Thursday, October 6, 2022

KRON Not On Fleet Week Show; Dion Lim Is Being Wooed (Again) By ABC; More Bad Issues at 900 Front; "Trixie" Forefront (Again); Bonneville/KOIT Ouster; Mike Mibach Doesn't Know How To Play Ball; Sara Donchey PIX Mystery; Jon Miller's Casual Cancer Remark Leaves Giants Bewildered; Beat Writer MIA (Again); KTVU Fakers: Mallicoat, Wong and Orozco; Thursday Beat


*A local staple: KRON's televised SF "Fleet Week" show is no more. At least at press time.

KRON isn't showing any action this year from the festivities and it's not about cost. I'm told by an Insider that is has to do with microwave issues and that it's simply a difficult chore, therefore, KRON won't be live from the event on Saturday and that's not cool.

* ABC7's Dion Lim is on the immediate radar of ABC News higher-ups and they would love to have her --in what capacity, no one knows, but as a weekend anchor in LA? Likely.

Lim has been courted by ABC for a few years now but her work earlier this year as a "World News Now" anchor really impressed the alphabet network.

Lim is a versatile, exciting, watchable, news personality, not to mention an extraordinary presence on screen--a Disney max virtue. She has resisted, so far, network offers, but this might be the real deal.

*Under the radar at 900 Front: a new case of overwhelming morale issues and it's intensified. People inside the newsroom complain, I'm told, that there's a lot of tension and the place is rife with overworked staff and a boss who continues to flail away with NO people skills and NO feedback, no interaction. She's (Tracey Watkowski-Silva) simply showing up and playing her usual "favorites" game.

Watkowski, despite numerous accounts of worker no confidence, continues to keep her job because ABC is scared of letting her go. She apparently knows where all the bodies are buried.

*The Bonneville/KOIT blowout of several staff members here was something planned far in advance and was largely based on a feeling from corporate that its Bay Area zone was an expensive no-go. Cumulus/Bonnevile, birds of a feather...

*Mike Mibach, in addition to his smerky look, simply doesn't know how to play the game. He could have neutralized his position at KTVU by talking to staff and saying the right things and doing what others do when they get a new gig. Instead, he went his own, arrogant way and now he has issues, not to mention lousy ratings.

Oh and yeah Mike, the "jokes" directed at a female staffer, were as DUMB as a rock.

*The Sara Donchey mystery--she's been OFF the 11 PM KPIX newscast for some time now--is so bizarre and out of sight, even PIX contacts don't know what the hell is going on. Again, PIX's new leadership has shown a remarkable case of utter incompetence and the natives are one again, royally perturbed.

*A few weeks back, Jon Miller, the Giants lead pbp-broadcaster, casually said on -air, he was "having cancer removed from 'my ear.'" Miller said it while the team was in Milwaukee playing a doubleheader on Sept. 8th. Of course, the brain-dead beat writers never reported this and failed to ask Miller about his startling revelation.

The Giants and Larry Baer were caught off guard.

*A KPIX depression meter: to think in a span of a few years, Ken Bastida retired, Veronica De La Cruz had a murky departing, and Paul Deanno escaped for Chicago, tells you all you need to know about PIX and its non-happy campers.

*An unpleasant item: Many longtime PIX staffers tell me De La Cruz's medical/personal claims are now being questioned by newsroom personnel.

*The BIGGEST FAKERS and disingenuous actors in town: the utterly useless trio at Fox2: Frank Mallicoat, Claudine Wong and fashion model, Rosemary Orozco. Mallicoat has about as much buzz as a diseased canary; Wong couldn't ad-lib a paper bag and Orozco is a flailing, middle-aged clothing designer who uses her weather gig at KTVU to promote her clothing business.

*And Claudine: when you're gossiping about me with your pal, Jana Katsuyama, be advised the other folks in make-up have a direct line into the 415 Media hotline. Claudine, you'd be at best, a 4th-tier overnight traffic reporter in Des Moines. You survived at KTVU because Cox and The Firm needed an "all-boxes" -checked torso and they found you.

*KTVU suits and FOX itself knows about Orozco's MO, which is why she's been routinely PASSED OVER multiple times when a primetime gig could have been had. The feeling was mutual: Rosy knew they knew and they figured Rosy's using them was worth their getting a weather woman rather cheap. Mutual using.

*Which explaind why Kyla Grogan is so DAMN HAPPY to have left KTVU and migrated to KRON!

