Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Team Coverage

THE Marin flood live reports were in full effect, right on target.

I'm waiting for the first live shot from the Napa River. Circle7's special "weather front" blue jackets are being given to the reporter masses for that anxious one-on-one MOS with Hilde at the river.

But first, "let's go to Looooose Pena" reporting from San Rafael Looose, is at the Ace hardware talking with Ben:

"Ben, did you see this coming?" Ben: "Well, I heard it on the radio that there was this big rain coming and the guy on KCBS, I think his name was 'Eric Thomas, said that 'lots of wind and water was coming!" Loose: "And then what?" Ben: "Well, nothing, there was dead air and he went away."

"This is LIVE weather coverage on KTVU, let's go to the storm desk for TEEEEEEM COVERAGE!"

"Sal, what's going on at 101 and 280? Something tells me there's a whole lot of water on the freeway." Sal: "Uh, yeah, Dave, when it rains, there's water on the freeway," Dave: "Thanks Sal.

"This is KRON4 Storm Front Live report, let's go live to Dan Kerman standing LIVE on Angel Island, where he's LIVE, Dan, is it wet there?" Dan: "oh, it's wetter than Darya's house slippers!" Thanks.

Back to the desk.


  1. Lying in bed this morning listening to KCBS storm coverage. Better than Cheech and Chong!

  2. So how would you suggest that we cover it differently. And be specific with your answer. If you’re the news director what would you do differently.

    1. I'll answer for Rich. I don't get the point of this "having a reporter in every corner of the Bay Area." It's raining. The radar can show where it's coming down the most and the least. You don't need to have one reporter in the North Bay saying, "It's raining here," then cut to another reporter in the East Bay saying, "It's raining here," cut to another reporter in...you get it. And you don't need to interview all these people in hardware stores buying supplies and asking them if you're worried or whatever. Again, it's RAIN. Unless it's another great floor, just say it's raining, stay off the roads or drive safely, and get on with other news. When I was a kid that's how they did it. You didn't get twenty reporters standing in twenty neighborhoods photographing the same rain and the same puddles. A puddle is Santa Rosa looks the same as a puddle in Oakland.

    2. Report but don’t sensationalize it. It rains. Not a big deal.

    3. Cover it differently, yes please we dont need a live shot from the Walnut Creek fountain, Rodeo dr in Marin, and a man on the Street interview at where they have the sandbag station.

      You cant tell me the media professionals in such a large market can't be more original?

  3. I absolutely love Luz Pena

    1. Her name is Loooth. Say it right.

    2. LP is very attractive (to most; I believe; there's always somebody to criticize something about somebody's attractiveness, however).

    3. Attractive, but she always sounds like she's having an asthma attack.

    4. Another Luz fan. Great looking and think the voice is sexy.

  4. Yeah, that’s basically what passes for news these days.

    1. you must be new to the area, 10:58. Storm based flooding in area with huge burn scars have and can have disastrous consequences for many people, all in the viewing radius of these tv and radio stations.

  5. I somehow missed when Dave Clark said that. Last I heard was him asking Sal if ‘everyone was behaving’ and if he’s ‘fixed the traffic.’

    1. Good lord that’s pathetic

    2. Then again Dave is the one who ask mayor licardo live on the air if he wanted to respond to rumors that he started the camp fire. Honestly you can’t this stuff up.

    3. "Then again Dave is the one who ask mayor licardo live on the air if he wanted to respond to rumors that he started the camp fire."

      After the Chesa Boudin recall vote, London Breed was on MO2 and Gasia asked her how she voted. I would have suspended her for a month right then and there, and apologized to LB on air.

  6. NBC should send out Audrey Asistio. With those blatantly fake flotation devices she'll have no trouble if she were to accidentally fall in while reporting from the Napa river.

  7. "Sal, what's going on in the East Bay?" "Well I'm at a blogger's house and got reports of a coffee cup filling fast!" "Thank you Sal!"

  8. From KPIX, let's go to our Eye In The Sky with Lieutenant Burk, as she hovers the chopper over Golden Gate Bridge .... "Thanks guys, I really don't know how to pilot a chopper, back to you"

  9. How it started:

    How it's going:

    Something is different. I can't quite put my tune in Tokyo's on it...

  10. We are in a talent drought despite the massive rain storm.
    This weather crisis cries out for Lloyd Lindsay Young...
    Only Lloyd can restore our confidence.

    1. Mr. Young only pretended to be a weather scientist...

  11. Yeah. Pretty much sums it up. Same weather stories regurgitated every half hour on every Bay Area tv and radio station. Yawn. Alert me when there's a LEVEL 5 on the storm impact scale. Otherwise, It's just rain people. I loved that time when former ABC 7 Amy Hollyfield got drenched by a car speeding through a puddle while reporting live on the weather. At least that was something spontaneously interesting and funny to watch amidst the usual 'SF storm drains are clogged' -overhype. I miss Amy. Solid reporter. Looks like management replaced her with a clone named Leena Howland. 'No one will notice...lol She's cool though.

    Snowmageddon!!! Snowmageddon!!! Snowmageddon!!!
    Atmospheric River!! Atmospheric River!!! Atmospheric River!!

