Friday, September 23, 2022

The Little Things That Can Make a Difference: Former KCBS Traffic Anchor Peter Schofield, For One; LA Anchor Makes Ballsy Move; KPIX Jocelyn Moran Has Potential; KTVU's Paulsen Curious Vacation Time; KRON's Kyla Grogan Real Sex Appeal Involves More Than Mere Beauty; NBC Bay Area's Jessica Aguirre Isn't Slowing Down; Friday Push

Peter Schofield left KCBS about a year ago --I heard he split radio to get a cushy job on the Peninsula legal-world circuit.

Schofield was the longtime Bay Area traffic reporter who found a niche on KCBS and delivered some of the best traffic reports ever. He had a great delivery, great pipes and his broadcasts were absolute spot on. He was so good, he became Kim Wonderley's personal favorite and subbed for her when she was away on vacation.

Schofield also mixed in a wry sense of humor in his traffic reports when the situation was merited. His frequent phrase, "brake-tapping" --to describe stop and go traffic --made me chuckle every time I heard it.

Schofield was so good there was word he might get the 10 AM-3 PM/weekday traffic gig--a position he would have taken, I'm told, but KCBS never offered him the gig. It's a shame because in Schofield, KCBS lost a valuable, very good and very talented broadcaster.

However subtle and low-key Schofield reported, his on-air demeanor was superb and first rate.

*Kudos to LA anchor, Mark Mester, for publically calling out KTLA for their firing of fellow anchor, Lynette Romero, under unknown circumstances. Mester did something that nobody else would do; a ballsy move by a guy who probably nixed his professional carear. The LA Times took notice.

*Jocelyn Moran, yes, readers, you're spot on, is a talented, network-worthy anchor. Is she prime-time material? In the old days, when they actually had to hone their skills, Ms. Moran would have garnered A1 attention and worked her way to the top. She's not great but she has a lot of potential. Then again, she's at PIX and I hope that doesn't muddle her very strong presence.

*Steve Paulson picked a curious time to take a three-week vacation at the start of the fall campaign at KTVU. I asked his status and was told there's no issues on the table but other sources at 2 tell me Paulsen might be itching for something more pithy than early-morning weather.

*Sex appeal can also involve elements of substance and savviness. In Kyla Grogan, KRON has a weatherwoman anchor who not only is a damn good forecaster but a smart woman who gives out the information and does so with a fine appearence that mixes flair, cool, and concise with absolute star power. It is the utmost respect for the viewer and it's pulled off mighty right by the elegant, sophisticated femme fatale that is Ms. Grogan. KTVU's loss, the Bay Area's/KRON gain.

*SPEAKING of STAR POWER: Jessica Aguirre is not only a Bay Area veteran news anchor (at NBC Bay Area), she can read the teleprompter and do a pretty damn good interview. I wish San Jose/NBC would give Jess more split-screen oppurtunities. Breakiung news and spot one-on-ones are a key part of Aguirre's overall effectiveness and she's still top material.


  1. I agree with you 100% with respect to Kyla Grogan. She’s smart, gorgeous and knows her craft very well.

    Jessica Aguirre is a cougar!

    1. I'm a fan too. Have started watching her on the new talk show KRON has. Cool to see her get to show her personality more on that one. Really good forecaster and yep, not hard to look at!

    2. LT. Grogan??

    3. LOL I say we call her Captain Kyla!

    4. She is attractive, but she has that look where you can't tell if she is 30 or 55.

  2. 50 year NorCal resident recently relocated to SoCal. KTLA channel 5 is a fun station to watch and their newscasts are entertaining. But higher ups in management are doing their best to break things apart, from "paid promotion" type stories to messing with the talent. Thanks, Nexstar!

  3. I told you about Jocelyn Moran months ago, shortly after she first started. But if you go back and look at videos of some of her first work at KPIX, while it was good, compare that to how she is on air now, and there is a world of difference! She has become quite more confident, and dresses up a lot more. She never has worn a lot of makeup, but lately she is getting dolled up more and more. She has these big doe-eyes that could melt any man, and probably quite a few women, but a couple of days ago, she was wearing a tight sweater top and it reminded me of one of good ole Rich's phrases, referring to someone else over at KGO [Lisa Argen]. So I will say it for you, Rich; "That Jocelyn sure does have a nice set of Winnebagos!"

    1. Jocelyn Moran is a great reporter and very beautiful. She should anchor in prime time.

  4. Regarding the Lynette Romero/Mark Mester Story, The LA Times had an excellent story today (9.23.22) that paints Mester in less than a flattering light.

  5. Love Kyla. She's so good and I'm so glad she's back in the bay. I have been watching KRON more now. They have quite a few good people lately.

  6. The Mark Mester/Lynette Romero issue at KTLA has developed into a national story. Major news outlets such as NBC and every media trade publication, including Variety and TMZ, have been reporting the latest. It has riveted millions of viewers in LA with many taking sides. Such drama -- it seems to be more newsworthy than the general news itself. Unbelievable.

  7. Kyla is a class act all the way around. Besides being an excellent meteorologist, she's beautiful personable and a complete Pro. KRON was lucky to get her.

    1. Agreed. And it shows KTVU wouldn't know talent if it fell on them, because it did.

  8. Are we talking about the same Jocelyn Moran? She is terrible. A very amateur reporter who could pass for public access or college news station reporting at best.
    -Dennis, Corte Madera

    1. Agree. Thank you

    2. @2:13 Dollars to doughnuts she’s an anchor at some KPIX time slot in the near future. She’s a solid newscaster.

      She’s the only Latinx on KPIX. But KPIX is only a stepping stone to national news field reporter for her.

  9. Moran looks like Natasha Zouves. I look into the profile, unrelated.

  10. Too bad Jessica Aguirre went overboard with the plastic surgery. Her lips are hella over inflated. She didn’t need it but, to each their own. I’m guessing Audrey AsistiĆ³ replaces her within 1 1/2 years.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. I'm a huge fan of Kyla's jet streams.

  12. Rich, on KGO 810, who brings home the highest ratings? Is it one of their weekday talk-show hosts, or one of the infomercial people who pay for time on the weekends? My money’s on Doug Andrews the laser fund guy.

  13. Jessica is a classic act & very attractive. I'd ask for her number or maybe out on a date if I ever run into her in Pleasanton. Keep up the great work Jess!

    1. She's got a rich guy dating her. And I mean Rich. So unless your name is Elon Musk I don't think you stand a chance. And not even then because hopefully she has better taste than that.

  14. KTVU really kept SnoozeMary over Kyla lol.

    1. Does Posemary still think she’s a model?

  15. Behind the scenes info: this moring during a commercial break Pam Cook said 'I'd totally jump his bones' referring to Jimmy Garappolo.
