Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Back from the Wilderness --It 's Up to You

I'm going to keep this short and smple.

a Last week, I took some time off. For the first time in over ten years, I stopped writing. I've worked holidays, weekdays, weekends, etc. You know all that if you read me and most of you do.

THE BLOG is 100percent READER-SUPPORTED. Can't state it enough.

NO support? NO blog.

Basic spport? Unlimited blog, simple enough.

Many thousands of you regularly come here every day. Many of you have contributed multiple times. THANK YOU, as always.

My expenses are enormous. Time is too. I'm a 1-man staff. If only a fraction of you donated a few bucks, a 5, 10, 20 dollar contribution, then me/415 Media would be eternally solvent. And less and less pledge drives.

I've resisted pay walls because I want everyone to be able to read my blog. You all love it, for the most part--and I love writing it, for the most part.

But last week, there was NO CASH in the till.

If there's support, I will continue to write this blog, inform you, entertain you, get you the INSIGHT you demand and look forward to.

If not, then I'll leave you alone. Which some of you want, even those who are first in line to read me every day.



Click on the PayPal "Donate" button --right side of blog---follow the prompters--it's fast, simple and easy. PayPal is 100 persent secure and you can make an anonymous donation if you want. I will personally THANK YOU, by email/phone, should you want.

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