Thursday, December 21, 2023

Papa and Lund: Unlistenable; KNBR Gruesome Twosome


  1. A little bit off topic, but this how bad Amy Lawrence is. The entire CBS lineup (except for Jim Rome) has reshuffled at least 3 times and she has not been promoted out of the middle of the night shift. Traditionally, they have developed young talents like Damon Amendola and Zach Gelb on the night shifts and promoted them into the day time shows, but now she's just a roadblock to that strategy wasting everyone's time talking about her granny.

    1. Amy is disgusting to listen to and worse yet to look at!

    2. She talks ad naseum about her upcoming marriage. Good luck to her husband "Bob" he will need it with her annoying voice and cackle.

  2. I agree with much of what you said on today’s show about KNBR 680 and the programming they put out
    I am 70 and go back to the days of the original Sportsphone 68.
    The first host I remembered was Hank Greenwald. He had great knowledge, expressed in a humerus manner, and never as I recall tried to overtly impress listeners by trying to talk over their heads
    I don’t care how knowledgeable GregPapa is regarding any sport, he is arrogant to the point I listen when they have an interesting guest or 1080 has gone to commercials.
    There show is often to juvenile even for juveniles.
    I have been a sports fan all my life, and as mentioned been a dedicated listener to sports talk radio, and am in a demographic not considered particularly important, but for what it’s worth, you had some excellent points today, and worth reaching the ear of KNBR, or management’s ear

  3. All the guys in sports radio aren't great. Each year, it seems to get farther and farther away from sports. I do agree that Papa has a big ego, but he does know his football, so those segments are entertaining and informative.

  4. dickinson seems already back to his drol '['yea...'' al the time uh yea

  5. the constant adulation fear of losing job voice tone!

  6. the same talk about playoff seedings nothing really to say anymore...

    1. You think Lieberman has anything to say?

    2. Greg Papa at one time on 1050 solo had a good show. Maybe that would be a solution just do show by itself.

  7. lund no 1 annoyance

  8. I was listening to Papa & Dud yesterday on my lunch. Lund made the comment that Brock Purdy and Christian McCaffrey are " too nice of guys to win the MVP." Lund will never be mistaken for a nice guy. Just ask his ex-wife. He strokes Greg Papa every time he opens his mouth. Could you imagine if Lund and Kopy Kopes had a show together? "Like you said..."

  9. Even though Papa goes straight to inside football parlance, which is gratuitous BS, and talks ad nauseum about lame sh*t, he is probably the only real sports talker on KNBR. Murph is lame, Tolbert is all bets and beer and hoop days of yore. Their sidekicks add virtually nothing more than “right again pard.”
    The evening guy out of Atlanta is 100 times better than all the KNBR regulars put together.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. KNBR is bad. Period. If you really want to talk about sports and learn about sports, go listen to SiriusXM. You may not want to hear that as you want to support traditional radio in this market, but that's a lost cause and we may never get it back.

    Gregory Papa's game has gone down the hill very rapidly. He and Man Bun (Tim Ryan) are annoying on the ears for 49ers games. Gregory's touchdown call is so forced and showman-like. Talk to us as people, Gregory. Don't be a carnival barker.

    People have choices of what they want to listen to. Sadly, most of the lemmings choose to listen to the dreck of KNBR. It's a shame. I have a friend who'll say to me, "Well, they said this on KNBR," like it's gospel. He's been duped.

    Radio, really all media around here as you've pointed out, sucks. But what's the solution? How can we make it better?

  11. There’s only one decent show in the Bay Area and it’s Steinmetz and Guru. Sadly their topics are too repetitive but as far as a show goes it’s more than solid.

    1. Guru is entertaining to listen to, but he doesn't have a solid take. It's obvious that he doesn't do his homework and just goes by what he sees/hears online.

  12. bring back Ted Robinson!!!

  13. Papa's favorite football player is OJ Simpson. He mentioned him on the show yesterday as one of the great running backs who played for the 49ers. I really thought he was joking, but he wasn't.

    1. Papa is from Buffalo. OJ started in Buffalo, after being employed by USC. Papa likely fell in love with OJ during his slashing years in Buffalo.

  14. Papa and Tim Ryan know the game of football but are hard to listen to. . Papa has become much more of a ‘ homer’ as the years have gone by and it’s truly annoying. Ryan knows the game but his noise making in the background is MORE than annoying when one is trying to listen to Papa’s play by play. Meanwhile, what Rich is taking about; the current state of KNBR can be laid on the doorstep of Cumulitus ( I.e. Cumulus,) which DESTROYED KGO radio and continued to dumb down KNBR by putting former interns and producers who have ZERO training in broadcasting on the air. I’m not a fan of the Papa and Lund show but at least they have worked as announcers and understand and respect radio, a once-respected and important part of the media. But what does it matter anymore?. Radio is pretty much on life-support, and on its way to obsolescence. The same thing has happened in the newspaper business. Do you think anyone under the age of 30 actually listens to the radio anymore.?

  15. If you are going to refer to Papa and Lund, please, at least, have the decency to refer to them by a more appropriate moniker, such as "PooPoo and Dung" or "Grace Papa and Jane Lund."
