Sunday, July 23, 2023

Sunday Dysfunctional Ramblings in No Particular Disorder


I suppose it could be wore. We could be in a coffee shop in Phoenix today where it's 109 in the shade. Pass the ice cubes.

Which is why we live here and relish the fog that eventually is coming and messes up the heat which is overwhelming.

Traffic, heat and weather. There's too many cars out there and way too many lousy drivers. People can't drive. The bridges are a mess and it's not getting any better.

I don't like driving any of our bridges --even the Golden Gate --and most especially the Richmond/San Rafael. What a complete mess and this is before Friday's mess, did you hear? Nope, you must have been listening to KCBS, the traffic leader minus news and information unless your an aardvark on Market Street.

KCBS on Sunday morn: dreadful and blue with the kindergarten anchor giving backwards baseball scores: "The Giants lost to Washington, one to ten." I'm guessing her copy was written for her, either way, YIKES!

Hey, MENTAL HEALTH ALERT: KCBS, the only news: Steve Moskoitz ads, Kars-4-Kids and water heater companies. Got junk? Hell yes.

KGO-TV behind the scenes: not a lot of fun at 900 Front, but it's been that way for years now.

HEY, KRON, your dimwit GM, in addition to not knowing how to run a TV station, has NO sense of humor. A veteran EP told Mr. Rose he looked like Roger Ebert now, which is interesting because Ebert is dead. Mr. Rose didn't laugh but I thought it was funny.

KTVU, the house of drama is most evident in the morning and that's the ONLY time that KTVU is kicking ass. Other times of the day? Never mind, just a complete MESS!

YOU KNOW WHAT REALLY SUCKS? Reportres in this market who don't even know the damn city they're in! Referring to Doyle Drive as Doyle Avenue. (When it was there) Calling Sutro Tower, "Mountain Sutro Tower." For Gawd,s sake, KNOW YOUR CITY! Don't add insult to injury.

ON THE PRECIPICE of a MAJOR ELECTION in '24 and NO NewsTalk radio station: revolting and disgusting to the 50 THOUSANTH power.

I saw 12 bodies on the Richmond Bridge and tuned to KCBS and didn't hear a word but Steve Moskowitz iwas everywhere.

Of course I'm kidding but hey, it's KCBS, I wouldn't be shocked anymore.

Where's the coffee?


  1. Reporters should have to take a big 100 question test about the City's landmarks and map before they're let loose on the air!

    1. Pat Thurston today was atrocious. She was speaking with her leftist friend Tim Shitka about Oppenheimer, and she said she heard it was govt propaganda. Tim said “Where did you hear this??””, and Pat replied “from one of my daughter’s friends.”

      Thanks, Pat.

    2. Nice to know Pat really vets her information.

    3. Tim Shitka lol. Glad I'm not the only one that can't stand his political comments. Buy your popcorn and go watch Barbie, bitch.

  2. Hey, MENTAL HEALTH ALERT: KCBS, the only news: Steve Moskoitz ads, Kars-4-Kids and water heater companies. Got junk? Hell yes.

    Add this one too the KCBS commercial lineup: Reese's, Reese's, Reese's, Reese's,Reese's, Reese's, Reese's, Reese's, Reese's, Reese's...WTF

  3. "We're in Valley Joe"
    "We're in Sauce-SAL-It-toe"
    "We're in San Joe Zee"
    "We're in Los Gay Toes"
    "We're. in the Fidel Castro District"

    1. Remember when there were competent editors that could steer a newbie away from those mistakes until the reporter got the lay of the land?

    2. "The Castro"
      "The Bay Bridge"
      "The Tenderloin"...

    3. “Pally Alto”
      Lala land

  4. They don't have time to learn geography and names, they're all too busy practicing their phony accents for whenever they have to say a hispanic name. Who started that idiotic trend, and why don't they do it for asian, middle eastern, etc. names too?

    1. Luuuuuuuuuuuuuuz Pennnnnnaaaaaaa

    2. Tell me please where our newsroom can find this "Proper Bay Area Pronunciation Guide" that you think exist somewhere.
      Is there a weekend class new reporters can attend?
      You have to learn as you go...and you will make mistakes along the way. Even a green reporter from Timbuktu has problems with..."Soquel, Aptos" etc...and that's DMA market# 130.
      Not everyone is as smart as you are. :)

  5. Hey Rich... Talk about dysfunctional ... Check this article out! Pamela Price is calling out her supporters to disrupt an Oakland Safety meet this Thursday evening in Montclair. Get your popcorn! We'll see if Price has the guts to show up with her gang of soft-on-crime Progressives. It should be interesting. "A bizarre thing for a DA to do" indeed. I'd say she's definitely concerned about this recall effort.