    Like the late Prince protege Vanity said...'I need six inches (of rain) or more'. Otherwise...Wake me when you're done, meteorologists. lol

    1. "I loved that time when former ABC 7 Amy Hollyfield got drenched by a car speeding through a puddle while reporting live on the weather."

      So did I, but not for the same reason. I've worked with Amy. I'd like to find that driver and buy him or her lunch.

    2. what are "rain people"? Highway 101 shut down for hours today because of flooding...central coast

  12. the man from the press says we wish you success--see ,the ''media'' was on their minds.but does 415 ever say ''its good to have the both of you back-santangelo lund doubtful.

  13. Good God why is Frances Dinglassen on tv? She was bad on tv before,think it was KPIX. She should not talk,reading prompter also not her strong suit. Please take her off.

  14. Everyone complains about the weather but nobody does anything about it !

    Raincoat, Umbrella, drive slowly, relax. Enjoy the sky cryin’.

    1. Take it from Louis and Dizzy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZO1uMjz3n3w

  15. Hey Trixie, is John your new alter ego?

  16. 12:44PM I'm pretty sure Vanity was not talking about rain, unless it was the Purple kind. Of course, one of her biggest hits was Nasty Girls.

  17. Roberta Gonzales on KTVU kept saying this morning “liquid cement” was coming to the Tahoe area and also not to swim in the ocean today. So much for my plans! Don’t bother to Google “liquid cement” as a meteorological term!

  18. Luz Pena is a solid reporter. Make that 11 time Emmy award winner Luz Pena. I know the reason for the heavy criticism. Nothing to do with her reporting skills.

    Kinda childish to make fun of her accent. She moved to the US from Columbia as a child. She has my respect.

    1. It’s LOOOOTH. Get it right.

    2. Luz. It means light. Luz Peña is magnificent.

  19. As if we need another example of how far ktvu has fallen: even with today’s rain, their 5pm news had more stories from Fox News reporters Madeline Rivera (3) and William LaJeunesse (1) than from actual ktvu reporters (3 stories total).

  20. I prefer to get my weather from women who dress like Elvira on air.

  21. Good grief. You do know in Spain her name is pronounced Looth. Colombian Spanish is the close to Castilian Spanish pronunciation. I love the way 11 time Emmy Award recipient Luz Peña says her name.

    1. 6:04PM You mentioned this how many times above? This is a written blog and her name is spelled “Luz”. Are you saying people should type her name phonetically so you know we know how to pronounce her name? I don’t know if you are serious or provocative.

  22. I agree with 5:30 that Luz Peña is a solid reporter. She listens and reports with clarity. It doesn’t matter if she speaks with an accent. So many immigrants have accents. Luz received a BA from Hofstra so she is bicultural and bilingual. Luz is also very easy on the eyes.

    1. “Luz received a BA from Hofstra”

      And? BA’s are a dime a dozen around here. What else? Luz got a gold star in second grade? Luz learned how to drive a car?

  23. Luz Peña is good reporter and I find her very sexy.

  24. Luz Pena 11 Emmy Awards. She’s increíble.

    1. You guys are such fucking idiots. I’ve won five Emmy’s. Who freakin cares. All this shit about her name is a waste of time. It’s how SHE pronounces it. Period. That’s all that matters. All the rest of this debate is useless are all of you really too stupid to realize that???

  25. I’ll begin taking Looth Peña seriously when she stops finding a way to mention her Instagram on every story she does. It’s obnoxious.

    Example, “I’m on the scene of a house fire where five members of a family died on Christmas morning. Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram and turn on notifications for my Instagram Stories for updates.”

    1. If the only complaint with Luz Peña is she mentions her instagram then that’s small potatoes.

      She’s a solid reporter. The Bay Area is lucky to have her on tv.

  26. All this talk about the correct pronunciation of her name is smoke and mirrors. The real story here is why Luz has never been asked to anchor despite her repeatedly expressing interest. And why most ABC7 photographers have made it abundantly clear they don’t want to work with her. And why she has gone to HR to complain about at least three female colleagues.
    Don’t let her smile, accent and college degree distract you…there’s a real story here.

    1. Sounds to me ABC7 has an HR problem if all this leaked out. All gossip aside Luz Pena is the top field reporter at ABC7.

    2. Luz is beautiful. If she complained to HR about some of her fellow employees I’m sure there is a valid reason.

  27. The media in SoCal acts like it is the end of the world when it drizzles.

  28. Why is Sara Donchey wearing pants with metal holes in them?! Doesn't anyone have standards anymore?

    1. She’s a certified space cadet. KPIX thought hiring someone who marches to her own beat would resonate with Bay Area viewers.

    2. Sara looks and acts professional. She can wear whatever her style might be.

  29. The minute one station decides to downplay a storm, critics/viewers will COMPLAIN...about NOT covering the storm! They'd compare this station to the other efforts: "So-and-so was all over it: Live shots from Walnut Creek, Almaden Valley, Redwood City, the Sunset District, AND Kentfield!"

    You can't please anyone when it comes to storm coverage on local TV news.

    1. Team coverage of the storm is just an excuse to cut bait on doing any real reporting on anything else.

  30. No KTVU FUX2 weather report is complete without Tom Vacar in his blue rain jacket, standing on the side of a highway during a torrential downpour looking miserable as all get out.
