Saturday, December 24, 2022

Cheryl Hurd's Forced "Retirement" Among NBC Cuts

Another forced "retirement" --this time, NBC Bay Area's veteran reporter, Cheryl Hurd, is leaving the biz.

She basically was told to leave, with a very good bye-bye package. But make no mistake, Hurd's leaving was forced upon by cost-conscious NBC and Hurd isn't the only staffer on peacock hit list.

Hurd's exit was not surprising but as I wrote a few weeks back,

"Of course the Peacock won't refer to its actions as cuts, they'll tell some staff, particularly tenured folks--anchors, reporters, included--to take a buyout and/or "retire" and go away and if you refuse? We'll force you out."

NBC is cutting, big time, across-the-board. Its O and O (owned/operated) stations are targets; LA, NY, Chicago, among the big markets.

Nice timing, right before Christmas, NBC, your corporate insensitivity award winner, to heave-ho Ward and others.


  1. When are they going to cut Spencer Christian? I found out he is over retirement age if the info is right online. Adding on Ming Sze staying at the station too long and worthless day by day

    1. Spencer Christian is Way Over Retirement Age. He turned 75 over the summer.

    2. There is no mandated "retirement age" in t.v. news. The most powerful people in the world are over 75.

    3. My recollection is that Spencer got a Very Special Deal from Disney/ABC when they wanted him to lelinquish his Good Morning America weather gig. He was offered a lifetime contract at any ABC O&O he wanted to transfer to, and he chose KGO7. His version of retirement, so far at least, is shifting from M-F primetime to weekends and fill-ins. Sweet deal if it's true, but Spencer still hasn't lost "it".

  2. Too bad, I thought she was a good reporter. Good luck.

  3. I've heard more than one GM make a speech at the holiday party. Thanking the staff and promising greatness in the new year. It really meant "layoffs start next week." We'd all start updating our resumes the next day

  4. Why do they get a severance?

    1. Depends on what is specified in the language of their contract and the policy of their employer. Many older employees receive generous severance packages, some do not.

    2. perhaps she still had a contract and they wanted to buy her out(?)...could be a lot of reasons.

  5. So sorry to hear this. She's a good reporter and always pleasant to listen to. I could think of a couple of other people on NBC Bay Area that should be given the heave-ho; like Raj Mathai, Janelle Wang and Jessica Aguirre.

  6. I’m astonished by some by some of the insane comments about about the Giants in earlier posts. They made an embarrassment of themselves. It doesn’t matter whether Correa is worth that kind of $$ or flunked his exam. You just don’t behave like bunch of clueless college kids when handling delicate negotiations of this matter. Their reputation has taken s hit. I wonder how it will effect negotiations with prominent ‘ name’ in the future. But by 2025 it’ll. probably be forgotten. Sports fans, and for that matter, Americans in general have a collective attention deficit syndrome as well as the collective memory of a fly. They’re also practically lobotomized by their phones. Guess I am also guilty while I’m filing this post!

    1. Thank you for making a kooky connection between a layoff and the SF Giants.
      Ms Hurd, thanks for your hard work, you did a fine job, enjoy your retirement!

    2. Not sure what the Giants fiasco of earlier this week has to do with Cheryl Hurd's departure. That seems like quite a stretch to me.

    3. 2:22...check today's news. The Mets flagged his physical now, too.

  7. In LA at KNBC Chuck Henry and Vikki Vargas both got blown out...In San Diego at KNSD (O&O) Artie Ojeda(28 yrs) and Rory Devine (38 yrs) also got "dissapeared" from NBC.

  8. Too bad these reporters aren't independent contractors who hire themselves for gigs. I hate these management types, that's why Rich has a blog. The management people hire low paying hacks to replace a good reporter like Cheryl

  9. KNTV got rid of Hurd AND Ward???
    San Jose
