Friday, May 5, 2023

Ask Rich Lieberman

ANSWERING your TV/Radio/Internet media questions --please, name and town.


  1. How many more years of Darya Folsom do we likely have ahead of us?

    1. Don't know whether to laugh or cry, sigh...........

    2. They should put Kyla Grogan in her chair. In fact put that woman on all the shows because she is that good. I'm with Rich I'd still love to see her with Ken Wayne in prime time.

  2. If you look at the KPIX website, Andria Borba is still considered as being part of the network. With her absence, is she still actually employed by KPIX and are they still paying her?

    1. Yes, she's still on leave and employed by CBS. It's a legal thing.

    2. They also have Dennis OD and Andrea as the sports people and not Charlie. Hasn’t he been there for a couple years?

  3. What is Rod Brooks doing these days? Why the awful Carlos Ramirez on the air?

    1. Rod Brooks is doing analysis post-game 49ers and he's pretty good, much better than his radio gig at KNBR,

      Carlos Ramirez is on because he checks certain boxes, talent isn't one of those.

    2. Good for Rod for landing on his feet. He works 17 football days (plus playoffs) and a pre-season special. At $300 per day, he nets close to $6000 dollars. Better to update the resume or you are selling shoes at a discount store. Twitter started in 2006 when Brooks was in the middle of a two decade run on the air. He never boarded the social-media train. Until he was fired. He is now active on Twitter with 2,800 followers. Ouch.

    3. I always figured that he and Fitz did not have social media because they didn't want people telling them their shit did in fact stink. Or maybe they had it and dropped it because of that.

  4. Why can't people forgive Frank somerville including u. I know him. He's worked his ass off to deal with his issues. Why is no one willing to give him a second chance. I don't get it?

    1. He's had multiple chances, that's the truth.
      And were he hired again and had a relapse and possibly hit someone in a car, that station would be sued immediately and they should be.

    2. Frank is that you?

    3. " Why is no one willing to give him a second chance."

      They did. And then another.

      It's the fourth, fifth and sixth chance no one wants to take.

      If I'd been Pam, the first question I would have asked him outright was "Frank, are you an alcoholic." I'd love to see his answer.

  5. Hi Rich, At least according to the recent blog posts, right now KPIX afternoon & weeknights are done solo. Do you have any idea of a timeframe where some of the weekday afternoon/evening newscasts will see 2 anchors? You mentioned for example, it may be Reed Cowan & Juliette Goodrich. Would it happen sometime in the Fall like last year's Fall changes?

    Also, any updates about Brian Hackney? Would he eventually move to the weekday primetime slot with Goodrich or someone else or just be stuck on the weekend? Or it a career and retire? When he's anchoring alone, he's more sad and never introduces himself compared to the days where he anchored with Jules and when she was off, quoted "Jules is off tonight".

    1. I said Cowan/Goodrich would make for a real good anchor duo and that KPIX should hitch their for Hackney, he's a weekend guy now and that's his future there but he may have other plans.

  6. Any chance Fisher sells the A’s? That organization is an embarrassment to MLB and the Bay Area.

    1. How awesome would that be. Or make them leave the name here and give us an expansion team with new owners!

    2. Yes of course.
      He's a businessman, a crappy one but he cares about the bottom lie.

    3. A's still need a new stadium. Nobody's going to buy the A's or put an expansion team here without some kind of assurance that one can be built. I can't see the city of Oakland or Alameda County providing that assurance.

    4. Sell them to Lacob. He’d get it done and wanted to buy the Angels a while back so he’s interested and it would be a nice gift to the East Bay after moving the Warriors.

  7. Hello, Rich. This is Rob from Fremont. As I forecasted to you earlier this year, Nexstar Media, which purchased a controlling portion of the CW network last year, is officially dropping KBCW Ch. 44 in the Bay Area come fall. It likely will move the CW to KRON Ch. 4 which it owns. My question: Will KRON drop most of its primetime newscasts and will Pam Moore retire?