Oh happy day.


  1. I don’t care much about Donchey. She is anyway reporting from the field these days which I’m fine with. Honestly cannot stand her & glad Andrea Nakano is taking the 11PM timeslot on weekdays. I prefer her to Donchey and hope Nakano stays.

    1. Andrea Nakano is doing an excellent job at 11:00 pm. I like her no nonsense, straight delivery and I switched over KNTV.

      Management should keep her there.

  2. Mark Tamayo should get the KTVU primetime weather gig when it opens (and if he wants it). He's the best one they have on staff.

  3. Off topic but important, KGO switched to teaser mode 15 minutes into mark Thompson show saying something new is coming to KGO on Monday


  5. RIch, Something is going on with KGO, Mark Thompson's show was interrupted by awful music, and now there is an announcer saying a new 810 will be coming monday, please let us know what you know asap.

  6. Sounds like somebody is very upset about whatever Claudine said about Rich in the makeup room. Dish it out, but can't take it?

  7. Claudine is probably the biggest kiss ass at ktvu followed by Frank then Mike.

    1. Those are definitely the permanent top 3, though on any given day they may switch positions. For a while there Mibach was the biggest asskiss west of the Mississippi when for months he groveled and begged Countess Eikel to make him the prime time anchor, knowing damn well he was the least qualified of the internal candidates.
      And now that he got the job he so desperately wanted, he looks like a total dunce.

    2. James Torrez is an up and coming asskisser. Keep your eye on him. He may soon enter the top 3.

  8. What the HELL is going on at KGO?

  9. Man Rich, once again you come through with the news of what is going on in bay area media! I have wondered why it is, that Andrea Nakano has been anchoring the late news for about two weeks now. She does a decent job, but I always thought that the 11 o'clock news was to be anchored by the top people at the station! Oh wait, I might have answered my own question, that there ARE NO TOP PEOPLE at KPIX anymore! I don't miss seeing Sara Donkey at all, and if I do, I just break out one of my old adult videos and look at the box cover; that will remind me of Sara Donkey!

    1. Right? I feel it, and I hope she doesn’t anchor the 11pm news. Hope Nakano stays where she is.

    2. Dion only cares about asians getting beat up. Where's the outrage when black and brown people are attacked??

    3. 11:21, I completely agree with you. But remember, this is 2022, this is a zero sum game where there can only be one or maybe two trending ‘it’ groups at a time. At this moment it’s Asians and Trans, but back in 2020 it was blacks. Hispanics may very well be next.
      But in the meantime, any reference to any other group and you’ll be shouted down as racist or bigoted by the very people who themselves are demonstrating those very tendencies by minimizing and avoiding discourse involving any other groups of people.

  10. KRON is not showing the Fleet Week festivities mostly because of a lazy engineering crew. They hired a new chief engineer but he has some serious dead wood supporting him right now. Many hoping he'll clean house soon so that KRON can continue the upward trajectory. Stay tuned!

  11. Please, let Dion Lim go to LA, she's so obnoxious with her stupid comments.

    1. I couldn’t have said it better myself. She can take her obsession with ‘Asian hate’ somewhere else.

    2. Obsession with ‘Asian hate’ ? Really sounds like the typical WASP response and makes you part of the problem.


    3. 4:56PM go fuck yourself. Dion Lim has been a staunch supporter of the Asian community and does a great job bringing to the forefront Asian hate. Go crawl back underneath the rock where you came from.

    4. I think I understand what 4:56 is getting at. Dion's spent most of her time at ch 7 (or at least the past couple years) seeking out and reporting on stories involving crimes against Asians. Her social media seems to be dedicated almost exclusively to that too. With a large Asian population in the Bay Area, Asians will undoubtedly be victims of crime, as will hispanics, white, blacks, and everyone in between. So I'm not sure if she's 'obsessed' or ambulance chasing or just doing what she thinks will get her the most clicks and views.

      And for the record, i'm not white and don't have an ounce of 'wasp' blood in me.

    5. 10:44 PM - "ambulance chasing or just doing what she thinks will get her the most clicks and views." Seriously? WTF!

    6. 2:15 Agreed. Dion Lim comes off extremely phony. She's so self-important, yet her delivery is elementary. She needs to go, along with her inflated ego.

