Thursday, June 29, 2023

Ask Rich Lieberman

YOUR TV/RADIO/INTERNET questions --Bay Area-centric--ANSWERED here. now.

PLEASE, name and city.


  1. TK from MV
    Did Reggi Aqui get demoted to only the morning show? It seems like Julian Glover is taking his place full time and Reggi is doing only the morning show and interviews.

    1. TK, I stopped paying attn. to Reggie long time ago, it's soothing to the soul. Try it.

    2. He and Ming Sze had a falling out during an 11am segment of Hot Topics months ago. She was hedging on giving her opinion on anything (Neutral Nancy) and he said directly to her face on air 'then what are we doing here??'. The next week he announced he was leaving the 11am Midday slot to focus on 5, 6 and 7am and that the show was in very capable hands with Julian Glover. Hot Topics has ceased to appear on Midday Live ever since. Reggie still fills in at 11 every once in awhile when Ming is not there.

      There ya' go. You're up to speed (for those of us who don't mind Reggie). Ming spreading love and unity wherever she goes. That's building a better bay area. Just ask Janelle Wang. lol

    3. @2:53 Shame, I've always enjoyed Hot Topics; now if only Empress Ming Sze would take a hike, Aqui is still irritating

  2. What do you think is next for Andria Borba? You mentioned the other day how the folks at KPIX are convinced she isn't coming back. Think there are any other stations she can make a comeback at? Or she's just done with the industry in general?

    1. I think she's tired and gonna take a break from her professional life and pop up at another station, (not PIX) in a year or two.

    2. “ What do you think is next for Andria Borba?”

      Spokesperson for Jenny Craig?

    3. She hails from the mean streets of Gustine. Where cows outnumber people 25 to 1.

    4. 733pm: Rich let your comment through so someone else could come along and tell you you're an unfunny jerk.

  3. A couple of weeks ago you posted about a possible resurrection of KGO. Any new updates?

  4. Wally, Daly City

    Why is Carlos Ramirez on Giants Pre & Post as an analyst? From my research he never played baseball at any significant level, and his arguments are all based in looking at numbers, and most of the time he doesn't actually understand the numbers he's talking about. Every time I see Estes or Kontos next to him it looks like they want to kill him. Why not just have a two person show & tell Carlos to take a hike?

    1. Wally, it's all about checking all boxes in the world we live in today. I agree with your thoughts about CR, read between the lines.

    2. David from Sunny Foster City - It looks to me NBCSBA is trying to find something for him to do. I understand Rich Aurilia wanted to strangle him about his demeanor on the air .

    3. Chris/Santa Clara

      I made the mistake of watching a chunk of tonight's postgame show after switching off Carlos Ramirez
      immediately for the last 2 months and yes, I did it to myself.

      There is many layers at play here as RL has implied. The basics: he is a cheap date and I'm sure Laura Britt deservedly makes more. He fills the need for a post game translator for the non-English players. If it stopped there, fine.

      BUT NOOOO! Here's why he is the worst TV sports "personality" in the history of the Bay Area. In fact, he places win, place and show.

      Here's why:
      He is a myopic grandstander. The over-analytic stats bluster, mostly insignificant and the way he delivers it is self-serving. Tell me I'm wrong.

      He is syrupy nationalistic. When asked after the game tonight what he thought of the National League starters, "Three from Venezuela." It's a common theme
      and after awhile, it becomes tedious and I am half Hispanic myself. BTW-they had an interpreter on the field when Ramirez was off the other day.

      There is absolutely a forced rapport with the other folks on the show. How he didn't get fired after running in the studio like an idiot earlier this season is beyond me.

      Also tonight, Randy Winn blithely called him out after he pontificated on why an obvious base running mistake in the 9th inning was wrong. It's stuff like that and when the camera turns on after a Giants win, he initiates a fist bump which is bush league. I hope the next recipient leaves him high and dry.

      Self serving & look at me on the Giants & WTH 49er pre and postgame shows. He makes them unwatchable unless you mute him when he opens his piehole. When will this abject nightmare end?

      Tune in tomorrow for my loving tribute to Sunday Summer Suck Day.

    4. Solid, salient points. Great spot-on analysis.

    5. The thing about Carlos Ramirez/Carlo Ramiere is they already overexpose him during football season by sticking him on all of their 49er content shows,the worst being him with rod brooks and don'te whitner..Laura Britt should host the Sunday show and Ramirez should do sideline reporting where h3 can stay out of everybody's way

  5. Hi Rich, Bill from San Jose. Is Dion Lim pregnant? How did that happen?

    1. I'll put in a call to Dr. Edell, Bill.

    2. Yes and I assume her husband was involved

    3. June 29, 2023 at 12:04 PM. Seriously, what's with that that kind of comment?

    4. While you're on the phone with the eye doc Dr. Dean Edell, can you ask him why John Lund still uses readers during their livestreams?

      Papa (and Lund) both told us he had wonderful laser eye correction surgery with their sponsor and that he has his best vision in years. Why readers?

    5. @11:34- I think Carlos Ramirez is on there to break down the analytics of baseball. Yeah, sometimes he can be a little overwhelming, but he does a great job explaining what certain analytic stats mean, and how they are used in baseball today.

      He's probably also there to translate. I remember back when Amy G was on the Giants home telecasts and she had to interview some of the Spanish speaking players after they had a big game, it was always kind of awkward because she couldn't totally communicate with the players, even though she knew enough Spanish and has a husband of Latin-descent.

      Amy G knew enough Spanish to ask the Spanish speaking players the basic postgame questions, but with Carlos, he can translate what the players are saying, and in a sense, you get a sense of their personality even though it's only a 2 or 3 minute quick postgame interview. The Spanish speaking players seem more comfortable sharing things with Carlos and going more in depth with their answers.

