Thursday, January 4, 2024

The Julie Haener Quagmire at KTVU; Tim Kawakami is an Asshole Too


  1. Rich, do you like anyone?

    1. Thanks for taking the time to answer. I agree with you.


    2. AnonymousJanuary 5, 2024 at 11:48 AM
      Thanks for taking the time to answer. I agree with you.

  2. Rich, what's your take on Bryan Goebel from KQED & KCBS?

  3. Kawakami and Bobby Fitz are two peas in a pod. Little man syndrome. When you see ol' Tim take his picture and annoy the hell out of him. Hey Kawakami... I'm going to look for you at the next Niners or Warriors game and snap your picture. You have no privacy in public a-hole!

    1. When someone breaks wind in an elevator and it makes the baby cry, that’s Van Amburg speaking from beyond the grave.

  4. Regarding Julie H. Agreed, for me, I don't watch KTVU News much. If Julie H. is on, that's fine. I like the way she looks. Her news presentation as spoken is only so-so. In fact, I like her more on Instagram than on TV. The last I heard, she's scheduled for Sunday-Thursday, but with her attendance, as a viewer, she's unreliable if I wanted to see her. If Heather H. was on instead, that would be ok with me. There are other anchors who might be on instead where I'd turn off or change the channel.
    KTVU, overall, I don't personally care whether you keep or let Julie H. go. I do like how KTVU uses the "FOX LOCAL" app as I'm often using AppleTV to view the news from out of the area. That is all, bye for now.

  5. And what are we to make of Janelle Wang hanging out in Cabo with Marcus Washington?

    1. One thing is for certain: The Indian Walter Cronkite, the insecure man that he is, is no doubt envious that Wang is getting some BBC love.

  6. Say what you will about Haener, but her frequent absences make it painfully clear that Mibach doesn't possess the gravitas or presence expected of a lead anchor. He is fully exposed as a mediocre, ho hum anchor at best. Without Haener, the newscast descends to the level of its weakest link, which, lately, has been fill-in anchors LaMonica Peters and Crystal Bailey. If Mibach were the right fit for the role, he would find a way to elevate the newscast and bring these incompetent fill-ins up to his level, not the other way around.

    And along those lines, we can now appreciate how well Haener can read the prompter when now, night after night, we get these newcomers who can barely make it through a read.

    Are Heather Holmes and Cristina Rendon pissed that, by default, KTVU asks unqualified and incompetent newcomers to step in for Haener instead of Holmes or Rendon?

    1. "...which, lately, has been fill-in anchors LaMonica Peters and Crystal Bailey."

      Oh God, they're TERRIBLE. But if you're terrible at KTVU, you float to the top. If you're good, you get passed over. It's been proven over and over.

    2. “Are Heather Holmes and Cristina Rendon pissed that, by default, KTVU asks unqualified and incompetent newcomers to step in for Haener instead of Holmes or Rendon?”

      It's a legit question. If they need a backup for the prime time and most watched newscasts, common sense says it should be the next best anchor. But instead, KTVU evidently takes the "any warm body" approach. It’s like the movie Office Space where the least qualified nincompoops rise up the ranks and the most qualified get marginalized.

    3. They need to add Tory Gaines to the fill-in anchor list to complete the trifecta of incompetence. Peters and Crystal Baley are Dianne Sawyers compared to this one. Please teach her how to ummmm do just a simple TV news story, start with things like SF’s largest basket weaving festival. They can get into the how to’s of more challenging news like crime, fires, and politics during her sophomore year.

  7. Let’s be honest. Julie was exposed as soon as somerville left. HE was the one who carried the newscast. And we all know it. She was a perfect second in command. But with how pathetic Mike is Julie needed to step up and be the leader and she’s just not a leader. She’s a great co-pilot. But Somerville was always the pilot.

  8. If you’re going to write about Kawakami, at least have the decency to refer to him correctly. Asswipe or asshat are more appropriate yet they hardly seem strong enough to describe how big of a douchebag he really is.

    1. Yep. Kawakami is a total tool. It's well documented. Google him, and you can read all about his extensive history of being an arrogant, insecure, grade-A prick. It goes back two+ decades. His skin is about as thick as tissue paper.

  9. Rich your right about Tim, he's a snob and get angry if you even try to speak to him. He thinks he's total Hollywood. Just an angry person. He's needs help.

