Saturday, December 31, 2022

Ms. Barbara Walters

MY MOTHER ADORED BARBARA WALTERS --thought of her as a god. And mind you, mom was hard to please. Tough Brooklyn Jewish mom she was.

I knew Ms. Walters was in hiding and closing in on sunset. I hadn't heard anything of late but I knew she was in her nineties and that she was battling old age and its realities--especially a woman who worked in TV and was a celebrity icon, a legendary person like Barbara Walters who was far bigger than most people think and an inspiration to all of us, including me.

I'll never forget her debut on ABC News back in 1976 as the first woman to anchor a network neswcast; with Harry Reasoner. I made it a point to watch her work; her interviews; her spirit. She was great. I resented they're mocking her voice, the comedians; but she was OK with it, I guess as a form of flattery.

We're losing too many great people. Life is cruel sometimes. I guess I'm bummed with reality.

RIP, Ms. Barbara Walters, you were an inspiration for so many.


  1. Her next big "get" will be an interview with "God". Thank you Barbara for many , many things.

    1. Great tribute, Christine. Good to hear from you, and Happy New Year!

  2. She was a class act. Too bad we dont have local news that covers the flooding, the closing of 101 by SSF, and standing water all over. Wonder how many people will still go out tonight even though there is a deluge of rain?? If only we had news channels that could cover this??

  3. Cheryl Hurd on a program called Race in America on NBC at 630 tonight. Didnt see all of it but what I saw, she was good at interviewing and listening. She will be missed. Wish there was a decent alternative. Kpix is "building community?" Is that same as building a better Bay Area thar abc is shoving down our throats?.

  4. Reminds me: In 76 the 25 yo Jane Pauley replaced the 46 yo Barbara Walters on Today. That was fine. Then in 89 the 31 yo incandescent blonde Deborah Norville joined the Today Show. That was not fine. The aging 38 yo Pauley flounced off.

    1. Jane Pauley doesn't "flounce".

  5. Walters had dementia for years. Didn't even recognize people she knew. A merciful passing.

  6. 93 is a good life. But the last couple of years are usually tough if you make it that far, particularly after age 90. My dad was a vital, active, happy highly intelligent man. But when when he hit 91, it all fell apart. My sister got him a great caregiver and that made his last couple of years a lot more comfortable. I’m sure Barbara Walters had plenty of love and assistance down the stretch drive of her life.

  7. RIP Barbara Walters,

  8. I heard Harry Reasoner was not quite welcoming to have a female co-anchor.