      Carlos Ramirez, even though yeah he can be a bit annoying, at the same time, he does serve a purpose on Giants TV pre and postgame.

  6. Since Live 105 came back, has anyone cared or listened?

    1. Probably only those who still listen to alt rock on FM. Not me. But that's just me.

  7. Hi Rich,when is Bill Martin retiring?

  8. Hi Rich,

    Do you think news anchors get burnt out delivering bad news all the time? Shootings, Murder, Car Crashes, Fires, Homeless etc.

    Warming up in the East Bay!

    1. The news is the news, that's their job, I don't think they care about good or bad.

  9. Any new update on Frank Somerville after his recent arrest?

    1. No, just now the latest legal steps in full about to take place and ain't gonna be fun for Frank.

  10. Audrey Asistio just got divorced. Does Raj move on from Janelle to the young model?

    1. No, for now he's quite content.

    2. Oh, My
      Oh, my! Asistio got a divorce? She is a hottie!

  11. Did KPIX replace Da Lin with that crappy new "reporter" with the strong Hispanic accent? The new guy is a definite channel changer.

    - Mendel in Marin

  12. How long-term is the KRON lease arrangement next to KGO? With the downturn in SF real estate costs any chance they'll find a new home?

    1. I don't know the KRON/KGO lease length but I'm sure someone does out there who works in the 900 Front building.

  13. What's the next 415 Media area scandal we're likely to hear about?

    1. Uh, me and my long-run affair with Karna Small.

  14. Thank you Rich for the opportunity to ask questions. Marvin in MV
    Where does KQED rank in the bay area radio ratings? Where does KPFA rank? Where does KCSM rank?
    Does UC Berkeley have a station? I know Stanford and Foothill JC have stations, do SFSU, Granola State, Cal East Bay have stations?

    1. UCBerk? KALX, 90.7 FM

      KQED is a top-rated station, has been for years not my taste, KCSM is listener-supported and not rated,

    2. We have a Radio Station @ Santa Clara University..KSCU..103.3 f.m. Tune in on Sunday's from; 3-5 p.m. and enjoy my show.." Classic Rock.." " Da Doc.."

  15. Have you considered hanging out at the Walnut Creek Broadway Plaza fountain to get yourself a cameo on the news (no need to be "too proud")? Perhaps we can have a contest to see what blog readers can sneak in their own cameo, maybe wearing something unusual like a beret or an orange top so we can appreciate you as a fellow blog reader.

    1. I'm wanted in Walnut Creek so I've moved to the Bay Bridge -Oakland bound Shell station but thanks for caring.

  16. The newest irritating fad thing baseball announcers are doing is announcing the "launch angle " distance and mph of homeruns immediately after the ball lands . Only distance is remotely relevant ( later) to a good homerun call.
    I wonder if Bill King or Lon Simmons would have incorporated this in their broadcasts.

    1. I HATE all that as much as you do. It's all statistical geek shit and it's annoying.
      Bill/Lon would have shoved it long, long ago.

    2. "We agree. Launch angle is stupid."
      WAR, wOBA, and ERA+

  17. Given Brian Hackney's age and television career length, do you think that he may decide to retire in the near future?

    1. Given his relative lack of worth on the weeknight line-up, yeah, he may be splitting soon and retiring.

  18. Hi Rich, Katie from Mt.View. what is deal with Michelle Hennigan on KQED radio? She seems to have trouble reading copy for years. Tried to give benefit of doubt during pandemic but she isnt better. You got any info about her? Thanks

    1. I have tried to figure out Michelle Hennigan for years, Katie and I'm clueless. But you're right, stumble, mumble, stumble, yikes, it's getting worse.

    2. Clearly KQED is deaf to allow her to keep talking, would not call it broadcasting. Thanks

  19. My prediction. Tonight is Pam Moore's last night. An anchor with 32 YEARS at the station. As wonderful as Pam is, as liked as she is...there will be NO DIFFERENCE in the daily ratings numbers. Not change at all. Now, KRON will say look, we're still great without Pam. While I would ague that big name anchors don't make squat of a difference when they are only one cog in a huge wheel.

  20. My predictions: Ryan Yamamoto will get his walking papers, and Bailey O'Carroll will soon follow in his footsteps. Jules will get the primetime anchor slot and Liz will move to 6pm. Sara will just move on. Finally, Heather Holmes will get a prime time anchor spot at either KRON or KTVU.

    1. My predictions: Whatever you’re smoking will soon be classified as illegal.

    2. Sounds about right, except for Heather. I feel like she's had enough of the Bay Area.

  21. Hey Rich,
    Have not seen Lisa Argen doing the weather on channel 7 the last few weekends, any word on what’s going on?

  22. What do you think about bailey o’carol?

  23. Who is going to replace pam Moore?

    1. Probably Justine Waldman but nothing is imminent.

  24. What station radio or tv has next big name departure? (I’m hoping KNBR though they’re more small fries than big names!

    1. Paulie Mac on KNBR sooner rather than later; that's a good start.

  25. Neal- now living in MantecaJune 30, 2023 at 10:13 AM

    Hey Rich, I am a little outside the Bay Area now but occasionally need to drive to San Jose or Palo Alto. Around Mother's day was listenning to Dibbs and Krueger was filling in for the other guy, it was just horrible. Dibbs has a very strong bromance with Krueger, and all he wanted to discuss was Krueger family and Father. I think Krueger wanted to discuss sports but Dibbs seem to be star stuck with Krueger presence, Needless to say, I had the shut that crap off after about 10 minutes of Dibbs mush.

    1. Which is why both Krueger and Dibley are worthless. You're not alone, Neal.
