Monday, January 30, 2023

Monday Media on Streets of San Francisco --Day After Grim 49ers-Philly --A Few Notes; KRON Rumblings

MONDAY ...On the Streets of SF

After the game, the usual live shots and packages from angry yuppie 49ers fans. Looks as if they took the Philly loss a helluva lot better than some newbie reporters.

Speaking of which, that KRONvict that filed a report from the SF bar near GG Park should know that you don't call the Golden Gate Bridge, the "GG Bridge." Good lord, throw a flag on her!

The Fox telecast of the NFC Championship game (Niners -Philly) was subpar and I'm not even mentioning the suspicious delay on the fake catch that turned out to be a non-catch.

By the way, on a good day, Philly is ten times better than SF. Better pizza and more pithy bagels. The food and restaurants are infinitely better. And you can take the train to NY, much like I did about ten years ago. The people are generally cool too.

Underrated: Kevin Burkhart, good move Fox.

Philly sports-talk radio: WIP is real, passionate, intense sports talk. They take calls and they have solid interaction with callers who are pretty cool and intelligent. SF sports talk is like eating sprouts and celery--it's a lousy taste.

The Streets of SF was cool and vintage--in Philly, the birthplace of American Bandstand and the Mike Douglass Show. Advabatge, the 215.

Greg Papa and Tim Ryan on the local KNBR PBP call, Sunday: Oy Vay, don't get me started.

*RUMBLINGS at KRON: Tell me if you've heard this before: The rank and file believe the Nexstar noodles are about to cut their SF station --to coincide with lousy labor relations at KRON and all this comes when it appears that KRON has turned the corner.

I'll be watching.


  1. It's entertainment. Lose yourself for a couple of hours and have some fun! Niners lost. BFD? Life goes on!

    1. And if it weren't incredibly dangerous, this battleground of snorts, you wouldn't even watch.

  2. Philly sports fans are great fans. No bandwagon jumpers there and remember them pelting Santa Claus with snowballs? No Chardonnay at the tailgates.

    1. Veterans Stadium had its own jail and courtroom.

    2. "No bandwagon jumpers there..."

      You are joking? They are the most notorious, when it comes to turning on their teams during bad stretches. They booed and pelted Santa, as a break from incessantly booing and pelting their own slumping team in '68.

    3. Worst fans in the U.S.

  3. One of the big mysteries at KRON is why the station is deliberately trying to tamp down Vicki Liviakis' profile. She's the 5/9pm anchor...a key cog in their nightly news production. And she was treated as such until around six or seven months ago. Then things changed. When other anchors are out, particularly when more than two are out, KRON used to balance out the assignments evenly and Liviakis would work more than just the 5 and 9 shift. Not much anymore. Even when there are only a total of three anchors for the evening, Liviakis will still only get the her regular shift and that's it.

    Couple that with the fact that Pam Moore and Cathrine Heenan are both now officially four day a week talents (Heenan gets Mondays off and Moore Fridays), the station is more of a disorganized mess now than since before they moved into the KGO building.

    1. Maybe the scheduling is per Vicki's request. Frankly, with that Fry's money, I'm surprised she still works at all.

      > (Heenan gets Mondays off and Moore Fridays)

      Good, that means they only have to deal with one another three days a week. They're like oil and water, those two, or like Marjorie Taylor Greene and reality. Or like Aaron Pero and fidelity?

    2. You think that KRON's failure to use VL to randomly fill in for missing anchors is a sign of disrespect? To me it's the opposite. She's paid her dues.

    3. KRON isn't too smart about how they replace their Prime Time team when someone is off. They just fill the schedule with whomever is available when the smart move is to think succession and put your best people in those shifts when it comes up to get the audience comfortable with them should someone retire down the line. Smart news directors know who their replacement is for every main player. Because you never know how things play out and you don't want to start cold in your highly rated shows with someone new to the market. Ratings 101. Just look at the hot mess at PIX right now. I feel like KRON is moving up. They'll likely start making a move to that idea soon.

    4. "You think that KRON's failure to use VL to randomly fill in for missing anchors is a sign of disrespect? To me it's the opposite. She's paid her dues."

      Exactly. You don't see Pam filling in do you?

    5. "They just fill the schedule with whomever is available..."

      Help me to understand...It would be smarter to fill the slot with someone who *isn't* available?

    6. No dumbass it would be smart to schedule vacations with your top people and replace them with your best replacements. Oh never mind. If you're confused already nothing anyone says is going to help ys.

    7. Fry's money....Fry's went bankrupt and closed all remaining stores a year or so ago. Fry's hasn't been relevant in at least a decade.