  10. Crystal Bailey just posted her highlight reel on her social media. She did not post her stumbles and when she ruined an open to a show

    1. If it was a 'highlight' reel then i'm assuming it was 2-3 seconds max.

    2. She could barely get through a newscast

    3. First, we had Bailey O'Carrell referring to the indelible mark she's left on journalism (before even securing a full-time on-air job). Then Crystal Bailey creates a highlight reel even though she can't make it through a read and commits no fewer than 200 gaffes per newscast.
      Now, I'm just waiting for Tori Ganes to teach a masterclass on how to excel as a general assignment reporter.

    4. Crystal Bailey is a woman of color who is on a fantastic career trajectory. The sky is the limit with her. You all need to appreciate the obstacles that young, women of color have to overcome in the broadcast media industry, even in this day and age of increased opportunity.

      And as far as her 'stumbles' and 'gaffes,' do you think Diane Sawyer or Barbara Walters or Christiane Amanpour never stumbled on air when they were first starting off and no one knew who they were? Everyone experiences moments of learning and growth in their careers.

    5. I saw Ganes on Like it or Not. Girl is bringin frumpy sweater style back and I’m in the Not camp.

    6. Give me a break. By obstacles, you mean first in line for a job. News Directors continue to be under increased pressure to follow DEI job remits. Yet, smart people of color go to higher paying fields so you end up with the Crystal Baileys, Tiffany Justices and Tori Ganes of the world.

    7. @11:02 AM, For fuck’s sake, stop with the whole obstacles/woman of color/lack of opportunity thing. What does Crystal Bailey stumbling her way through the news night after night have to do with that? Absolutely nothing. She's utterly unqualified for the role that her KTVU bosses foolishly put her into. Nothing more, nothing less.

      However, since you've brought up the subject of obstacles and opportunities, let's take a quick look at her bio and social media: she graduated from one of the top 10 public universities in the United States, has gained various work experiences in her chosen field across the country, has already undertaken a good amount of international travel, and appears to be dining quite well and enjoying a comfortable lifestyle. Oh, and she now fills in for KTVU's most accomplished and prominent female anchor. It's safe to say that Bailey has had her fair share of opportunities.

      PS: Comparing Bailey to Sawyer, Walters, and Amanpour is absurd. Stop embarrassing yourself.

    8. Hi. Someone sent this to me (and it’s probably not worth my time) but I thought I should chime in.

      I am still learning all there is to learn at KTVU. I started in September but took a long break from news. I am no pro, and certainly won’t claim to be! I am grateful that management saw enough potential in me to give me a chance - after all, don’t we all need those?

      I will say I work hard and I’m my toughest critic, so all of the harsh criticism is nothing compared to the thoughts I take home after a “stumbling” newscast.

      And if the comment below really is Frank Somerville, I’d hope he cheer on the next generation of TV newsies the same way many young people look up to those who came before us.

      Hope to grow and get better very soon! Moving forward I don’t plan to read or look at this blog, as I don’t think the negativity is helpful to anyone… all it does is give the platform for hatred to be spread.


  11. Tim Kawakami can kiss my ass. I worked with him at the Mercury News for a few years in the mid-2010’s. Unless you’ve worked along side him there’s no way to comprehend how big an asshole he is. To this day he remains the rudest, most egotistical co-worker I’ve ever worked with. He talked down to EVERYONE and treated us rank and file staff like dog shit. Without a doubt he’s the biggest sack of shit I’ve ever had the displeasure of meeting.

    1. @7:26. It's easy to get angry and nobody should be subject to abuse, by someone who is obviously a very troubled individual. We all know people like this and I am always struck by this one common thread: Do they know how much energy it takes to be in a constant animus?
      It takes to much work. Such a waste and sadly most don't realize it and will continue to alienate those around them.
      Their loss.

    2. What happened in Tim Kawakami's life to make him such an angry and bitter and disliked person?

  12. Who does Mike Mibach's hair?

    1. 8:46, you just earned the Funniest Comment of the Month award! Thanks for the laugh!

    2. I do. Its fab and so is he. Sounds like you are just jealous Mr. Hater Small Winky Pants because ladies do not like what is downstairs. I can not fix that but can fix your hair. Come see me at “Hot, Hairy and oh so…” in Pleasant Hill. - Ricky

    3. I once bumped into Mibach and inquired about the secret behind his hairstyle; he graciously shared his routine which I will share here. He wakes up in the morning and immediately puts on a hat. He wears it all day including during his drive to work and once at the station.
      Alas, he finally takes it off about 30 seconds before going on air.
      So, there you have it.