    1. Very bizarre indeed. Similar to an outgoing president urging his followers to disrupt and overturn his election loss and the peaceful transition of power. Very dysfunctional indeed. BTW, why do you use quotation marks on your own words? That is bizarre.

    2. She already said those who want to recall her are like Jan. 6tn insurrectionists. The reason why is because it was a quote from the article online. I didn't want to plagiarize.

    3. She is using the same playbook as Trump. Blame everyone else for your problems you created. I ignore both their ramblings. You should give the source for quotes.

  6. Not long ago, Will Durst said the Golden Gate Bridge charged “a $10 dollar cover and a two drink minimum”. He was way ahead of his time! I hope Will is doing well!
    I don’t mind driving over the Bridges, I just hate paying the “green fees” to cross them.

  7. This afternoon on KCBS weather report "INLIND" instead of "INLAND" oh my oh my...

    1. STFUP! If you’re so damn good, go get behind a mic and prove it. I'm really tired of “wannabes” acting as “Super” critics of those who are actually doing the job! Go play a video game loser!!!

    2. @10:19 Ok, someone @ KCBS, take Relaxium Sleep and stay asleep

    3. Hey look, the weather guy from KCBS.

  8. The Dim Wit Jim Rose surely is on the path to destruction. The Jim hates his sales staff and they hate him. Morale is so low that the GSM just resigned ( Second in Two Years) and his sales managers are all looking to jump ship.
    It was quite clear Dim Wit was not up for the job when he was plucked out of Seattle. Matt Rosenfeld Nexstars Humpty Dumpty made that call…another Dim Wit.

    As a CW KRON is headed into a ratings and financial disaster.With idiots at the helm.

  9. Reporters on San Francisco television and radio stations who screw up basic things about the city is one of my long standing pet peeves. How many times have I heard reporters say, “Columbus STREET”, or “Grant STREET”, etcetera? Then there was the time (I could hardly believe my ears) when I saw a reporter (KRON or KPIX, I’ve forgotten which) standing on a street corner saying, “Here on Telegraph Hill this evening. . .”, when it was perfectly obvious she was on Nob Hill. My television nearly went out the window with that one.

  10. Where is Lisa Argen? She has not been on KGO-TV since early June?

  11. And people wonder why no one of intelligence listens or watches local news. Pathetic.

  12. Pat Thurston with Sika AGAIN Sunday morning hating on the Barbie movie. Does she have this guy under contract?? Speaking of KtVU Roberta opened her weather last weekend with "110 americans are under a heat advisory. That's one third of the population." Of course she meant 110 million. But, she never skipped a beat and not corrected.

    1. Roberta Gonzalez also mispronounces "Cambrian Park" in San Jose every time she mentions it. To those who live here it's annoying.

  13. Hey Rich, I’ll also ask…where’s Lisa Argen? First I thought she was on extended vacay but then length of time off air was pushing 2 months. Last time she was off that long was due to surgery.

  14. Did i read the screen right, "Late Night With Sara Donchey," that's what passes for an eleven o'clock newscast in the San Francisco market these days? It's unwatchable. Then I switched over to Bay Area veteran Dan Ashley. I worked here in local tv when he started. I didn't care for him then and my opinion hasn't changed after all this time. It will be interesting to see what'll happen after Disney sells all linear o&o tv stations. Who would buy them and what for, will CBS and NBC folo suit?

  15. London Breed's brother got his sentence reduced and should be released from prison before the end of the year. He threw a woman from his vehicle on the Golden Gate Bridge after an armed robbery. But guess what... He had no expectation to know that she would be struck and killed by a passing vehicle. Even though there's traffic on the bridge 24/7. Maybe Pamela Price will have an outreach position for him in her administration? Guess it's good to be the queen.

  16. Not long ago, a Stanford professor published a study of persons who multi-tasked. While many folks claim they they are good at multi-tasking - I myself used to brag that I could make a cake, and hand roll a joint, while driving 90 mph on a motorcycle - the Study found most people (the vast majority) were exceedingly bad at multitasking. They were very poor at all tasks they thought they were performing. Studies have proven humans are lousy at multitasking.
    The point here is that while we may be critical of folks making errors on live tv and radio, they are trying to keep too many plates in the air, spinning, when they should be focusing only on the matter at hand.
    Incidentally, I made the Cake, infused with weed, and got there high as a kite in record time.
