Friday, June 30, 2023

As Disney/ABC Cuts More at ESPN, (Suzy Kolber/Jeff Van Gundy), Circle7/KGO Braces for Frantic Friday --Nervous 900 Front; ESPN Layoffs UPDATE: And Now Bye Bye Steve Young

I HOPE I'M WRONG --I hope today, (Friday ) is just another day at KGO/ABC7 but rumors are rampant--of job cuts --an across-the board round of layoffs from parent company, ABC/Disney.

Just earlier on Friday, ESPN suffered more job cuts; NBA analyst, Jeff Van Gundy among the biggest names. And Suzy Kolber too.

Disney is trying to sell off its TV stations --its mission: concentrate on streaming.

So far, it's quiet at 900 Front.

Back later

*And now ESPN has parted ways with Steve Young...


  1. Pat McAfee signing ruining ESPN

    1. How so? He is probably working cheaper than the Morning Show & Max Kellerman who he replaced. Also now with Aaron Rodgers being a New York Jet... McAfee will get to interview him either Monday or Tuesday morning, an exclusive to ESPN. Talk about a win win... even if Rodgers rarely says anything of interest.

  2. When you overpay talent Buck, Aikman, Stephen A, Schefler, McAfee, Van Pelt this is will effect other solid good talent like Young, Kolber, Kellerman, Key Johnston among others...

  3. the overpay of Buck and Aikman

  4. “Free” TV is on its death knell.
    Cable TV will soon follow suit.
    Streaming and various packages are doing fine.
    “500 channels and nothing is on”

    ESPN has a lot of filler, ESPN2 caters to the “lesser” sports. The economic model for sports is simple: show the daily miracles “great plays” at near zero costs, and sell the advertising for big bucks.
    These days nearly all sports shows are 4 talking heads, including a “moderator” to move things along. “Blah Blah Blah”: cheap.
    Jack “the Bastard” Buck? No thanks

    1. Jack Buck "Not a Bastard"June 30, 2023 at 8:25 PM

      Uhh... Jack Buck was an outstanding sports broadcaster, not a bastard! Maybe your comment was directed towards his son, Joe? Who no one really likes. One of Jack Buck's iconic calls was from the 1992 World Series between the Minnesota Twins and Atlanta Braves. The Twins win on a Kirby Puckett walk off home run an extra innings. Jack Buck announced; "Deep fly ball left! ...and we will see you tomorrow night!" Memorable

    2. @8:25 pm You are correct, Joe Buck is the bastard, Jack Buck was the poor bastard’s dad. My sincerest apologies to bastards everywhere.

  5. The circus clowns are running that place into the ground.

  6. The best job to cut would be Trixie’s.

  7. Those cuts at ESPN are surely making way for the triumphant return of our SF hero, Gary Radnich, to TV sports.

  8. "its mission: concentrate on streaming."

    LOL, that's working out great for them so far 🙄

  9. Not just Trixie, Kristen, Reggie and the morning clowns wasting $$$ with low viewership

    1. But their "Building a Better Bay Area" right? Even if no one is watching... ever.

  10. I guess it pays to scream and be wrong about everything, Right Steven A?

  11. Disney must be broke haha

    1. That's a lot of pizza and hot dogs for the mouse!

    2. @1:15 Disney losing patronage and value for pushing "woke" ideology, look at Bud and Target, did they learn anything? NOPE

    3. Hey 11:56: how’s that frontal lobotomy working out? Woke this, dipstick.

    4. @2:25 Am enjoying my Modelo, you still on bud light?

    5. @2:25 Why so much hate? Take Relaxium Sleep and stay asleep

    6. @2:25 Hey sheep dip; have you check Disney's stocks from 2 years ago to present? "Wokeness hurts" See Bud & Target & NBA (Media not reporting NBA's wokeness)

  12. Always liked Steve Young, don't quite has football moxie and skill like Joe Montana but had plenty of heart and "willed" the '95 Super Bowl, always a great guy, screw espn

    1. Steve Young is a good broadcaster though.

    2. Young had enough skill and moxie to earn induction into the College and Pro Football Halls of Fame.

    3. Not Steve Young, oh the humanity.

    4. Steve Young will get picked up by another network - he is articulate, knows the game inside and out, still has lots of connections, and is as reliable as the sun.
      But, maybe Steve wants to enjoy life and stop flying all over the USA every fall and winter🤷🏼‍♂️

    5. I grew up with Starr, Unitas, Bradshaw, Greise, Aikens, Stabler; but just for me Montana is GOAT; yes, Brady has the most SB wins and is a Goat in his own rights; Young has heart (and great running legs) and a SB win which is more than most QB never archived

    6. @6:09 Ya, you're right about Young, he did win a SB; Thanks to kneeling kaperdink he started a trend never befallen the 9ers before, LOST a SB with that stupid throw, it carried down to garropollo whom also threw the stupid throw

    7. @4:45, Yes, If you win a SB chances you'll be inducted is gratly induced, if you'll analyzed the difference between Montana and Young Montana has a weaker arm but extremely accurate, Young has a powerful delivery but not that accurate and he tends to throw higher that can cause receivers to get "scissored" by 2 defenders and caused injuries, there you go...

  13. Well Hearst Corp won’t mind any of this cost cutting…they own %20 of Espn I think…Disney owns 80

  14. ESPN $%%Ked up.

    1. Haven't watch espn since they hired those radical commentators, only Stephen A is a ok guy sometimes

  15. Building a better streaming service!

  16. ESPN does a great job covering sports, but since they have pushed out a lot of the competition they’ve also gone cheap. A succession of Faces seem come and go virtually everything 5-6 months on their SportsCenter shows. There is no continuity among the talent used there and if somebody’s making too much money, (unless their name is Stephen A. Smith or Scott Van Pelt, they are on tenuous ground. I did a lot of work for their sports radio division back in the mid-1990s through early 2000s. They were pretty easy to work with but asked for a lot and didn’t pay much. However it was fun and it settle down my full-time regular job in SF. However, their programming basically drove the other radio networks such as Mutual, NBC, CBS, RKO, the AP and UPI radio networks and several others to drop sports because those networks didn’t feel as if they could compete with ESPN radio. It’s not a good thing in a profession when you have only one or two key players/employers. It means less opportunities, more cuts, and more consolidation. This has been a problem with our media today. Even though the Internet is opening up opportunities for blogs, podcasts and social media, there is a little accountability and more noise and nonsense going out there than ever before. ESPN is just one example of that. And they act so hearty and full of the cells. They don’t seem to think their own flatulence smells!

  17. Much respect for Steve Young as a broadcaster, however I'm not sure how much he is respected outside of the Bay Area. We have a unique relationship with him. I look forward to his radio appearances. Its a tough business.

  18. @12:07 " ESPN does a great job covering sports, " sorry, have to disagree with you, yes, at one time they were great until they started hiring radical and delusional commentators and drastically lost viewers, even companies and entities today won't or will never learn

    1. @2:44 Ever heard or read what Jemmel Hill said?

    2. @ 11:52 Before you read or view Jemmel Hill do not eat 5 hours before, you'll lose it

    3. She's worst or as bad as Sunny Hostin on the view

    4. @11:09 Agreed, I always watch the View for a few minutes to see what venom they will be spewing, notice they never talk Dems missteps?