    7. 2:43, Dion comes off as ‘extremely phony’ because that’s exactly what she is. I’m not saying this as a casual viewer, rather as someone who’s worked at ABC7 and know how she’s generally regarded. EVERYTHING she does is about making money, and that includes what she posts on her social media. I’m glad people are beginning to figure out what her co-workers already know, which is that nothing that she does is genuine, including her constant pushing of ‘Asian hate.’ It’s all about money.

  12. Why on earth are staff 'questioning' De La Cruz's health issues and suchnot, like what, a year (more?) since she left? Why even care?

    1. So Veronica has turned up on an upstart called Newsy, which is on terrestriial digital channlel 65.7.

  13. You’d think Frank Malliprop and Claudine Wrong would’ve developed some actual chemistry now that they’ve worked together for so long. But no. Watching them together is like watching two strangers plucked off the street forced to make fake chit-chat with each other. It doesn’t help that Malliprop has no news chops whatsoever, not to mention it’s hard to take someone seriously when they botch all their reads and don’t know/can’t pronounce names and places that are routinely in the news.

    1. Kinda like recently when Dave Clark repeatedly referred to the ‘Sikh’ community as the ‘Shick’ community. Sure, not everyone knows the correct pronunciation is ‘seek’ but he’s a news anchor reporting on a missing Sikh family for god’s sake. You think he’d at least learn the correct pronunciation. No, that’s too much work. He’d rather completely botch it.
      And clearly either no one was listening at ktvu or those listening are also clueless because he mispronounced it the entire morning newscast two days in a row.

  14. Jon Miller probably had skin cancer on his ear - a common place for it to occur. I have had it cut out, “burned”off by frozen nitrogen, which I assure you hurts like hell.
    Possibly this explains Mr Miller’s matter-of-fact attitude about it, at least I hope so for his sake.
    But let’s just say it - The SF Giants had a lousy year, which must be tough for any of their broadcasters. “Mr Big hits into Another double play!” Meanwhile the $19 million dollar guy sits because his toenail fungus is acting up again.

    1. It was probably basal carcinoma. I had it too two years ago. Maybe the beat writers decided not to report it so you could rag on them as usual Rich in your own formidable style.

  15. Rosemary is hot! Leave her alone! You're lucky she forecasts the weather for all you haters.

    1. I suppose if one likes the botox look she could be considered "hot".

    2. “I suppose if one likes the botox look she could be considered "hot".”

      What a stupid comment. As though one’s ‘hotness’ is based solely on whether or not they’ve had Botox injections.

    3. 6:24, and yet she’s still hotter than 99% of women her age.

  16. Another example of how pathetic KTVU has become. Last night officials announced they found the dead bodies of the four family members kidnapped a couple days ago. This included a child shot to death.
    Naturally all local stations led with the story. Except for ktvu of course. No mention of it whatsoever at 10 or 11.

  17. Dion Lim will move on within the next year. Ama Daetz and Kristen Sze aren’t going anywhere.

    Dion Lum is smart and will negotiate an anchor desk in LA or field reporter for ABC national news.

    My 2 cents.

    1. She should go back to Connecticut when cost living is cheaper

  18. What joke did Mibach make to a female staffer?

    1. Per prior posts it sounds like he offered (threatened?) to wear a jock strap under his suit while doing the news. Which makes me wonder if he planned to just tell her that he wore it or was he going to show her?
      And if you don't know what a jock strap looks like, one quick google search and you'll have nightmares thinking about him wearing one.

    2. This sounds like the type of thing Mibach would’ve said about 15 years ago. When he worked in Tucson he had this sort of reputation. He was known as a ‘skirt chaser,’ and was a regular at bars frequented by U of Arizona students.

      It’d be disappointing if he was still making inappropriate remarks after all these years.

  19. I’ll be glad to pack Dion Kim’s bags for the next flight to L. A. A fifth grader could deliver the news with more style and better delivery than she is able to do.

    1. @5:55 She has gotten better than when she first arrived at KGO. She’s learned how to breath and talk at the same time. Before she was always gasping for air after talking for 15 seconds without a breath. She’d be a good am anchor. I could see her as a weekend anchor in LA.

    2. Don't know about Dion, but I learned how to "breathe" before I learned how to "breath."

  20. Totally agree. Now if only we get rid of Ming! Maybe an affiliate in Fresno.

  21. If Owen Spann were still here and and the Domino Club on Trinity Place off Sutter too, that's where his program was broadcast from for a while, it'd be drinks on us and cheers for being one of the greats and for making KGO what it was. Plenty of others as well, where do you start about KGO?

