Friday, May 26, 2023

Friday Media Extravaganza; The Kuiper (Glen) Power Diminished; "Career Killer"; Giants' Radio Broadcast Slop When Miller is Gone; Larry Beil Hovering, (Again) at ABC7 Post Ashley; Feuding Dion Lim/Kristin Sze; Circle7 Morale Low and Lower; Mouse House Directive; Mayor Breed Looming One-on-One; Spencer Christian Factoid; TJ Holmes-Amy Robach SF Sighting; Back in The Saddle Again

TWO DAYS after his TV on-air mistake, I figured Glen Kuiper was done.

He was.


I spoke to a number of Bay Area broadcast wonks, one who knows the Kuiper brothers well, one in particular who knows Duane, Glen's older brother. The contact indicated to me Duane is livid over his brother's ouster and might show his own disgust, at some point.

Kuiper Duane said on KNBR "I better keep my own mouth shut."

Several sources agreed with me: Glen Kuiper's much-pubbed racial slur, mistake or not, is a career killer.

*The Giants broadcast on radio is a "complete wreck" when Jon Miller is absent. Miller took another road series off in Milwaukee and the Bay Area was left with listening to some assorted bread crumbs.

FP Santangelo as play-by-play broadcaster? Oh god.

*Larry Beil continues to hover around the ABC7 news desk--just in case Dan Ashley leaves, Beil's made it known he's ready to pounce on Ashley's gig.

He managed to piss pff Danno and he still does, that's a hard chore to accomplish as Ashley is considered an all-around nice guy.

Beil, on the other hand, is a mean, arrogant, angry man. Other than that, he's fine.

*I WANNA SEE Mayor Breed one-on-one with a Bay Area news anchor, a distinct possibility given Breed's cratering public opinion polls.

Breed is normally wary of doing sit-downs but she might go for broke now, she has nothing to lose.

*Dion Lim and Kristen Sze are quietly FEUDING again at Circle7. Sze knows Dion is KGO's emerging STAR and Sze is soon destined for emeritus status.

Even news boss, Tracey Watkowski, an ally of Sze, can't put off the inevitable.

The staff at ABC7 know the story full well.

*MORE KGOKCBS dust: on Wednesday and Thursday from 10-2 PM, Pat Thurston and Nikki Medoro filled in as midday news anchors because KCBS, again, literally couldn't find one of its own people to do the midday news.

Thus, you have, AGAIN!, KGO Radio retreads filling the air. What a sad state of affairs.

Thurston contimues to think she's a talkshow host as her uber-chatty persona has taken ober. Medoro? Oh god, talk about amatuer.

*Spencer Christian, the KGO veteran weather anchor was long ago deemed OUT by ABC execs but his good bud, Dan Ashley gave a thumbs-up to Disney suits.

Christian is probably a GONER come year's end if not sooner.

*Senior KGO/ABC7 staff have been told to basically SHUT UP and not discuss current ABC/Disney morale. It sucks.

As a staffer told me, "don't mess with the mouse."

*YOU HAD TO BE THERE: Ex-ABC lovers, TJ Holmes and Amy Robach, were spotted at Original Joe's Tuesday night and the wine was flowing as a crowd gathered. The lasagne looked pretty good too.

*OH, did you miss me? Never mind, but...


  1. And where has KCBS' Holly Quan been, on the morning 10:00 am segment??

  2. Very sad about Glen. Ousted for no reason. Just disgraceful.

    1. But it's okay for the MSM to support a false narrative and spew their nightly diatribe against anything conservative right? Just don't say n****r!

    2. Hardly "no reason."

    3. No reason? He said the same racial slur on-air just 2 years ago.

    4. @4:19- Yeah, definitely not a good look for Glen Kuiper. You would've thought someone at NBC Sports Bay Area/California would've mentioned this to him 2 yrs ago for him to prevent saying it again, or maybe not have him mention the Negro Leagues at all. If he has trouble saying the word "negro", why even put him in that position to possibly mispronounce the word and say a racial slur?

      Not sure why they couldn't just have Dallas Braden mention their Negro Leagues experience since he did a good job of explaining his experience there on Twitter. Then they could've had Glen Kuiper mention the KC BBQ.

