Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Hackney/Yu Latest Drama Disturbing Trend at KPIX


  1. Thanks for staying on top of this Rich.

    I've spent most of my adult life working behind the scenes at various TV stations, including PIX and two other local ones. PIX has, without a doubt, the most toxic newsroom environment I've ever encountered or even heard of. I resigned after 14 months and am still surprised I lasted that long. To put it in perspective, my shortest tenure at a TV station prior to PIX was 9 years. The drama, pettiness, lack of communication, dysfunction, lack of accountability, cutthroat mentality, constant tension, inconsistent schedules, and overall uncomfortable atmosphere permeated the building, extending far and wide and even to us behind-the-scenes staff. Most of my friends in the industry who've also ‘done time’ at PIX have had the same experiences and share the same sentiment.

    The unusual, prolonged, and illogical leaves of absence Rich mentioned (VDLC, Borba, Yu, Hackney, Walker, et al.) are the tangible signs of dysfunction and weirdness that viewers see, but they're just the tip of the iceberg. Many others, who don't take actual leaves of absence, bring excessive drama and tension to the workplace. Which in many ways is much worse. One individual who comes to mind immediately is Maria Medina, whose time at PIX, particularly towards the end, was so tumultuous and strained that many of us were surprised PIX tolerated it. Her experience at PIX was so traumatic that she left the industry for good for an entry level public relations job.

    Additionally, the frequency of employees calling in sick, both on-air talent and rank-and-file staff, is unlike anything I've encountered elsewhere. It speaks volumes about an environment when people find any excuse to avoid it than be a part of it.

    1. You forgot to mention the Amanda Starrantino debacle….and Jessica Burch buying over 100k Instagram followers until Rich called her out at which point her account immediately stopped growing as though time stood still.

    2. Spraying liquid ass in the KPIX breakroom sure relieves a lot of tension.

      Peter Felch

    3. “PIX has, without a doubt, the most toxic newsroom environment I've ever encountered or even heard of.”

      Fortunately for you, it sounds like you’ve never worked at ktvu.

    4. We also lost Justin Andrews and more recently Jocelyn Moran who is now with KNTV

  2. Does ANYONE actually care about Yu & Hackney? People retire every day. Drama of life stops people in their tracks. Stuff Happens. Do we need an explanation for their absence? Heck no. Best of luck to them, “NEXT !!”

    1. If someone’s gone more than 2 and maybe slowly 3 months, that’s a clear indication they will likely not be back unless it is medically related. Hackney will not be back trust me. Betty Yu its a possibility but we will see.

      Besides since mid 2022, Hackney has somehow started becoming a little worse. Small things like not introducing himself when he is alone anchoring (especially with his buddy Jules gone to weekday primetime). To a degree I am happy he has left, I also got sick of him wasting time with too much history and trivia about the Bay Area while doing the weather.

    2. I do hope to see Brian Hackney and Betty Yu back and hope they are healthy. To me they are pros. I mostly see what resembles amateur hour on KPIX and reporters who don't know the north bay from the south bay. It's a shame.

    3. Part of me expected Hackney to retire but not in this way where he’s MIA. There could have been an announcement; maybe the same like Dennis O’Donnell but a more personal issue I guess. The MIA is all suspense but the reason also I feel he ain’t coming back is cause now Andrea is no longer acknowledging Hackney’s absence on the weekend.

      Do you think the toxic environment of KPIX is part of the reason Bastida and Allen Martin left?

  3. VDLC is playing that dirty game not showing up for work in months working at a new station in Georgia. Wonder is she that rich and powerful to play these type of no show games starting the feud on KPIX

  4. Totally unrelated to this post…

    Would love to see you do a written blog or YouTube newscast focusing on Bay Area “homers” aka the local announcers whose heads are so far up players and teams asses they can see out their throats.

