Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Embarrassing KCBS Reaches New Low; Broadcasts Basic PR Event from Pier 39; Shameless Anchors Patti Reising and "Wow" Bret Burkhart Participants; Matier Detour; Welcome (Again) To The "Shit Show"

KCBS reached a new broadcast low on Tuesday night--the only good news for them was that it didn't involve technical issues.

The afternnon drive team of Patti Reising and Bret Burkhart anchored live from Pier 39. I know because they'd promoted it for at least a gazillion times. OK, nothing wrong with that but the entire broadcast was essentially a commercial for Pier 39 and KCBS anchors and reporters fawning over an event that had virtually NO NEWS and embarrassing conduct from some people who should know better.

As the night moved on, KCBS's conduct got even worse.

The calamity of errors during the PM drive news slot was filled with grotesque, self-serving ridiculous broadcast mayhem, that's what I'll call it and I'm being diplomatic.

Reising and shameless Burkhart must have repeated, every other minute, (I lost count), that they were broadcasting from Pier 39. It might as well have been a Pier 39 production. And the event? A Christmas tree-lighting ceremony, which is odd since we haven't even celebrated Thanksgiving. But oh well.

KCBS broadcast --again, repeatedly, a story involving waste water in SF and San Jose that showed Covid-19 residue and a doctor from the health dept. advising people to wear masks and avoid big crowds --I guess KCBS didn't get the memo because they were broadcasting from...a BIG CROWD! How ironic and crazy is that? And yet, the carnival and its enablers carried on.

SF Mayor, London Breed, made a pit stop to the event and did an on-air interview with both Reising and Burkhart; I say "interview", it was more like a campaign speech for Breed who spoke on and on and on about how "great" and exciting it was to see the city and it's festive look, only you couldn't help but think, "is this right? and what about the state of SF, real state and not campaign speak, as Breed droned on.

Did Burkhart, in full "wow" mode, bother to even ask the mayor any kind of question that its citizens might have appreciated? No, not even a smidgen. Did Reising, between her on-air giddy state, think maybe she could have interjected, like, "Mayor Breed, is the city, Union Square safe from mobs stealing and terrorizing people who might want to shop and eat out?" Not a chance. Reising instead chose to giggle and ask PR, chamber of commnece questions, it was not only weak but embarrassing too.

Burkhart sounded like he was at his prom date's house before the senior ball. And Breed chirped on and on without so much an innocent question.

Excuse me, those who might say it wasn't the proper time to ask such questions, sorry but Breed is fair game, hell, she's the mayor! She's hardly given much access and therefore, yes, she should have been at least asked. But the giggle-force of Burkhart and Reising ruled the night.

Things got progressively worse --the gruesome twosome spent seven, 7! minutes talking to a Pier 39 PR woman about the sea lions that make the pier home. It was both tiring and laughable. It sounded BORING after thirty seconds so imagine 7 damn minutes.

Pathetic KCBS and shame on Reising -Burkhart and their taking part in such a blatant carnival act.

Later on, a phone interview with normally credible, Phil Matier, went awry at the beginning when Matier said it was "uncool" to say Pier 39 is uncool-- Seriously, Phil?

But again, KCBS is a monopoly and has NO competition. They literally can do what they do without anyone, any radio station challenging them because there simply isn't one in this area. KQED doesn't count and it's plain just truly sad.

Welcome again to the "shit show."

A KCBS/Pier 39 production.


  1. A "filler & fluff" shit show.
    A brown toilet paper production.
    I noticed that. A totally unimportant event.
    Today....Wednesday....shit from KNX.
    Adding shit from another station
    to the show.
    A complete shit show
    All shit, all the time...KCBS

  2. The TV stations were almost as bad covering that Christmas tree lighting bullshit. I swear, we have NO news coverage anymore. It’s pathetic.

  3. As a native San Franciscan, I am appalled by the ShitShow in downtown SF. Breed, Willie Brown, his Holiness Newsome, Ed Lee, even “where am I” Feinstein, all allowed the homeless free rein to stink up a once prosperous City. I am not blaming the homeless for their plight, I am blaming the quasi sympathetic politicians for ignoring the needs of the homeowners and companies who want a cleaner, safer SF. They have thrown billions at a problem that should have been fixed 35 years ago.
    Thanks for letting me vent, Rich

    I still love SF, but it truly has become a ShitShow

  4. They should have broadcast from a homeless tent community. Breed never would have shown up. Burkhart could say "Wow!" every time someone pooped on the sidewalk.

  5. I like the sea lions too, but 7 minutes? Concur, more common-sense broadcaster restraint needed.

  6. No stations are doing their jobs any more. It is all one big joke so what did you expect? I have given up on the entire mess and I know people might not care about them but 960 AM is the best of a rotten bunch. At least I learn something from them once in awhile.

  7. I heard that broadcast and there was nothing whatsoever wrong with it. Stations often go to popular locales and broadcast during the holiday season. It's different and sounds different than the normal broadcast from within a studio, which is why they repeat where they are. Remember, KCBS is an all-news station. Listeners tune in to get all the latest news and then move on.

  8. Rich, pardon my ignorance but how hard is it for someone to start a new radio station. For example, Bloomberg or Bezos ( I dont love either of them use them as examples as rich guys who can buy anything.) Is it very hard to get a radio license??

  9. I was one of the few who was at that Pier 39 tree lighting and hardly anyone was there. Many businesses have shuddered including Castagnola's in Fisherman's Wharf . The Mayor left before the "official tree lighting"

    1. I want to hear more about the "shuddered" businesses. did they tremble first?

  10. KQED and KALW don't count? If you don't like KCBS, check out KALW's reporting. In particular, if you haven't sampled KALW's Crosscurrents lately, check it out... and I'm very curious how the new approach to dayparts they are planning in 2023 (see their web site) will work out. They're either starting a new innovation in public radio programming, or making a big mistake.

  11. When ditzes and tools such as Jennifer Seelig and Lee Hammer are hired by stupid, predatory companies such as ‘Audacy’ and ‘Cumulus,’ ( WTF are either of those ridiculous names supposed to signify anyway?) this is what you get. Unprofessional newbies on the air and behind the scenes being paid peanuts, continuous technical glitches, and mostly noise and nonsense on the air. Is it aby surprise then that over 40 percent of our country’s citizens are intellectually challenged after listening to stations such as KCBS and KNBR, not to mention KGO, which is now a sad repository for gambling addicted fools? Those 3 AM giants used to represent the Gold Standard of Bay Area Radio. Now? They sound mostly like some of the nonsensical podcasts heard these days. Thanks Audacy and Cumulus for dumbing down and wrecking out local radio. I’m told both of these companies stock prices are in the toilet. Gee, I wonder why?