  3. Giants should hire Kuiper, they seem to need the help.

    1. I bet this will happen.

    2. @11:31 and @4:19- I don't think so. At one point in time I thought Glen Kuiper would eventually be Duane Kuiper's successor on the Giants telecasts, especially since Duane Kuiper doesn't do as many road games now, and with the A's possible move to Vegas and I wasn't sure if Glen Kuiper was going to follow the A's to Vegas should they move there.

      After this situation, I don't think so now. The Giants are already kind of under fire with the Johnson's who are known Trump and Qanon supporters, as the main owners of the Giants. One of my friends on Facebook thinks the Giants are a racist franchise now because of it. Some have been turned off by the Johnson's owning the team, which could be part of the reason why the Giants have had lower attendance the past few years. I remember some fans were thinking about boycotting the team because of that. If the Giants added Glen Kuiper after all of this, it would be more negative PR backlash for the Giants and add more fuel to the fire as far as that.

      It may be a while before Glen Kuiper gets a broadcasting job again, but maybe a team outside of the Bay Area may give him a shot, or maybe a team in the minor leagues. He may have to keep a low profile for a bit.

    3. Plenty of other Kuipers already on the payroll. One more wouldn't be noticed.

    4. Giants aren't a racist franchise, a completely ridiculous take. Once they start winning the fans will be back. Sports fans care about winning and losing NOT politics. Only in SF would someone think otherwise.

    5. Hope so. Glen would be great for the Giants.

    6. @3:13 Completely agree. Only racists think the Giants are racist. Last I checked , Baer doesn’t look like a supremacist, lol.

    7. @3:13 and @8:47- I honestly don't think the Giants are racist either. I'm a Giants fan and my Facebook friend at times trolls, but at the same time he's a Dodger fan and also doesn't really like baseball so there's that. LOL.

      The Giants are probably one of the most inclusive teams in all of baseball. They have heritage nights for pretty much every racial group. The Giants are involved in the community in SF and for the most part throughout the Bay Area. There's nothing to me that screams racism regarding the Giants.

      Regarding the Johnson's, they live in Florida anyway and not with the team day to day, so their presence is not really felt with the Giants. You almost forget they own the team at times. You don't see them behind home plate every Giants home game. Still feels like Larry Baer runs the team more than anybody on the Giants, even though he's more the PR face of the Giants, but an integral part of the Giants front office nonetheless.

  4. Adios Glen. A phenomenal day torpedoing your career.

  5. Sorry, in this day and age there's no excuse for the Freudian slip of the tongue; Glen Kuiper may not have a racist bone in his body but there are consequences; don't like Larry Biel and Empress Ming Sze

  6. Welcome back Rich.

    I hope there is someone out there to help you set up your blog with ads to pay for your expenses. I looked online and it seems to be a few places to get that started but not being very tech savvy I'll leave that for a pro. Also maybe someone can help you get a secure site. I've been checking out your blog from the start. Keep up the great work you do!

    1. As for ads, it would have to be from a company that keeps a hands off approach to the blog and let Rich be Rich. Seen a few other places where an advertiser had a cow on something the blog owner put down.

      Few years ago when visiting relatives in the Bay Area, there was a coffee shop looking to advertise in blogs. I told them about Rich, but sadly a few months later Covid hit and sometime after that coffee shop closed.

  7. I heard Nikkis son and daughter both are co anchoring on KCBS overnight on the weekend and they didn't sound half as bad as their as mom
    Then they had Jan Wall reviewing kid films with "Kimmy Mac's" daughter

  8. Imagine working for a company for 20 years and getting fired for a single mistake. Yes, you never say that word, but I don't think it was anything more than slip. I hope your worst moment isn't recorded and televised.

    1. Many people work for a company for 20 years and are fired for one mistake. Many more should be, but aren't.

    2. I wonder where Glen Kuiper heard the ‘N’ word in the first place? It’s not as though the very population who claims to be soooooooo harmed by its usage is saying it every chance they get in all facets of life (including music, tv, movies, and their everyday speech).
      Oh. wait. Never mind.

  9. many of the outfits Jessica Aguirre already wore on the air is Audrey Asistio going to wear? I've lost count. It's over six by now...