    1. Pam Moore has threatened to retire for a few years now, I hve no timetable on her future.
      KRON's staple is its news so I'd say no to the former but I don't know the specifics yet.

    2. I would think that Channel 44 may change their call letters (back to KBHK perhaps?) and start carrying news in the 8 to 10 PM hours on the weekdays. KCAL Channel 9 in Los Angeles (another CBS owned station and a duopoly like KCBS Channel 2) has been doing the same thing for years. (The CW affiliate in LA is KTLA Channel 5, which is owned by Tribune).

  8. Born and raised in Bay Area. Grew up with Wendy, Belva,Mac,Dennis,Elaine,Pete etc.
    I know golden age of tv is gone. With loss of wealthy tech and normal working people, is Bay Area tv news gone? Along with KCBS radio? Makes me very sad that local news isnt worrth watching except forJuliette G in evening.

    1. It's been lousy for years which is sad given the legacy status and great people you alluded to.

  9. Do you really think Papa and his co-host had laser eye surgery?

    1. He did, (Papa)
      The other guy, I don't know and I don't care.

    2. Fitz and Brooks used to claim the same thing in those commercials.

  10. Does Nikki Medoro have pictures? How is she continuously employed?

  11. Two part question. 1 = If Heather Holmes offered to buy you a drink would you go? 2 = go or stay if she made a pass at you?

    1. I'll take a vodka soda and yes, I'd tell her she has good taste,

    2. And if you wouldn't accept overtures from Heather who would you accept overtures from (asking for a friend)?

  12. If you had to staff a new Bay Area TV station with on-air personnel from existing stations what 6 or 7 people would you pick?

    1. Dan Ashley, Kristina Rendon, Lyanne Melendez, Mike Finney, Alex Savidge, Juliette Goodrich, for starters.

  13. Does the writer's strike have any impact on Bay Area stations or is it only impacting network and/or streaming productions?

    1. Yes, only network and streaming --no Bay Area stations.

  14. Hi Rich:
    The return of KBHK once CW is dropped by KBCW in the fall?

    1. I don't think so and the call letters are gonno, I do believe. Life goes on no mater what.

  15. Why do you suppose John Rothmann hasn't made the jump to commentary on TV? What about his personality is keeping him out?

    1. I don't have an answer to that question but call Herbert Hoover, Abe Lincoln or Richard Nixon for their response.

    2. John is now threatening to run for mayor of san francisco next year,so that could be part of the reason

    3. While I've had limited exposure to Rothmann the main impression I have is that he ties many of the world's problems and conflicts to the treatment of the Jews. While that may be true I don't need to hear it all the time.

  16. As a viewer I prefer that my tv-news team be seated behind a desk. Seems more professional, keeping the focus more on the news, less on the personalities. . For some reason many of these local news programs now feature the team members standing up, with nothing between them and the camera. Feels very awkward. Any idea what motivates the producers to do this Rich? George in San Jose.

    1. A gimmick, George, is a gimmick and it doesn't cost 'em a dime to try something new even if it's just plain stupid looking.

    2. Since they're trying to appeal to the hipsters and the Millennials, I'm surprised we don't have them riding around the studio on electric scooters.

  17. Now that the geniuses at KTVU/FOX have pretty much gotten rid of sports anchors how soon before they get rid of weather anchors?
    Lobo in Berkeley

    1. They'll keep weather anchors because it's against the law to not report on weather even when there is NO weather.

    2. KPIX has cut out weekend morning weather. No live views and no interaction with Devin. The meteorologist doing it is the one who worked the previous evening. Saturdays mornings - Paul Heggen or Brian Hackney (Peck if he fills in Friday evening like today). It may be different if it’s rain related. Curious to see how the Summer will go when we have heat…same like now? Might as well for KPIX cut the weekend morning newscast.

