Saturday, January 20, 2024

Let's be Frank


  1. Sal Castanada on the 49ers post game show.
    I'm out.

    1. Tonight it was Mike Mibach. I'm out too.

  2. I thought he was talking about
    "Frank" ....Somerville

  3. Yesterday I listened to Greg Papa and Tim Ryan for the first time for the 49ers vs. Packers playoff game. I basically had no opinion on them prior to the game. I was amazed at how hard it was to listen to the broadcast.

    Papa: Obviously does his homework. Very, very well prepared. His voice is exceptionally grating with those weird mispronunciations. 6 on a scale of 1 to 10.

    Ryan: Exceptionally knowledgeable in terms of what's going on. Interrupts and talks over Papa constantly. Like, constantly. 4 on a scale of 1 to 10 and that's being generous.

    Summary: The most unappealing NFL broadcasting team I've ever heard mainly because of Ryan's rank unprofessionalism. I've assessed many broadcasters over the years. San Francisco and environs are spoiled by the quite remarkable excellence of Giants broadcasts (9 on the scale). Joe Starkey was exceptional with the Niners back in the day (a strong 8). Those items may be factors in what I'm saying, but they're minor factors.