    4. 2:54 PM: Finally an explanation that makes sense

    5. @ Frank, why don’t you get a job at KRON? They keep giving you a platform to air your grievances and aren’t you looking for work…? they can always use better anchors, (especially during their 2pm show, sheesh.) and you seem to be an expert anyways.

    6. Pair Frank with Justine Waldman

    7. I would love to work at kron. Anchoring is what I do. But sadly because of mistakes brought on by myself I don’t think anyone is likely to give me another chance. Even tho we all know people would totally tune in and i would totally move the needle.

  13. To all the Crystal Bailey haters: just how many prime time newscasts have YOU anchored? Oh, did you say ZERO? Take two seats and STFU.

    1. Ohhhh. Crystal’s friend is an angry elf. It’s called being in the public eye. Take the heat, get better, or get out of the kitchen. It’s the top 10 not jschool sweety.

    2. @9:26 pm Okay Crystal

    3. Awwwww, poor baby's feelings are hurt. Sounds like Crystal Bailey is competing with Tim Kawikame and "Lt" Jessica Burch for the thinnest skin award.

    4. 9:26, following your logic, does that imply that no one should dare critique the President, given that we've never served as president ourselves?

    5. Really. I was the main anchor at ktvu for 15 years. She’s completely unqualified. U know it. And I know it. End of story. It has no issue with the color of her skin or whether she’s a woman. It’s just her experience. She might be great some day. But right now she has no business being in the Bay Area. I worked my ass off to be on the Bay Area. These days we hire people whose are totally unqualified. And yes. This is Frank Somerville.

    6. 6:51 PM, Thank you for bringing sanity and perspective, Frank. It's truly astounding to witness how much KTVU has fallen in a relatively short amount of time. Just when it seems they've hit rock bottom, they manage to outdo themselves once again. I hope life is treating you well, and your recovery is on track.

  14. I call him Tim Kamikaze. He has no heart or soul.

  15. This morning, KTVU aired a football pre-game show with Mark Ibanez as their in-studio guest. When Joe Fonzi asked about Ibanez what he missed most about working at Channel 2, he mentioned enjoying the camaraderie, as it felt like a family. Interestingly, he added, "I don't miss all the behind-the-scenes stuff." Given the circumstances surrounding his departure from KTVU, one can only imagine what he meant.

    1. Didn’t he just retire? Didn’t realize there were circumstances around his departure

    2. Note sure but according to Rich's previously reporting sounds like there was more to it.

  16. I'm not familair with Tim Kawikame but he looks like a bigtime ass just based on the picture you included.

    1. He looks super intense. Sounds like Mr. Kamikaze needs to lighten up and laugh. Apparently it's good for the soul.

  17. I don’t understand the Crystal Bailey hate? I’ve watched her and she seems like a normal anchor. The way how you guys are speaking about her, if I didn’t know any better I would think she’s terrible…when she’s not. Granted she’s stumbled a bit but so has everyone? Whether it’s other anchors or on KRON, it’s nothing unheard of. She’s expressive and enunciates well. I’ve seen Rendon and Heather fill in for Julie all the time, sometimes Jana. And when they don’t, one glance on their profile shows them abroad vacationing. Only time I’ve seen Crystal and Monica on air was during the holidays so obviously it seems they’re not the go-to backups. They’ve also had Amber fill in and she’s been there for awhile now. Some reporters are better as just that. Reporters. On top of that, there’s been times I’ve even thought Julie was having a stroke since she would repeat herself! Sounds like this thread is an echo chamber.

    1. Thanks Crystal

    2. Scroll up and you'll see that Frank Somerville issued a formal opinion on the matter. I don't know about anyone else but i'll sure as hell trust his opinion over anonymous trolls. Simply put, the debate has been settled.

    3. @11:56 you’d trust a fired man whose ruined his reputation? (No offense Frank)

    4. 11:56am, agreed.

    5. @10:29. Im a 19 comms major at Cal State but ok

    6. 10:48, don't take it personally. there are clearly some trolls and miserable people who are so angry and bitter and negative that they can't even phathom that someone might say something remotely positive on this site. And when it happens they get triggered. I know it's weird but it's the strange reality of this page.

  18. Grew up in Burlingame with Tim and his brothers. He was arrogant from the time he was young. He's extremely bright and knows it. His three brothers were the nicest guys. You wouldn't know they were related. Reading the comments and knowing what I know about him certainly seems to be true. I can say that what people wrote about him is on par with who he is.