  22. No wonder VDLC need to fled to Georgia now PIX is investigating her claims and it is too late

  23. Sorry, but Dion's delivery is about as phony as a $3 bill. And what's with her strange speaking style where she basically slurs her "Rs". "It's Corrrrnel Berrrrnarrrrd."

  24. KOIT? IMO, Steve DiNardo getting let go? He always thought he was the smartest guy in the room. Maybe. But not street smart. Not sales smart. The guy hasn’t gone on a sales call in almost 10 years and he was “Director of Sales”? I’ll be seeing him in the garden department at the local Mill Valley nursery loading my sod in my new Bronco.

    1. Nursery? More like BevMo where there’s a discount on Tito’s Vodka for employees.What’s in the coffee cup? What’s your go to at Thirsty Bear? Reza? JC? Everyone knew. It just took VM awhile to catch on. But she’s no saint either. Sad. Just sad. And to think his parents sent him to Boston for a degree.

  25. Don't cry for Paul Deanno -- Chicago is the big league for weather, especially in the winter, where a foot of snow can be followed by 20 below. And, it is a bigger market

    1. Right? The Bay Area weather from April to November is basically just showing the temps maybe winds but not much else.

  26. The only thing that sticks in my mind about Sara D. is her improbably black hair.

  27. @5:09. That’s the best you got? Supercilious d*ck is that the correct spelling of the word supercilious.

    1. Lol! 5:09 used the oldest and lamest tool in the troll toolkit: when you have nothing of substance or meaningful to say yet you’re desperate to have the last word, simply resort to calling out typos and grammar.

  28. We would glady take Sara Donchey back in LA. KTLA has several spots to fill.

  29. We all know Dion Lim is desperate for clicks and likes. She thrives of being the national enquirer for viral videos. It's not that complicated people. She uses the guise of Asian hate crusader.

    1. You hit the nail on the head. Dion is all about climbing the ladder and finding ways to get more and more exposure which will lead to more money. For her it’s all about name recognition, connections, networking, and exposure. Sure, everyone wants to be successful but Dion lives and breathes it in ways that 99% of the population doesn’t. I know this because I know her.
      So, no, this is not a knock on the Asian community. Rather it’s a knock on Dion who will share and do whatever it takes to go viral and get more exposure which will lead to more recognition which will lead to more opportunities.
      Once the AAPI community is no longer the micropopulation du jour, Dion will move on and shift to whatever the next ‘it’ group may be.

    2. The only person more desperate than Dion to be relevant is Peter Chin Hong.

    3. @3:55, "Dion is all about climbing the ladder and finding ways to get more and more exposure which will lead to more money. For her it’s all about name recognition, connections, networking, and exposure". Ah, what's wrong with that? Ever heard of someone career and goal orient who strives to be the best in their field? You strike me as someone simply going through the motions in life and content what you're doing just to collect a paycheck.

    4. Hey 4:25 PM leave Dr. Peter Chin Hong alone. he is way more relevant than Dion Lin

    5. I find Dion Lim's presence irritating and mildly annoying. The desperation for likes. She's only lying to herself that she's doing the community's work. Instead, she's stepping on their backs to promote herself. Just gross.

      -Steve R.
      Los Altos

    6. I’ve worked as a contractor at ABC7 and routinely heard the following themes whenever people talked about Dion:

      1. Her pet project of covering crimes against Asians isn’t done from a place of care and compassion. It’s an act. It’s entirely about getting her name out there on stories that could go viral or national. Which would lead to more money-making opportunities.

      2. Her husband is a professional poker player. She would regularly bring up how much money he’s won, the type of car he bought, how much his buy-ins were, and how he could end up in big time poker tournaments. She’d make jokes like ‘why do you think I married him?’

      3. Apparently none of her ‘real life’ friends are Asian. It struck people as odd that someone who portrays herself as a savior for the Asian community wouldn’t have any Asian friends.

      4. She’s made these stories about ‘hate’ and the ethnicities of the victims when in reality, in almost every instance there was no evidence that the perps targeted the victims because of their race. Many at the station were baffled as to why she was allowed to create and then continue the narrative that race has been a factor in these crimes without evidence of such. And why ABC7 didn’t create the same narrative for crimes against Hispanics, Blacks, Indians, etc.

      5. Her star will burn out fast in the Bay Area. Slow and steady wins the race.

    7. Peter Chin-HONG: starved for attention, trying his hardest to remain relevant.

  30. I knew dion was a phony!!!
