arguello Blvd, Argue—ello. Our morning team has its problems and I know KTVU is competition but I almost feel bad for their producers right now.

    6. This is not Frank.
      The Gravy Train stopped running once the Porsche was being used as a ram-rod. Sorry Mr Summerville, while you may be talented, you are too big of a liability to be an employee.
      This is 2024, there are few shots at redemption. The new adage is, “Next !!” as in “next man up!” It is cheaper and less controversial.
      You may really want your old job, and others may want you back in the fold, but people in Hell want ice water too. Ain’t going to happen.
      As a matter of fact, I will BET you that IF you get rehired by KTVU I will send Rich L a crisp $50 bill. And IF you get rehired by KTVU, you send Rich L $5,000.
      Believe me, neither of us will be out any money (for this) in the next 5 years.
      Sorry Mr Frank

  2. Re: KQED and Sommerville: great idea but it will take more than just Frank. Studio crew, producers, field crew. Probably 15 to 20 people to do 30 minutes of live TV five nights a week.

    1. How will somewhat progressive KQED, which actually comes off more as a bastion of intellectual thought superiority, have a closet Republican and likely Trump supporter seemingly based on his social media posts, who graduated from SF State (not Stanford or Cal), come off reading news to people in Palo Alto and Berkeley? I suppose there will be someone at KQED, like some retired news writer from KTVU has said, who would explain the complicated issues to him. This and the baggage he brings. No way.

  3. Would there be windchimes and sprouts?

  4. I would watch KTVU News again if Frank came back.

  5. Get over it. Move on to the next chapter.

  6. I'd love to see Frank back at KTVU.

    You mentioned that Julie Haener would never admit she wants him back because it'd basically mark the beginning of the end for her at KTVU. I disagree. I think if she went on the record, it'd be the end for MIKE MIBACH. Haener would never admit it publicly, BUT if she did, I'm pretty sure the station would immediately move Mibach off the 10 pm news and into some other role, possibly back to the mornings or sports.

  7. Frank Somerville's return is the come-back story the Bay Area needs!!!

  8. Once again Jukie Haener is a no show today. Will ktvu ever say enough is enough already? There’s no way she has this much vacation time accrued that she can miss 75% of her shifts which means she must be going unpaid when she’s missing all this work. Must be nice to have that level of wealth that you don’t even need a paycheck.

    1. Her son is a top NFL quarterback for the New Orleans Saints. I’m pretty sure she doesnt need the money which is why she can miss so much work.

    2. She’s in Beverly Hills right now, enjoying the high life.

    3. Top QB?!? He was suspended the first 6 regular season games of last season for performance enhancing substances. As of today, he has Zero stats for any regular season NFL game.

    4. Top QB? haha....guy is like the 4th string QB. He has to pick up the towels and water bottles after the game.

    5. Going unpaid??? Um, she has a contract. She doesn’t work on an hourly rate!

    6. "Her son is a top NFL quarterback for the New Orleans Saints." He was a third stringer last season and he got busted for PEDs. Top QB my ass...

    7. 11:10, so her contract allows her to take what amounts to unlimited time off while not

    8. There are ~7,900,000,000 people on this planet (7.9 BILLION). There are 32 NFL teams with 3 quarterbacks each. So ~96 quarterbacks. So for those who say Jake Haener is NOT a top NFL quarterback, how many NFL snaps have you taken? Exactly. STFU.

    9. Jim Druckenmiller - remember him? (I thought not) - had several snaps in NFL games. Top flight quarterback? Not even close. 3rd string is the practice squad QB, the just in case just in case, case. Like 98% of 3rd string quarterbacks, he will eventually have an official NFL record, 6-17 pass attempts, 2 interceptions, , 0 TDs, 5 sacks, -18 yards rushing. Sorry to pop your bubble, but the only reason Haener is on the Ain’ts is because Carr went to Fresnyland State and lobbied for the kid.

  9. What benefit do you get supporting Frank? This guy is totally over, he can pray to god for forgiveness, viewers hate him and don’t care about this psycho reporter still slurring word by word like a retard.

    1. The benefit Rich gets of supporting Frank is that of Friendship. Good on both.
      I agree with you, Frank’s tenure as a bay area news reader is kaput. He will never be employed on TV here again. Maybe as a radio announcer, but even that’s a stretch. Welcome to reality: folks over 55 are rarely hired for any job.

  10. coldhandswarmheart@gmail.comFebruary 26, 2024 at 8:32 PM

    what's Tori Campbell been up to?

    1. Living the good life overseas.

    2. Living in Singapore with her husband.

    3. KTVU interview her in Singapore, she has some kind of business in Singapore from the info I got online. So funny she reside in an Asian Country after that embrassment incident against Asian on air. A few staffs was let go allowing this to go on air.

  11. A drinking game: A shot every time Rich says "KQED" instead of "KTVU."

    [I'm on the floor right now]

  12. If this is true it’s gonna be really awkward when Mibach and Haener see each other next, assuming she ever decides to show up to work again.

  13. "KQED Pulse! Frank Somerville and Rich Lieberman talk about the topics of the day."

  14. Tangentially related to this post: when Haener doesn’t show up for work, why don’t they have Heather Holmes or Cristina Rendon do her shift, as the two next most qualified and senior anchors? Tonight, Crystal Bailey is filling in for Julie on all the prime-time newscasts. Since anchoring ability and experience don’t seem to matter there, they should just have the janitors do the news. I’d be much cheaper, and there’d likely be no notable dropoff in quality.

    1. Crystal Bailey filled in for Haener on the earlier news tonight, but they brought in Claudine Wong to do the 10 and 11. They probably realized what a disaster Bailey was and called Wong on her day off, asking if she could fill in last minute.

  15. I bet she flew Asiana Airlines.
    "Can I meet your pilots" 😂

  16. Frank should be on Check Please, Bay Area. If he can get past that no problem "Newsroom" was born as a result of an SF newspaper strike. Reporters sitting around talking about stories they covered

  17. This is a significant development and likely signals the beginning of the end for Mike Mibach's tenure at 10. Even though Frank Somerville will almost certainly not return to KTVU, the cat is out of the bag, and Mibach has now received the ultimate vote of 'no confidence'. There's no viable path forward for him.

    Thanks for your service, Mike, and best of luck on your next venture, whether it's at KTVU or elsewhere.

  18. Julie Haener is a GILF for sure (Grandma I'd like to ..... )
