Saturday, January 7, 2023

You Make The Call

To write a blog; to get you the scoops you expect and look forward to; to give you the NON-BS SPIN; all of that requires time and energy. And money too, my money.

My expenses. The Internet connection. The high-speed-- The cell phone. The cable. The time talking to people and sources and emailing.

I've resisted going to a pay wall because I know many of you have only so much to spend. Me included. I'm hip to that, I really am.

I also know you love coming here every day. I didn't stop writing during the holidays, I was right here. And that's all cool because I love writing the blog and you love reading it, most of you.

Which is why I'm here and hope you respond with $UPPORT. The people who hate me the most are the first in line to read me and complain the loudest when there's no blog up.

I have other expenses too like basic living expenses and the like. Bills are universal.

So please, contribute. Any dollar amount is appreciated. I promise to keep on entertaining you and keep you informed and get you past the BS. You want it, you expect it.

And if you can, SUPPORT IT. Or maybe not.

You make the call.

*No comments requested on this posting.

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