      My prediction that Darren Peck would fill in on a Friday evening if he does not work the same morning was correct since now he is no longer doing weekend double shifts and just weekend evenings. Previously, he would sometimes do it otherwise Hackney if it’s a Friday evening. Hackney will not fill in if Peck does not fill in that same morning.

  18. Hi Rich: The Bay Area unfortunately has some really BAD TV & Radio News Directors such as both Incompetent Amber Eikel (KTVU Channel 2 & Jennifer Seelig (KCBS Radio) & both Uptight Lacking in People Skills Lisa White (KPIX Channel 5 & Tracey Watkowski (KGO Channel 7.) Haven't read/heard anything really negative about TV News Directors Josh Palesfsky (Kron 4) & Stephanie Adrouny (NBC Bay Area.) Out of the 6 I listed who do you say is the best News Director & who is the absolute worst News Director.
    Rich: You absolutely have the Best Media Blog in all of California! Cary SF

    1. They're all bad. They get away with murder and rest on their laurels and they get away with it. All of 'em I don't care for any of 'em to be blunt.

  19. Hi Rich, is talk radio ever coming back to the bay. I liked interacting with the hosts on KGO. Unfortunately, they were all leaning one way only. That is why the A&G in the morning was a good balance, but the audience only wanted to hear one point of view. It was good to call or text messages and discuss current affairs and question from the other side. No sense listening to KCBS, there really no listener feedback.

    1. I think local talk radio has come and gone here in the Bay Area and that's plain sad.

    2. On CNBC today they had a host and guests on talking about how San Francisco is now the next Detroit. That is even sadder. When do the former leaders get their share of the blame for the current state of the city? Here's looking at you VP and Guv.

  20. What are the chances Julie Haener is a ktvu employee in 6 months, now that her son was drafted by the New Orleans Saints to be a benchwarmer?

    1. I don't think Jake Haener's drafting by NFL team (New Orleans) affect's his mom's status at KTVU--she's done her time there and she's probably writing a new chapter.
      The people at KTVU seem to think that's the case.

  21. Hi Rich
    Stu in South City. All the big money kids (Musk, Bezos) buy up newspapers, social media, etc. There are several options available here (the greater Bay area) to buy, radio stations, tv stations, and newspapers, even a MLB team. When will one of our local mucky mucks (whom?) come in and put some war paint on these old gals and bring em back to life? Seems like a no-brainer for those prone to falling in love when they see a mirror. “Look at me! I own KRAP on both the AM and FM DIALS, TV STATION #21 KWIK, and the SF Chronicle-Examiner-News Call Bulletin.”
    All these Civic leaders, no takers?🤷🏼‍♂️💰

  22. Hi Rich... Robert from SF - I was listening to those two rubes on KNBR when I went to grab lunch today, Greg Papa and his sidekick, Lund. They were talking about not wearing pants while on the air (because today is really National No Pants Day). Then someone criticized Lund for eating on air and he took offense. "Why don't I come over and sit on your couch and criticize you while you eat dinner?" What an idiot! You're on TV while doing your radio show. Remember people might be watching. Stop stuffing your face!

  23. Can you do a where are they now from KGO810 Host & Producers? I think that could be fun. Maybe even an quarterly column for different stations.

  24. Any chance Rothmann could get a regular gig at KCBS?

  25. Frank Somerville's endless infomercials he manages to get placed in various Bay Area media about his situation and recovery are getting stale and irrelevant. When will this repetitive nonsense stop?

    Bob Barnett
    San Jose

  26. Ktvu has a new female reporter who looks like she just graduated from high school. There was a time when ktvu was where you went at the pinnacle of your career. You had to work your ass off in places like Salinas and Toledo just to maybe have a shot to make it to ktvu. It was prestigious. You knew you finally ‘made it’ when you got a call from ktvu.
    Those days are long, long gone. Now, the only requirements to get a job there are you need to have a pulse, you need to be unqualified, and you need to be willing to work for Pennie’s on the dollar.
