Tuesday, April 18, 2023

The Giants/KNBR Should Be Embarrassed By FP Santangelo

One of the reasons I write this blog is to point out good and bad things. I try to concentrate on the good stuff but as time goes by, that's a chore.

The truly BAD/AWFUL actors--and there's a lot to to choose from, are gaining momentum.

The SF Giants, an ongoing train wreck, sorry, on the field, should be EMBARRASSED by their complete lack of caring with regards of who they allow in the radio broadcast booth.

What a complete DISGRACE.

The Giants don't give a crap about their broadcast product and they are 100% responsible for its membership.

When Jon Miller is absent and when
"Kruk and Kuip" don't travel, you then have a TOTAL CIRCUS act.

The banal, awful, simply UNFIT FP Santangelo is a DISGRACE!

There's a reason why this nincompoop was FIRED and no one else was interested in his services. Apparently, the Giants and KNBR didn't get the memo.

Santangelo is a cliche-driven, classless, jerk. That's his good points.

He's a terrible broadcaster too without the assorted drama that he comes with; Santangelo has more baggage than the United terminal at SFO.

I'm all for second chances but this egotistical ass has no class/grace whatsoever. KNBR knew it when they hired him and the Giants, who should know better, allowed it to take place.

A disgrace.


  1. He is as bad as the Giants, both awful

  2. FP is cliche driven? Yeah.... because "Grab some pine, meat", "The Squaaat", and "Adios, Pelota!" are as fresh as the first time we heard them. FP is really not that bad.

    1. Ben you say "FP is really not that bad" I agree with you. He's worse than bad. He was run out of D.C. for a reason and he will end up being run out of SF it there is anyone even listening to Giants' broadcasts. He is also not wanted in his hometown Sacramento. Perhaps he's loved in Portland, OR.

    2. TBF, regardless of whether you like them or not, at least Kruk and Miller came up with those catch phrases. Just like Buffer has "let's get ready to rumble" and Berman has "back back back back..." or "rumblin, bumblin, stumblin", tons of announcers have their own sayings.

      It's the cliches that so many use that are irritating. "You gotta want it." or "they have to get on the same page" or "he needs to being his A game today" or "he does all the little things". It's simply lazy broadcasting when they use a phrase that could be used for literally any sport or competitive event.

    3. I caught about a minute of tonight's game, recognized FP's voice, and then realized how bad he was. I thought he would be better since he had the gig in D.C. No, he was that bad and unfunny.

  3. The Giants suck, so who cares?

    1. Watching the game at Miami on tv right now and it looks like there's 15 people there!! Nothing but blue seats on the pan around. So much for faster games enticing people to the sport. I guess the fact that these two teams are cellar dwellers at this point doesn't help. Dave Fleming and Javy Lopez doing an excellent job though of trying to keep me from totally falling asleep.

  4. You know what the F. P. stands for?? This has been the running joke even when he was a player. F****** P****!!! I'll let you fill in the blanks. His kid F.P. Jr. seems nice on Twitter though. So maybe it isn't an inherited trait. Or maybe mom raised him right.

    I still say the true embarrassment is the product on the field. Starting to look like it's going to be a long road to finishing back at .500 once again this year. Can't put lipstick on that pig no matter who the announcer is.

  5. It's obvious. The ownership doesn't give a shit, so return the favor. Stay away from ballpark, don't listen. Simple. There's so much to do here, baseball is just one of many entertainment options.

  6. One thing about FP is he is the only guy on knbr who takes listener calls...but I go back and forth on that,many of the people calling into sports talk radio are pretty strange weird people..I can see why Greg papa and Tom Tolbert refuse to take listener calls at times!!

    1. Imagine getting paid handsomely to sit around all day and talk about extremely athletic and talented (mainly) men who play sports for a living. Always thought there was something a little odd about that. But this goes back to the gladiator days, I suppose. But they'll be the first to say 'no homo' if you actually call 'em on it.

      Professional Athletics, a multi-billion dollar industry that usually gives women 'what the little bird left on the rock' in terms of coverage and compensation. (Thank you, Mike Krukow for the saying.) Strange society indeed. And don't get me wrong, I love sports and athletes. Just wish teachers were valued more and payed a fraction of what your average sports star nets. The future might be a little better off.

      'Give the people bread and circuses and they'll never revolt' - Juvenal. (Pretty much sums it up.)

  7. I only listen to the Giants radio broadcast when driving in the car going to point A to point B otherwise, I watch NBC Sports BA. I still enjoy listening to Kruk and Kuip, however they eventually will retire so who do the Giants on deck?

  8. I am a life long Giants fan but I care about the 49ers now way more. Baseball is a "dying" sport. I don't have NBC Sports Bay Area because they put hacks like Carmen Kiew and Comcast charges too much. I stopped listening on the radio or caring about the team. I won't buy tickets or attend any games when they field a Triple A team masked as an MLB pretender... err... contender. Sorry Larry Baer! You've lost me as a Giants fan and I'm not the only one. = (

    1. You sound like a bandwagon fan too me.

  9. KNBR management is a joke and it starts with their GM who’s a rookie.

  10. As I've stated April 5th: You heard it here first; midgets sucks! will go nowhere this season, Bruce Bochchy is baseball's Bill Walsh It's coming true

  11. Not an F.P. fan, but at least he's willing to take calls.

  12. In some other article I read they outlined his honed and time-honored approach after just meeting an attractive woman, the old "Oh, you're married? You don't want to be friends? Your husband won't let you? That's a danger sign, him not letting you have friends!"

    Yeah, JT, "friends." So clever!


  13. Rich, I almost fell out of my chair reading you say you try to focus on the good stuff. 90% of what you write is harsh criticism. Which is fine, but let's call it like it is.

    As for F.P., I'm clearly in the minority here but I think he's doing a good job. Better as a talk show host than a game announcer, but I find him to be real, and different than many of the cookie-cutter sports media people. He also obviously has different insights with his background as a professional athlete. And Rich, how much have you criticized local sports radio for not taking calls? Now, there's a host who takes calls every show and he gets ripped to shreds.

  14. There have to be better options out there than FP Santangelo... heck, let Joe Ritzo call the games on radio by himself... he's knowledgeable, it's pretty obvious he realizes that you don't have to run your mouth the entire broadcast...dead air is ok sometimes FP... Santangelo is flat out awful...just another case of a former player that had some shtick and turned I to a broadcast career...