  10. Kristen Sze isn’t fearing Dion Lim. After Dion becomes a mommy she will take the 4 months maternity leave and be away from the station mire. Good for Dion.

  11. Breed is getting her brother out of prison. Mission Accomplished --resign and let the adults take over.

    I hope Dion crushes Ming Sze. I dislike her more than any other person on TV

    1. I saw some video on Twitter of hundreds of druggies crowding a big part of Market all buying and doing their drugs. It looked like a miniature city.

      Ridiculous what Democrats have turned SF into.

    2. If you think it's bad look into Seattle, Portland and OMG! Vancouver!! I was just there and it's like all those cities I've mentioned and may be worst!

  12. Spencer Christian is a train aficionado. He gets valuable bonus points for that alone. He does well, he’s not hurting anyone. From what it seems, his co-workers like him. I hope he sticks around. Engineer Sherm.

    1. Doesnt Spencer have a lifetime deal that they gave him to vacate the GMA job 20 yrs ago.

  13. FP is fine as a talk show host. Enjoy his insights from his playing days, and how he ties it to what's going on today. But...he's not a good play-by-play man. Giants can and need to do better.

  14. I've been listening to baseball games for over 50 years. I prefer listening to the radio vs the tv most of the time.
    FP Santangelo is the 2nd worst announcer I've ever heard. Ted Leitner, Padres hall of famer was the worst. No one else comes close.
    The problem with both of them: Ego. They seem to think their commentary is what the fans want to hear. It's hosting a talk show interrupted by a baseball game.
    Describing the baseball game for us is why the announcers are there. If the announcer can bring the game to us, they can show some personality. But if they aren't, their on-air personality is just "worthless blowhard".

    1. Beat you by 10 years (since 1963); to me Lon Simmons (RIP) is my personal best, I liked Al Michaels but he went national

    2. Al Michaels is a nasally, over-rated schmuck. He is lousy at NFL, he was lousy at MLB, and he’s still skating on his 1980 Olympic “do you believe in Miracles?” Call. Time for that stuffed shirt to fade out. His only redeeming quality? He’s been around forever. He’s no Ken Summerall, Keith Jackson, John Madden. He has a whiney voice and a lousy tan, though the hair-plugs seem to have taken root.

    3. I thought Joe Angel in his one year with the Giants was terrible and FP is giving him a challenge for that title.
      The first broadcasters I heard were Russ Hodges & Lon Simmons and they set the standard for me. Jon Miller had been the best for so long but I feel like the long-timers (radio&tv), with the exception of Dave Flemming, are all mailing it in now. Even then, Miller's looser, less polished delivery is still way better than everyone else.

  15. Is Dion still threatening to report Larry Beil to HR over his breakroom antics?

    1. Larry misbehaving? Dion a rat?
      Wow. I’m shocked.

  16. To say her numbers are cratering is to say Vesuvius was just letting off a little steam...

  17. As far as Duane Kuiper, yeah, this is going to be tough for him. I hope he doesn't voice his disgust during a Giants telecast for their upcoming homestand next week. If he did, what does anyone think he would say? I hope Duane Kuiper doesn't risk his job over this.

    Duane Kuiper is more professional than that, but at the same time, it's personal for him because it's his brother, and the Kuiper's are an institution on NBC Sports Bay Area/California.

  18. I used to work at KCBS when it was still reasonably professional and credible, but that was several years before Entercom-Audacy came on and slowly eviserated it, turning it into a minor league operation. The starting salaries for on-air folks there are the same that were paid over 30 years ago in local radio. The news KCBD director is a frantic ditz, who is waaaay over her head. And, according to a former colleague of mine who still works there, “ the atmosphere here is toxic.” But KCBS simply mirrors what has been happening all over the country to a once highly valued 100 year old industry. And when several auto makers announced that they would not be featuring AM radio in their new models in the near future? That’s akin to a Doctor telling a cancer patient: “ You might have a few years left.”

  19. If you want to get big money to run your mouth, you better be careful what comes out of it. Kuiper is a loser and he had to go.

