Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Birthday Dinner Schmooze with Murray


  1. Happy Birthday Rich.

  2. Belated birthday wishes! I hope you had a wonderful celebration.

    I wanted to take a moment to share my thoughts, not on Bay Area media, but specifically on your website. I've noticed that you often publish comments directed at you personally, many of which are negative, nasty, and frankly, juvenile - akin to the behavior of trolls.

    This site is YOUR kingdom, and I suggest you treat yourself as the dictator of it. It's not a democracy, nor is it a "majority rules" environment. It belongs to you, and therefore should only contain content and comments that you believe align with the overarching message and spirit you wish to convey.

    I encourage you to suppress any comments that are mean-spirited, critical of you, or don’t directly address Bay Area media.

    1. Well said. Rich you’re under no obligation to publish any comments much less ones that are purposely meant to insult you.

    2. 12:25, Donald Chump is that you?

  3. I would consider Biden smarter than everyone that voted for him.
