Sunday, January 1, 2023

2023 Early Calendar: KQED Reality, Likewise Chronicle; Happy New Year

2023 Early calendar

KRON: settle on a new, focused, crisp, anchor team at 6 --maybe Kyla Grogan and Ken Wayne?

ABC7: prepare for the slight possibility of Dan Ashley leaving Circle7, albeit, yeah, remote. (Building a better anchor team?)

KPIX: hiring Judge Judy to do the 5 and 11. I'm joking of course, but at PIX, who knows. The 11 is a complete SNL skit.

*NBC Bay Area: More cuts across the board but new hires in reporters and weekend anchors--Raj (Mathai) is excited: can date new inventory.

KTVU: Heather Holmes takes over, somewhere. Just where is anyone's guess. My Q: does anyone give a damn anymore about KTVU? Thought so.

*Julie Haener: speaking of who cares.

*Frank Somerville: see above.

*KCBS: 8000 commercials an hour. No news. No substance. No leadership. No direction. Yawn.

*Eric Thomas: must have pictures.

*Alisa Clancy: see above.

*The Chronicle: Hearst losing $1M a week and no longer a question of if , (demise), but when.

*KQED: eventually, as its outside audit commences in April, the chickens come home to roost. Just who is made scapegoat is the $64 question.


  1. Speaking of the demise of the Bay Area Media, I have three instances of ineptitude just from today. 1) The front page of the Mercury news joyfully headlined that the Raiders are returning to the Bay Area to play the 49ers today ... Uh, the game is in Las Vegas. 2) With all the news of Pope Benedict XVI's death, I heard more than 1 reporter saying he was the first pope in 6 decades to resign the papacy. 6 decades is a mere 60 years when it was actually 600 years since that happened the last time. 3) The Sharks are playing the Blackhawks today at 4pm, yet the Mercury News failed to include the game in today's sports tv listing, even though the game is on NBC Sports Bay Area. So you're right, Rich. There is a lot to justifiably criticize.

  2. I used to listen and contribute to KQED quite frequently, but when they went Transgender every hour on the hour, I gave up. I have zero issues with transgender, I just don’t think it is an issue that requires frequent mentioning.
    I would rather there be exposés on the Koch Brothers, the Saudi-Israel ties, Amazon rain forest destruction, the deep division in the USA, the uprise of Chinese saber rattling, the homeless debacle, the waning influence of unions.
    Happy New Year

  3. KCBS 740 - All Commercials - All Day - All Night - All The Time!

  4. FYI only. No longer Bay-Area-centric, but Natasha Zouves, formerly ABC7 aka KGO-TV, to me, was excellent on her weekend "NewsNation" cable/streaming show called "NewsNation Prime" (formerly called WGN-TV out of Chicago), transmitted at 4pm on Saturday, and another on Sunday @4pm. She sounds good and looks good. Other reporters on this newer network are great too. I believe its on Xfinity 775 or Directv 302. She does live Q&As while seated in her studio,too, and doesn't merely just announce the next transmitted or taped segment. How far in advance the questions are posed to the interviewee is unknown to me, however. This station is all new to me, so I'm quite impressed with it. Excuse my enthusiasm for those who've already known or watched it. Newsnation is apparently owned by Nexstar, which also owns KRON, if that's relevant. I haven't noticed, to what extent, there's any sharing between Newsnation and KRON yet.

  5. KPIX needs Rosanne Rosannadanna.

  6. Nikki Medoro....Lights out at Kmart

  7. What’s the deal with KPIX’s Shawn Chitnis? Saw him a couple days ago reporting on the roads and he referred to “The 101”. I guess you can’t take the USC out of the reporter.

  8. Ken & Kyla would be tv gold. Gotta agree. KRON shouldn't totally do that. I'd watch.

    1. Meant SHOULD do that. Damn Autocorrect!

  9. Heather Holmes is so stale. Blech. She never met a photo filter she didn't like. Seeing her in person is a little jarring.

  10. Rich, I think you nailed it with every one of them.

  11. I thought some local station would carry KTLA's Rose Parade coverage as in past years, but apparently just ABC and NBC this year.

    1. KRON had the original KTLA broadcast and rebroadcast the parade twice.

  12. This morning Eric Thomas blamed the new year for his fumbling of words.

  13. This comment proves how out of touch some people are. This is a non-issue. It’s just one of those silly comments that has come up in newsrooms here for decades, that’s perpetuated by a few people who like to pretend they know what they are talking about. Ask 10 random people in the Bay Area whether it is “101” or “The 101” and the majority will look at you funny and say they don’t know and don’t care. Seriously, go ask. No, this issue is not a “USC” thing. It comes from one of those smug newsroom people who’s only lot in life was to patrol the AP style book and argue endlessly whether the “A” in the abbreviation of California should be big or small in the station’s lower third, instead of spending valuable time figuring out the best way to communicate the most important ideas and issues to viewers. Shawn may or may not be a good reporter. But his use of “The” and his USC education are not factors here. There is so much more wrong with the state of “the” news than this.

    1. its not The 101 0r 101. Its the Bayshore

    2. Dear 8:04, Your windy screed on those who stick to standards and elevate the discourse reveals your own mental laziness.

    3. CA is the correct abbreviation for our state. No articles for freeways north of Santa Barbara. That is all.

    4. As a traffic reporter we just say 80, 101, 280. It is a Southern California thing to add a "The" to the front of the interstate. While native's may understand the Eastshore Freeway or The Nimitz, we don't use those because newer residents will be confused. However older residents will clock you if you add a "The" in front of the number.

  14. To 8:04 AM… USC is in Southern California where highways are referred to as “the xxx”. It isn’t specific to USC attendees, it’s a Southern California expression. However attending USC in Southern California could give you that speech affectation which is rarely used here in Northern California.

  15. 9:55 Not quite. Been in these parts since the late 60s. Everyone refers to it as 101. But certainly leave the “The” out of it.

  16. I love the Warriors but I canmot and will not listen to Bob Fitzgerald. Yes, he knows the game, ( he should after broadcasting for the Warriors fior 25 years,) but his homerism and annoying, collegiate rooting plus his smarmy, annoying presentation is beyond nauseating, It’s also hard to like someone who stabbed another person in the back, ( Greg Papa,) to poach his job. Lastlly,, his daddy set him up by schmoozing and slobbering all over management types to get his career going. He was born in third base. And of course, he keeps bringing up the fact he went to Notre Dame. Who cares? The only good thing about watching Warriors’ games is that you don’t have to listen to Bob Fitzgerald once the Warriors get past the first round of the playoffs because the networks take over. During this recent Warriors homestand which has seen some crazy Warrior wins, we’ve had to listen to this screaming cheerleader who’s announcing style can best be described as unlistenable.

  17. The use of the 101 or the 405 goes back into the sixties, at least, with the KMPC traffic coverage in Los Angeles.

  18. KQED needs to program a daily local broadcast, plus local shows that focus on the Bay Area besides “ Check, Please Bay Area.” With constant pledge breaks, viewers deserve more than BBC programs.
    This is ridiculous.

  19. KCBS has all the news credibility of a Tracy Quik Stop.

  20. What happened to pat thurston