  4. San Francisco sports talk is the worst in the nation. It's not about sports for these yahoos. Philly fans are REAL fans, not like the front-running, event-seeking idiots in the Bay Area. The Mike Douglas Show was a real talk show, not like Late Night with Stephen Colbert on CBS

    1. What the hell does the Mike Douglas Show (from decades ago) have to do with Stephen Colbert? Are you smoking crack?

    2. Stephen "Assclown" Colbert. Fixed it for you.

    3. He's probably too smart for you.

  5. Philly fan is what we should all aspire to be: Battery chucking, violent, boozed up sh-t bags who kick their dog when the team loses. The only fan base with a jail and a courthouse built into their football stadium. Intentionally throwing up on a little girl. Assaulting the other team's mascot and breaking his leg. Not to mention Santa Clause. I could go on. But hey, they're passionate, so we should look up to them and that massive d-bag they call their head coach.

    1. Did you ever go to Candlestck. A lot of knuckle draggers.

  6. Concur w/your assessment of delicious Philly food, restaurants to street vendors. Good place for a family holiday too, lot of sight-seeing opportunities.

    For a short visit,

    My favorite American cities: Boston, Philly, NYC
    Least favorite: New Orleans, Denver, Dallas

    1. Agree about Philly though my loved ones disagree after their visits

      New Orleans…get out of the french quarter…outstanding food scene in the neighborhoods and unique local personalities / hospitality

    2. I lived one and a half year in New Orleans, 4 years in New York, been to Boston several times, spend one week in Denver. New York was great when I lived there, late sixties and early seventies. New Orleans good food, terrible climate hot and very humid 9 months of the year, couldn't wait to get back to New York. Boston nice city as well.

  7. Absolutely right about Philly talk shows. And you can add San Diego, Denver, Dallas and Minneapolis for starters. Bay Area not even close.

  8. I thought you didn't do Drugs! Everyone knows that Philly sucks...

  9. And the sports anchor at WPVI, ABC's O&O in Philly, does a better job than ABC 7's Larry Beil.

  10. Agreed. The Kevin Burkhardt & Glen Olsen pairing is above average on FOX. Meanwhile over at CBS they couldn't get get Tony Romo to shut up with his analysis!!! Seems like a nice guy but jeez...Let a moment breathe big fella. Sometimes less is more.

    So...The Niners stranded at or near the altar once again. Sucks. After going through four quarterbacks in one season at some point doesn't some of the responsibility fall on the head coach for putting them in perilous positions to get injured? Always been lukewarm on Kyle Shanahan after he blew a 28-3 lead against Tom Brady in the Super Bowl. (Time to call Tolbert & Copes, Brooks, Lund or whoever he's paired with now) to share my brilliant insights. lol

    After Purdy's injury on the first drive cue the music...'Where are the clowns...Send in the clowns....Maybe next year'.

    1. Well said; shame about Purdy, he reminds me of Montana, injuries never good, shortened Montana's time with the 9ers...

    2. Tony Romo is a train wreck.

  11. Listened to KNBR during the pre-game...and Tim Ryan did an excellent 5-10 minute breakdown of what each team needed to do to win. He was calm, well spoken, easy to was great. Then the game starts and you get the screaming fan version of Tim Ryan. He could a very good in game analyst...if he could you know, be an analyst.

  12. I've been to a lot east coast cities, Philly is the worst. NYC is way better.

  13. " The food and restaurants are infinitely better." ARE YOU FRIGGIN' KIDDING ME??? San Francisco's...and California's...Italian food blows away any "Italian" dishes I grew up eating (I grew up in Philly). Like most of American--particularly back on the east coast--Philly's version of Italian is to smother tomato sauce, mozzarella, and "ParmeZHAN" (I hate this word; there is no "zh" sound in Italian) over EVERYTHING. My wife is from "the mother country" (Bologna/Emilia-Romagna)...and rolls her eyes at what passes for "Italian" here in America--the stuff that "Italians" swear is "authentic" in places like Philly. Before I met her, I too thought that places like South Philly, NYC, Chicago, etc. had the best Italian food. But through my wife...and numerous visits back to Italy (Bologna, Genoa, Piedmonte, Sicily etc), I've learned that what "Italians" like here in America is basically Italian-American....borne of the immigrants who came to American back in the 1900s.

    PS...she absolutely LOVES the focaccia at Liguria Bakery in North Beach. She says it is absolutely 100% legit; It brings tears to her eyes,
    (don't get me started on "Italians" putting oil in the pasta boiling water...sugar in the "Sunday Gravy"...and pineapple on pizza.

  14. no ocean in Philadelphia

  15. Streets of San Francisco is a great classic series - I got it on DVD and play them a lot when in the mood for classic TV shows.

  16. food in Philadelphia is just carbs drowned in cheese...tasteless...nothing remarkable or subtle

  17. Rich, 🎶🎶🎶 "If you're going to Phil - a - delphia, be sure to wear a bullet proof vest"...🎶🎶🎶

  18. I find Philadelphia to be the least interesting big city in the US, except for maybe Dallas.

  19. Now Julie Haener is telling colleagues she’s not doing the parade this year because she told management she wasn’t interested in doing it

  20. I think Nexstar could be in more trouble if CBS all of sudden would drop out "investing" into the CW because of the agreement CW made with LIV Golf. I believe KRON TV is safe with Nexstar...

  21. Vickie is is FOX. Dump Heenan and "over the hill" Moore..
