Saturday, December 30, 2023

The Saturday Schmooze; Year end chat; Local Stations Update


  1. Forget the anchors. The problem is the reporters. The Tiffany Justice, Tory Gaines, Emma Gosses of the world. How do such mind numbingly untalented and inexperienced people get jobs in this market!?

    1. Don't forget that KTVU superstar reporter Bailey O'Carroll. She is insufferable! I change the channel when a story she is reporting on comes on.

    2. I do the same with Emma Goss. Her nasally voice is worse than nails on a chalkboard. Her snobbish demeanor is a hard pass. The second the anchor mentions her name I turn the station before they can toss to her.

    3. @ 1:11 PM Tory ganes is horrible using her B.A. Or BS in acting to try to act like a journalist. She's a KRON reject

    4. 1:50pm, KTVU's fall from grace is of epic proportions. A news outlet that was once considered among the nation's best has now become a graveyard for has-beens, incompetents, rejects, asskissers, and buffoons that no other station will hire.

      KTVU, once considered the ultimate destination, has now become a last resort for those in desperate need of a paycheck.


    5. I worked for KNTV until recently. Let me provide some insights into the Emma Goss situation. Everyone at the station is well aware of the challenges associated with Emma's voice, which has been off-putting to both viewers and colleagues alike. The station is cognizant of the viewer feedback indicating that people switch channels because they find her voice intolerable.

      When Goss transitioned from KTVU to KNTV under rushed and peculiar circumstances, KNTV was fully aware of what they were getting, not only with her voice but also with her tendency to frequently take time off. Goss explicitly communicated from the outset that she would require time off for surgical treatment aimed at addressing her voice issues. KNTV agreed, hoping that the medical intervention would rectify the problem, thereby presenting them with a young, attractive, and competent reporter with a more conventional voice.

      Unfortunately, upon Goss's return from her medical leave, there was no discernible improvement in her voice; it remained unchanged. (This is public information if you Google Emma Goss.) This led to demoralization on her part, and viewers continued to switch channels. At this juncture, KNTV found itself in a challenging situation, contemplating what to do with Goss. While an annoying voice is not a protected class under the law, meaning an employer can terminate employment if it impacts job or station performance, the situation becomes complicated when the nasally voice is a result of a diagnosed medical condition, as is the case with Goss. In such instances, KNTV's options are essentially limited.

      Do they like the fact that ratings plummet and advertising dollars disappear whenever Goss appears on screen? Of course not. However, their options are limited, and they are not inclined to terminate her employment. Demoting her to an off-camera role, while it might seem like a straightforward solution, could potentially lead to a legal challenge. It's evident that Goss is not likely to voluntarily leave, considering her known story and the recent failure of the medical intervention. Moreover, given her circumstances, it's doubtful that another station would be willing to pick her up at this point.

    6. Goss is also not a good TV reporter. She doesn't understand how to write or present a television news piece without putting the viewer to sleep

    7. Tiffany Justice is HOT who cares if she's dumb

  2. One of your better podcasts of the year. Clear and concise content, not just some mindless rants criticizing / nitpicking others for the umpteenth time. You can definitely build off this one.

  3. “Brian is off tonight”. This is the 4th weekend in a row. That means 1 month. Seriously where is Brian Hackney, it’s not like him?

    I would imagine they are going to snag Mary Lee for Monday morning since Jessica has now gone for the New Year outside. If Heggen is off Monday (he is notoriously off for a day or 2 off on the New Year), obviously Peck will cover for him. Last year Hackney covered both days. KPIX should seriously hire more weather staff especially in a time like this. This is not normal however you look at it

    1. On KGO on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and the day after, the weather report came from KABC in Los Angeles. KGO has four meteorologists on staff.

    2. KRON has at least 4 meteorologists & KNTV has 4 but some share doing it from Telemundo.

      KPIX used to have a couple but they made cuts since 2019 and Darren Peck being a weekend & freelance meteorologist at other times.

      Paul Heggen came back on New Years Day.

      I mean if its a month that Hackney is not there, then something’s wrong. Hope he’s okay that’s why I want Rich to do a little investigation.

      I’m not exactly worried from a weather stand point (If Darren can’t be there late Sunday night they’ll do a pre recording of it). I’m more worried from an anchor perspective because he’s the best anchor KPIX has got.

      Is it possible he just called it quits since KPIX has been treating him like dirt and just not giving him primetime love as an anchor? They have stuck him in the basement far too long and he’s probably gotten tired of it.

      Retirement another possibility? Lighten us up here please!

  4. Rich whenever you talk about NBC Bay Area you focus on Raj Mathai and Janelle Wang. Yet I see Audrey Assistio and Gia Vang on just as much, if not more than The Indian Walter Kronkite and Janelle Wang. For some reason you never mention those two.

    1. What about that Kira klaper on the weekends who tries to be a Kardashian

    2. @1:48 PM haha just looked her up she posted 5 photos of herself giving Betty Yu a run for her money

    3. She’s annoying with her fake “good girl” image while attempting to be some kind of fashionista at 7 am on weekend mornings. The fact that the station refuses to use her in any other capacity or time slot is very telling.

      Rich, along these lines, I'd like to offer an observation and feedback for your consideration: you tend to discuss the same anchors repeatedly. I'm not sure if those are the only ones you watch, the only ones you care about, or something else. If I had to estimate, I’d say that you never mention or write about 60% of the anchors and reporters we see on local TV. By taking this approach, you're missing out on a wealth of topics and content that could bring more diversity and depth to your blog. Expanding the scope of coverage would make your content more engaging and reflective of the broader local news landscape.

      I hope you accept this comment in the spirit in which it is intended, to help keep your blog relevant and fresh.

  5. Remember what happened in 1985? Space camp with Vicky Frankl. 😀 Hsppy new year Rich!
