Saturday, January 13, 2024

Darren Peck EGO-Itus at PIX Gets More Heated; Saturday Muse


  1. Replies
    1. I can't stand him either. I turn the station when he comes on. His deliberately slow rate of speech makes it seem as though he's talking down to the audience, as if he feels the need to explain every detail in the simplest, most rudimentary way imaginable.

    2. @1:47 PM, I've observed the same issue, though I'm uncertain if Peck intentionally slows down his speech rate. Regardless, if he maintained a normal cadence and addressed the audience as adults (as he should, given that most local news viewers are adults), he would be much more effective and maybe even likeable.

      I've noticed Rich enjoys pointing out Bill Martin's mumbling, but I appreciate Martin's weather delivery style, along with Jeff Ranieri and Rob Mayeda. Assuming Peck isn't aiming to be condescending, he should study how these others present and adjust his style accordingly.

      If, however, he is intentionally being condescending, then Rich's observations and those of commenters on this blog are indeed valid.

  2. Taken as reported. Management appears none too keen on offering Peck a more stable schedule. His position is tenuous at best and I can understand the frustration. However, vocally expressing that displeasure to fellow coworkers and comments about management do not endear yourself to others. Peck is hardly in a position to make demands, but avoidance of the known issue will only exacerbate matters. Deal with this swiftly and diplomatically.

    1. "Taken as reported. Management appears none too keen on offering Peck a more stable schedule."

      Why should he be different than anybody else. Has he noticed the way they treat Anne Makovec?

  3. Peck is a really good weather guy. Love his personality and love how I always learn something from his forecasts

  4. Agree, 1:07! He is the best at what he does....and his weather graphics shame other networks (hello, ABC7....)

  5. Peck is hands down the best . He is so creative and love his information and presentation of weather .

  6. @idiots
    Peck is the best. Long weather reports are what I want. Tired of the same news stories. The weather changes hourly. Peck takes his time to explain wtf is going on. It's just too bad he has to stand in that pile of dung that is the new weather set up on KPIX.
    Who would you rather watch?
    The mumbling old Spencer Christian? Oatmeal Paul? Name the most cities Paulson? Orosco and her clothing line? Kyla and her fast forward buttons? Tamayo and his segment stopping swallows?
    Go to weather channel and look at scroll for best update on TV.

    1. Oh no, Peck got his panties in a bunch!

    2. Kyla is good. She does things like they do on the weather channel. Used to watch her there.

    3. Hi, Darren. I'd really prefer Hackney. He did the weather better than anyone else at KPIX, if you really want to know. And he also thinks you're....a peck all right.

    4. Sorry, Darren, I prefer Hackney. And Kyla. And so many others. Even with a wide-screen TV your head constantly goes out of the frame.

    5. Hackney is no doubt good in weather but the only thing I didn’t like is that he wasted time talking so much of Bay Area history trivia when giving the weather. That is another way you can tell he’s the smartest guy and knows the Bay Area well but when you’re giving the weather you’re supposed to give the weather.

      If you want Bay Area trivia there was always Eye on the Bay back in the day & you can even have your own show if you want to do some trivia and history…

  7. You know last year after we had the atmospheric river events, they removed Peck from his double weekend shift schedule & put him on weekend evenings & suddenly Monday & Tuesday afternoons at 12 & 3pm only (seldom comes at 5/5:30 if he needs to discuss about something like in Yosemite or something).

    In September they rearranged his schedule so Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays he would be there at 3PM & the Primetime Edition at 8 & 9PM (subject to fill in situation).

    He does seem happy to be there giving the weather (he’s very passionate) but at the same time I can see his frustration. If you’re supposed to work the weekend evenings it’s really odd to just leave after the 6pm newscast because you have to fill in the next day morning. That really shows PIX not only how short staffed they are but how Peck is being rotated and maybe is getting fed up.

    Today morning because of the rain (also happened in November), Darren was there this morning breaking it down well even without that 3D stuff, but he did at the end show a more blaser attitude towards Max while Max was still being kind and professional. I hate when he does those “see ya” or “see you later” things.

    I will give him credit on giving the weather in a different style but I also have to agree he has an ego problem and tends to sound very condescending.

    Paul Heggen isn’t that bad, yes he has dry humor and jokes but gets to the actual point of the forecast. Jessica Burch - Again you are right but weekends would not be possible given she is in the National Guard (one of those weather promos in 2022 explained that).

    Rob Mayeda is also another great meteorologist. No ego, really does a great job illustrating the important weather events in a calm and pleasant way and keeps important points like rain outlook, and the amount of rainfall. Peck is missing many points in his forecasts.

    I don’t expect Peck will get fired, in March it will mark 4 years on KPIX, but I will probably switch my focus to NBC instead. Better anchors, professionally dressed and there is more stability there.

    1. Peck is "condescending." Hackney is "condescending." Have you ever just considered that Americans are just intimidated by anyone whose IQ is over 90?

  8. Brian Hackney is still off. At this point if we really hit 2 months, I don’t think we should expect him to come back.

    Andrea at this point should stop saying “Brian Hackney is off tonight…”

    1. "Andrea at this point should stop saying 'Brian Hackney is off tonight…'"

      She'll say it until management tells her to stop saying it. Do you think it's improvised?

