Thursday, January 25, 2024

Sheep Bay Area Media: Oakland In/Out Burger Closing Most Overblown Story


  1. Henry Lee, ktvu’s ’crime reporter’ is unavailable because he’s too busy appearing on their strange Like It or Not show every other day. I’m interested to hear your thoughts on that show. Right when you thought ktvu couldn’t sink any lower, they find new ways to debase themselves.

    1. Yet KTVU has the time to do two full stories about the guy they dubbed “Dollarita Steve” referring to him as the man, the myth, the legend and then brought him into the studio for a full segment. You can’t make this shit up.




    2. Henry Lee may be too busy with his fulltime Like It or Not duties but Ktvu can still send one of their three reporter extraordinaires…Tory Ganes, Crystal Bailey or Bailey O’Carrol.

  2. My car was broken into at that In and Out along with my boss's computer when I was dropping him back at the airport. The Police said we were 90th in the call line and they don't respond to belongings stolen from your car. The Police said go to the Oakland Swap meet at the Coliseum to look to buy back my computer it is most likely there.

    1. Somehow I don't believe this story. More internet lore.

    2. Somehow the story I told was true unlike liberals like yourself. Look for the internet lore for this story and you will not find it. Now please go on with your miserable life.

    3. You must of never went to Oakland. Call the Oakland Police Department right now and tell them you need immediate assistance because you laptop was stolen from your car at In and Out. Bring a sleeping bag and provisions while you wait.

    4. They/Them above probably believes Biden won the election.

    5. They/Them knows that Biden won the election. Time to lock up the orange rapist.

    6. @8:41 Things not going so well since Budweiser fired you huh? Shouldn't have made that video in the Senate Hearing room.

  3. I'm a transplanted SoCal. In-N-Out is, no great loss.

    1. What else is overrated? Hunan Kitchen in Rohnert Park. Jan Wahl destroys the bathroom every time she’s there.

  4. ShrekBurger with cheese nom nom nom

  5. They've all beaten that dead horse for the last 5 years. Interviewing people on Oakland's crime epidemic is a sure way to get everyone to reach for the remote

    1. Agreed. What would people on the street say that hasn’t been said a zillion times already. Not only would it lead to channel-changing time, but everyone would be screaming the media is trying to pile on a story that’s already been told a trillion times before (crime, stores closing, car break-ins, etc)

  6. Spot on and just proves the sad state of local media. It’s probably why top TV reporters like Brooks Jarosz and other longtime reporters left KTVU. The news is shallow and on an endless loop.

  7. I think you are alluding to their being more to the story than just crime. Could be. Have not heard of an In-N-Out location closing even in s recession. There are In-N-Outs in other crime areas elsewhere such as in LA; so I don't know what the other issues are. Warriors left Oakland; and A’s and Raiders in process of. All those locations had security. Oakland Kaiser informs personnel now to stay onsite for lunch now “for their safety”; to the detriment of local business. You do seem to have an Oakland online news service running on donations like you that tries to give some depth to the story and in a broader scope but I agree there could be more to all this than just crime:

    1. I meant “there” being more to the story. Stephen A. Smith has an interesting assessment of this situation and seems to blame it on the failures of Oakland to keep any of the 3 major sports’ franchises. May be an excuse though given how little stadium workers probably make.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. @6:24am You are correct! In and Out is neither quick, nor tasty. Let’s call it correctly: not so fast food, not particularly good, with silly uniforms straight out of bad Japanese Sci-Fi movie. And don’t get me started about the Fascisti owner…yes, one person owns em all !!

    1. @12:18. That fascist owner indeed. A devout Christian who rarely gives interviews and is a very private person. How dare she! Just the mere mention of Christianity will make those atheist liberals lose their damn minds!

  10. Rich is the king of beating a subject to death.

    1. @1:44- For real. Sometimes these videos turn into Rich's bash sessions of Bay Area media. Yeah Rich we get it, they're not perfect, but Bay Area media overall is still held in high regard.

  11. First ever to close. Very newsworthy.