    I was reminded of it tonight whilst watching the Warriors game. Per usual Boob Fitzgerald and Kalena Azubuike shamelessly embarrassed themselves: after reading a Black History Month promo Boob said ‘he looks forward to this month all year.’ Seriously?
    And then Kalena with 4 quarters of his usual giddy fanboy, ass-kissing routine. Not if the players ever get a chance to re-watch the actual broadcast but one can only imagine how embarassment for these clowns they must feel.

    1. Yep. I heard Fitzgerald make that comment about how he looks forward to black history month each year. The words disingenous, phony, insincere and superficial all came to mind yet none of them come close to describing how foolish he sounded saying that, especially to his african-american co-announcer.

    2. with all his weight gain, "Blob" Fitzgerald would be a more appropriate nickname,

  5. My wife and I were talking the other day, about how really, we don't watch TV anymore, other than for the news. We watch noon news on KPIX, and 11am news on KGO, at least, for the first 20 minutes or so on KGO 11am, after which, it becomes a Sze affair and gets boring! I also watch the 11pm news because I like seeing Sara Donchey's toes! But these local news items, are the only things we watch on news, preferring to be entertained by the constantly being updated, feeds on Youtube! Whenever something happens of significance, such as the shooting at the KC Chiefs celebration, I then get out of youtube and go to CBS Live online, as they are the closest thing to having live news constantly, like or somewhat like CNN, without having to pay for it. I also like NewsNet which is a 24 hour newsfeed online, advertised as "news, the way it used to be". They are straightforward, with no obvious political slants, in the Cronkite manner, unlike the news of today, slanted like CNN one way, and Fox, the other way.
    I do though, wonder about what is happening with Betty Yu, who has consistently turned down alleged offers [reported here by RICH!] from networks. I also wonder what is going on with Brian Hackney, even though he is pompous, he is smart, knows it, but he is smart, and at times, you can get good information from him because he IS knowledgeable. Thanks Rich, for what you do. I am actually starting to like your videos!

    1. If rich is reporting it its a figment of what ever is left in his mind at that moment or dementia settled in.

    2. I like Betty Yu's feet! Great toes

    3. The dogs laying on top of remotes think Sze is preachy at 3PM

  6. They are fucking each other. You did'nt know Rich?

  7. All irrelevant. What about that Hungarian prick Soros caught buying over 200 radio stations? Guess who also picked up 40% of Audacy's debt? Soros Management. Control the media, control the people.

    1. Not really discussed here. Not sure why.

    2. You mean Sinclair Broadcasting - The Company of Regret? They always put a toxic spin on anything going against their Agenda. Their idea of helping Americans is to sell them more cigarettes.

  8. Well said (above). I. am at the point of looking for an alternative broadcast, TNT or ESPN, before I tune into the game and the homers. It's pathetic to have a broadcast team such as this. Be better Warriors.

  9. I see abc7 news dropped the building a better bay area theme but looks like it's still showing on some newscasts.

  10. Diva’s on television. Who woulda thunk it?

  11. Betty Yu is missin work because she’s too busy having more gunk and fillers injected into her lips

  12. You are always just to the left of the point, Rich.

    The reason so many have fled KPIX is because of management - not because management isn’t rah-rah enough.

    Lisa White, Mike Weir, Brian Dinsmore are the toxic cancer that continues to metastasize throughout that newsroom.

    Smart staffers are dissecting themselves from that cancer.

    1. To those who have left, good for them. KPIX is a dumpster and a sinking ship. Agree that it starts with toxic leadership

  13. If Hackney thinks he can do better than why does he just move on?

  14. Second to Betty as excellent journalist and field reporter is Mark Sayre. It's anybody's guess as to why Mark was there only for such a short time.

  15. Wilson Walker is back today reporting. All thats pending is Betty Yu and Brian Hackney.

  16. Wilson Walker is back today reporting. All thats pending is Betty Yu and Brian Hackney.

  17. One more thing, Brian deserve evening spot on weekdays than that Cowan dude

  18. That Reed Cowan gives me the creeps on TV. Super smarmy. Just google his name and his past and it will tell you all you need to know about how low the hiring standards are at KPIX. 'nuff said.