    2. I don’t know, you tell me. But if its a management decision I get it but that happens only on the weekend 6pm news

  9. Burch likes the morning shift so she can leave the station early and spend the rest of her day with her girlfriends, drinking and acting like she’s some kind of TikTok influencer. Thats the only reason she doesn’t want to do evenings.

    1. Speaking of tikok, last year Burch was buying an ungodly amount of Instagram followers until Rich called her out on this blog. Once he did that her follower count completely froze like time was suspended, after growing by like 7k per week with virtually all of them being Arabic and Pakastani dummy accounts.

    2. "Once he did that her follower count completely froze like time was suspended, after growing by like 7k per week with virtually all of them being Arabic and Pakastani dummy accounts."

      I will never understand the fragile, narcissistic egos in television. She's a third-stringer at a second-tier station in a fifth-tier market being watched by no one besides her ma. It's because of people like that I got out of the business. There are few sane people left in it.

    3. Unless there is a rain event the reality is that Burch or Peck filling in are not physically there at 9am or noon and the weather forecasts are pre-recorded. I’d want to guess that KPIX shortened their hours because unlike in the past they also work on the 7am & 8am hour so 9am they are done.

      This means there is more room for hiring one more meteorologist to do 9am to 3pm. Maybe KPIX/CBS don’t want to spend the money on that. It’s more awkward at 3PM because that is the time when we get towards late afternoon & early evening so folks want to know whats in store for the evening like before in the past NOT the morning daytime highs; the pre recorded stuff can be out of whack at certain times unless of course as I said there is rain coming.

  10. Screw that.
    Bring back Roberta Gonzalez

    1. Drinking game is every time she says "precipitation" do a shot

    2. If you want to get drunk REALLY fast, take a shot every time RoGo mentions the 'tip top' of the Salesforce Tower, Sutro Tower or Golden Gate Bridge.

    3. Bring BACK? She's around.

      If you want to know the weather in the barrio, just tune in to KTVU.

  11. Paul Haggen; Watching paint dry.

    Hmmm......Tough decision.

    1. Paul does have some dry humor but bad fashion sense. But I think he’s a good meteorologist. In one of his weather segments it was last week or something he mentioned that sometimes goes to schools to teach students about the weather and surely he must do a great job in that.

  12. Rob Mayeda doesn’t know soy sauce from a hole in the ground. Yes, I said it.

  13. Rob Mayeda doesn’t know soy sauce from a hole in the ground. Yes, I said it.

    1. You did. Twice.

    2. Rob Mayeda is also a professor at CSU East Bay, and his ratings are pretty high. I still think he’s better than Darren Peck in terms of his ego, personality and how long it takes to get to the point of the important forecast.

      Bear in mind he’s worked at NBC along with Jeff Ranieri for around or over 20 years I guess.

  14. Eight paragraphs. There are many easier ways to admit youre a stalker.

    1. Rich, you should commence awarding the "Funniest Comment of the Month" and present the inaugural award to @12:13 am!

    2. 12:13, I agree it totally screams 'stalkeresque', but I'm guessing Mr. Tiny Pecker wrote that strange eight-paragraph essay himself. You've got these weirdly detailed statements about Peck's schedule from last year (yeah, last year) tied to a specific weather event. Like, who even knows the details of his shifts, when exactly they changed, and what they became? And then there's the odd "he does seem happy to be there giving the weather."

      Definitely not your typical casual viewer writing.

      Hey, Pecky Boy, we know you're lurking on this blog. Lose the condescending tone and pick up the pace in your speech. We're all adults here, no need to talk weather like you're addressing a room full of three-year-olds.

  15. I've no problems with Peck. He's good IMO. I haven't noticed any "condescending" explanation. Any explanations only help in this scientific topic. I do have some trouble with understanding Burch, which others have previously mentioned. I think her speech is a bit fast and monotone. I do use close-captioning particularly with her. I must say I don't watch KPIX morning news much especially with Starrantino having gone to Los Angeles. I'm more likely to watch KTVU or KRON news and I'll likely be watching via AppleTV from out of town.

    1. Watching the news last night, he seemed to be fine. Could the thing Rich said happened with Peck also be common to all of us? Maybe like anything else maybe something’s bottled up in his personal life that he’s probably taking it out on others without meaning to.

      I’ve never met Peck in real life but if I ran into him, I’m sure the one thing he wants to talk about is weather but what would his personality be like? Jerky I guess…

  16. Most of the weather readers on local TV are more like carnival barkers. Peck is a teacher and takes his time to let you soak it all in.

    1. Peck was there last night and he seemed to be fine. He did take some time to get to the point but his explanations were clear and I didn’t see him have that much of an ego or act like he has.

  17. Steve Paulson, mornings on 2, is really good. He uses his noggin’ and divines the future using all the models. I am surprised by how how often he gets it right. I watch them all, have no issue with Heggen or Peck.
    Is Pete Giddings still in love when he sees himself in the mirror?

  18. Where is Mabrisa Rodriquez? Haven’t seen her in weeks. She was good though I don’t miss having to turn down the volume when she shouts. Will say I like Gail Ong who has been filling in for her though.

  19. Ong ong u so hot, it just wong, babee babee here my dong