  20. I guess FOX could hire Duane Kuiper?

  21. Glen Kuiper made a stupid, thoughtless mistake and should have been suspended. But fired?
    I have a theory why he was cut loose. It was probably one of 3 things in addition to his blunder that led to the dismissal.
    1,). The last thing the A’s need right now is more bad publicity. They’re being hammered by the local and National media, and rightly so. John Fisher will go down, ( next to the inept former Warriors’ owner Chris Cohan,) as the WORST owner of s pro team in Bay Area history.
    2.). The A’s and NBC Sportsnet are notoriously cheap. Look at some of the minor league amateurs that are currently on air. Kuiper had been with the A’s, what, 20 years? By getting rid of him, they save even more $$.
    3.) This last reason is least likely, but; who knows? Kuiper’s recent relationship with the A’s brass or NBC sports net might have already been strained. Maybe he rubbed some people at either place the wrong way. Perhaps one of them tried to micromanage things with the play by play announcers, ( that’s happened MANY other times with other teams,) and l Kuiper said something “ negative” about it. But now their broadcast team reflects the minor league club they put on the field. There’s a reason why Johnny Doskow has spent two plus decades in the minor leagues… he’s a minor league announcer. Of course it’s not much better on the other side of the bay where another minor league announcer,,Joe Ratzo or Rizzo, ( not sure what his name is,) is now getting a fill-in work because Krukow, Kuiper and Miller are all skipping some road trips. Was listening to “ amateur hour” ion KNBR for the final inning Saturday and almost thought I was listening to a college radio station. FP Santangelo, the smart-ass, ageless frat boy who has somehow weaseled his way back to the Bay Area was also pretty crappy. At least the A’s still have Ken Korach and Dave Fleming is around for the Giants , when he’s not “ on assignment.” What a sad joke!

    1. I take in the Giants games on the radio. I thought Rizzo was improving and now I'm thinking it's in comparison to FP Santangelo LOL
      I switched to the TV to get away from the awful broadcasting.
      I thought the beginning of the season bad luck streak was 1. FP's bad juju 2. Sabean taking a more face of the front office after spending a couple years in the background after the knocking down his wife in public scandal, 3. the Johnsons bad vibes political ties .

  22. Hope Glen gets another gig. Any team looking for a pbp guy should be interested.

  23. Dion Lim and Kristen Sze are both anchor-heads. But there is an important difference because while Kristin Sze can be a pain in the butt about stupid things like lighting sometimes, she actually cares about the news she reads and also about getting it right. Dion cares only about promoting Dion. She feels that the rules are different for her. Crying on set? Another example of playing to the grandstands, not her co-workers. Any newsroom staffer with half a brain sees through her, but Dion doesn't get it and that hotline to HR will not help her. Dion Lim? She is the HR problem. About Larry Beil...that person you describe does not reside inside 900 Front. If you really care about an accurate blog you should double-check the motives of your source.

    1. “Dion cares only about promoting Dion.”

      Bingo. Dion has no grounding principles and no moral compass. She stands for nothing and cares only about her clicks, views, and retweets. Anyone who disputes that doesn’t know her.

      Dion will push whatever agenda and whichever story she believes will get her the most exposure. Responsible journalism doesn’t matter to her. Not. At. All. In Dion’s world, people exist for her to use and exploit as she bullshits her way through life.
      For example, Dion was all about ‘Asian Hate,’ pretending to be some big advocate for the Asian community. Yeah. Right. She doesn’t give a flying fuck about the Asian community. Once that ship sailed and the clicks dried up, she dropped the Asian community like a bad habit.
      It’s unfortunate it took so long for people to realize how pathetic and shameless Dion is, but the word is definitely out and spreading like wildfire. At some point soon she’ll wear out her welcome and skip town, just as she has at every market before ours.
      Good riddance…asswipe.

    2. Dion Lim=As phony as a three dollar bill.

    3. 3:49 & 8:51: Thank you for exposing the truth about Dion. My wife worked at Disney7 for a few years and regularly told me similar stories. Apparently everyone there knew it but Dion knows how to play the game with the big bosses and higher ups, so the powers that be would rather bury their head in the sand.

  24. It’s too bad Duane Kuiper is also a play-by-play guy, because it’d be awesome to see him and his brother working together.

  25. There’s nothing conservative about today’s political Right.
