Saturday, October 15, 2022

KTVU Red Face Central: Runs Wrong Robbery Story in "Danville CA" Instead of "Danville, VA"

NOT AGAIN? OH YES, again! A bunch of red faces at KTVU Friday night; as a few readers noted, they (Fox2) ran an embarassing, WRONG, story and it caused havoc even on a Friday night.

The "story"? A robbery they said, (Fox2) was in "Danville, CA " but in actuality was in Danville, VA" --wow, what a travesty. KTVU acknowledged it made a mistake but ran even video and wrong info before correcting itself.

Nobody bothered to look and make sure it was cool? Does anybody at KTVU care anymore or is just a shit show now? They're lucky it happened on a Friday night.

And yeah, where was Amber Eikel? The besieged, detested ND? Planning for the weekend shopping? Disgraceful, laughable, and worthy of an outright firing.

The Firm has another issue with its Bay Area O and O. I'll be searching for the video.


  1. It’s a FOX thing !! Toss out some insanity and see if anyone notices. Truth is the only obstacle in the drive toward presenting Opinion as fact. Oopsie, someone noticed.

    1. Fine station. Don't know where you come off with all that hate and mean nasty.

  2. You know what the Dinosaur said to me? He said “I need about $3.50.”

  3. Ok Rich...
    Let's all warn KTVU...just in case.
    Pittsburgh Pa.
    Newark NJ.
    San Jose, Costa Rica
    Campbell Soup
    any others ?

    1. Dublin Ireland...
      Hercules, Master of the universe

    2. The town of Springfield is supposedly in every state in the union, which is why they use it on The Simpsons.

    3. Four Dollars?!? Bullshit, I will not!!

    4. Uhh... He-Man & Skeltor are the Masters of the Universe

  4. “Sum ting wong” again!

  5. MIstakes happen.. It's human. To imply that it was because a news director, female was only thinking about shopping is absurd and has no basis in fact.

    1. Yeah, mistakes happen like putting up the wrong graphic or showing the wrong video with the wrong read.
      This wasn’t that. This was an inexcusable error. There’s absolutely no reason why a full video package and read should’ve been created simply because no one there knows the difference between Danvilles. Any one with any degree of familiarity with the video would’ve immediately known that the footage wasn’t from the Bay Area.

    2. Let me explain why it’s ambers fault. It’s because she’s doesn’t watch newscasts and she doesn’t care. There is ZERO accountability. I’m sure the producer and the writer are both right out of college and have zero experience. I’m sure the anchors have little experience and quite frankly probably don’t care either. If I was out there I would be mortified. But even more so I would be furious because nothing would change. And that’s the problem with ktvu today. No one cares. The only person who used to honestly care was Frank and heather. And Rachael and Darren who oversee the ten and 11. How amber still has a job is beyond me. And how the gm still has a job is beyond me. What does it say about ktvu that ever since frand was fired for raising questions about gabbi petito. That their ratings have completely tanked. As a life long ktvu viewer I’ll let you decide.

    3. Heather cares, like you said. She seems pretty intense.

    4. "Yeah, mistakes happen like putting up the wrong graphic or showing the wrong video with the wrong read."

  6. It’d be embarrassing if it weren’t so sad. I also saw this last night and their subsequent correction and ‘apology.’ This tells me neither the writers nor the producers nor the anchors know the first thing about places they cover. Not to mention one look at the video they ran and it was clear it was NOT Danville Ca. I don’t live anywhere near there but as soon as I saw the video I knew it wasn’t in the Bay Area.

    The entire KTVU ‘News’ operation have their heads up their asses and give new meaning to the words incompetence and humiliating.

    But I’m not going to lie, it’s fun entertaining watching as they continue to spiral to the depths of pitifulness.

  7. This is how Amber gauges their audience. If more than 10 people called in, it was a good night.

  8. If Kevin O'Brien returned to run the station ..... .......

    1. KOB is about 85 and not in good health.

  9. Bang Ding Oouch, Holy Fook 9 years ago and that reporter fled to Singapore. She worked with Frank on Mornings on 2

  10. Dennis Richmond is turning in his grave.

    1. Really mean spirited comment on this free blog.

    2. Turning in one’s grave is a commonly used saying that’s not mean spirited. I’m pretty sure the original poster 4:37pm meant it as a compliment, as in when Dennis was at ch 2 their news was top-notch and very much respected. And now it’s anything but that.

    3. He meant to say Leslie Griffith.

    4. Not everyone is trying to be ‘mean spirited.’ Perhaps they were simply mistaken and thought Dennis had passed already. The other day I mentioned an actor who I thought (not assumed) had passed but I was reminded they’re still alive in their 90’s.

      So while you may consider something obvious common knowledge, the person next to you may have no clue.

  11. There's only one 2.

  12. As with anything, you get what you pay for. And, no, this is not a ‘mistake.’ It’s an embarrassment.
    It begs the question, what was their source for this story? How did a writer, producer, and anchor watch the video and not think ‘hmmmmm, this looks nothing like Danville?’
    Complete buffoons.

    1. You are just wrong. It is both a mistake and an embarrassment. Sometimes that happens. They addressed and corrected the error. It's not the end of the world.

  13. Tonight on the 10 o’clock news:
    3-alarm house fire in Richmond, KY
    Fatal hit and run in Mountain View, AR
    Home invasion robbery in Lafayette, LA

    1. NASA probe touched down on Mars, California.

  14. Mountain View, TX and Sunnyvale, TX. Our libraries get confused with theirs at times on Amazon.

  15. Blame it on the intern. But where was the Editor?

  16. Just as long as it wasn't Julie Haener's house.

  17. Amber was probably in the condo parking lot next door sitting in her car with a certain anchor ‘gossiping’ as she’s known to do.

  18. Frank is probably saying, "how ya like me now?"

    1. You honestly comparing a mugged city with DUIs, fucking station employees, showing up on aired smashed and disobeying the ND???

      And BTW, I’ve worked with Frank. He’s no brighter than the people you’re making fun of.

  19. Too bad inmates get to run asylum!! Clearly Corporate Fox doesnt own a tv that shows Bay Area channels.

  20. Ultimately, this is Amber’s doing. Sure, she didn’t write the script, compile the video and read it on air, but she’s created a culture where people are checked out, sloppy, and go through the motions with zero pride in their work and zero attention to detail.
    Her hiring practices are abysmal and her track record speaks for itself. She brings in bottom feeders and industry rejects (both in front of and behind the camera) and the result is exactly what you’d expect when the majority of your operation are incompetent, lazy and barely know the Bay Area.
    She plays musical chairs with anchors which foments frustration. She doesn’t even try to create a respectable news product. She doesn’t instill confidence nor does she push her staff to create a top notch product. Rumor has it she rarely watches the news.
    But this isn’t new. It’s gradually been getting worse and now they’re spiraling downward out of control. Those smart enough have jumped ship while the majority of those left are just collecting a paycheck.

  21. Where's Tory Campbell when we need her?

  22. Watching KTVU immolate itself, is like watching someone trying to put out a Tesla battery fire with a garden hose. Comedic gold!

  23. Corporate Centralized Management can hold a lot blame with the condition of channel 2. They don't care about the news. They care about sports income.

  24. Did Julie Haener read the story? Or was she at a $5,000/night luxury resort drinking $50 cocktails again?

  25. This was not a ‘mistake.’ This was a complete breakdown of the news operation from beginning to end.

    It’s not as though some 24-year-old writer in a cubicle writes up a story, drops it into the teleprompter and the anchor reads it on air. Producers, editors, and writers are all involved in the process. They discuss stories and decide which make it onto the newscast. The ND or assistant ND is involved in that decision-making, and what makes it on air is ultimately their decision, in this case, Countess Amber. The anchor is responsible for reading the show script before going on air as a further review, asking questions and clarifying details.

    So for this to have happened it tells me there was absolutely no attention to detail, no familiarity with our local geography, and no questions asked that would’ve immediately revealed this was a random burglary 3,000 miles away.

    So yeah, it was a ‘mistake’ this happened the same way it was a ‘mistake’ for Frank to go on air wasted and a ‘mistake’ for them to include Ho Lee Fuk and Sum Ting Wong in the newscast.

    1. You forgot ....
      Wee Too Loo. &
      Bang Ding Oow
      Those famous pilot names.
      (Like anybody cares who the pilots were)

  26. Someone looked at the story and said “Ho lee fook!”
